The Wolves' Den
Parent Edition November 24, 2024, Sem. 1, Qtr. 2, Issue 6
Welcome to the Academy for Success
If you are dropping your students off at AFS, the earliest that they can be dropped off is 7:50 on a regular start day and 8:50 on a late start day. Please do not drop your students off at the cafeteria UNLESS there is a staff member present. As a reminder, students can not be on Spring Hill High School premises without supervision from an AFS staff member. This would be considered trespassing. Students should be dropped off at the cafeteria until 8:05. After 8:05, you should drop them off at the main office.
Every Wednesday, unless noted by the district, will be a late start day. Classes will begin at 9:15am. Students can arrive on campus and report to the cafeteria at 8:50am. If your child is a bus rider, their bus will run an hour later than the normal school days. We will dismiss at the same time, 3:25pm.
As a reminder, all student drivers MUST complete and submit a copy of their Aliveat25 completion certificate. If they drive on campus without an AFS parking permit, their car is subjected to be towed at the owner's expense.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mrs. Brand @ pbrand@lexrich5.org or Mr. Paul @ jpaul@lexrich5.org or (803) 575-5300.
We are now seeing an increase of students bringing their iPads to school saying that they are completing their schoolwork on these devices as well. We are fortunate to be a one-to-one district and all students have been assigned a chrome book. IPads will not be used as an instructional tool. If students continue to have their headphones or air pods visible during the instructional day, either on their ears, head, or neck, they will be confiscated and returned on the 1st incident. On the second and third incident, the parent/guardian will be requested to pick them up. Please remind your students of this expectation. This was initially presented during our orientation and during our PBIS expectations review.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
The Anne Frank Center and USC Experience
Our English 2 and Modern World students had a great opportunity to attend the Anne Frank Center located on USC's campus. Mrs. Millard won a grant and wanted to incorporate interdisciplinary learning for our students. After the tour of the center, the students participated in a Scavenger Hunt near the Horseshoe. Some of the groups were able to maneuver through most of the clues and made their way back to the Center for lunch.
Our students were highly engaged and providing great insight when answering the questions that the guide posed. We are so proud of our students!
Important Upcoming Dates
Monday, November 25, 2024 and Tuesday, November 26, 2024
- Students will report to 1st period during Den this week. During this time, you will work on missing assignments.
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
- Rivalry Week: Clemson vs. USC, BUT match up with your arch nemesis if this is not your thing. For example, who is the big rival for your fav team? You wear your spirit shirt, hoodie, jersey, etc. AND your vice versa.
- Want to participate? You and your arch rival must complete the dress down agreement and send me a screenshot by 2:00 on 11/25/2024. I will deliver both of you a dress down pass during 8th period. If you do not have a dress down pass, you can not participate.
Wednesday, November 27, 2024 - Friday, November, 29, 2024
- Thanksgiving Holidays
Monday, December 2, 2024
- Students will report to their assigned club
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
- Academic Coaching-Resumes on Tuesday, December 3rd
Wednesday, December 4, 2024-Late Start
- Students can be dropped off at the cafeteria from 8:50-9:05. After 9:05, you should be dropped off at the front office.
- Classes begin at 9:15.
Midterm Exams: Tuesday, December 17th-Friday, December 20th
Monday, December 23, 2024 - Monday, January 7, 2024
- Winter Break
Wednesday, January 8, 2024 (Last day of 2nd Quarter)
- Students return to school after Winter Break
After School Tutoring
If you need academic assistance, please complete this Google Form. I have attached the days that the teachers will stay after school to provide academic coaching.
Seat Time Recovery
Attendance is key to the success of all students. Students are expected to receive 120 hours of seat time instruction. If a student accumulates more than 10 unexcused absences in any course, they will receive a FA. Even if they are passing the class, they will fail due to having more than 10 unexcused absences. Students must recover the seat time after school. Every hour that they recover for that course, they will recover 1 day of instruction. This can be done on Monday, Wednesday, or Thursday afternoons.
The cost for seat time recovery is $15 per recovery hour. You will need to complete the seat time recovery form to stay after school.
If you have questions about your child's absences, please email your child's teacher or call Mrs. Davenport, our attendance secretary at 803-575-5300.
During DEN TIME, students have the opportunity to engage in a variety of activities designed to support their overall development. These activities may include playing sports, working on puzzles, practicing art, or, if necessary, completing assignments. The goal of DEN TIME is to provide a well-rounded experience that nurtures both the academic and personal growth of each child.
November Mental Health Series
As a recipient of the Stronger Connection grant, District Five is able to partner with an organization called The Cook Center. The Cook Center is a non-profit organization that focuses on supporting children, families, and school by offering resources, training, and support. The support is offered through online coaching sessions with family, professional development with staff, monthly mental health parent workshops, and online resources for all. This site was developed by licensed therapists that provides trusted and specialized courses, professional support, and a safe community for parents to learn how to support their child. Parents can also get answers to mental health questions, especially anxiety, depression, self-worth, grief and loss, suicide ideation, self-harm, bullying, family strife and other mental health concerns.
Attendance Reminder
Our school day begins at 8:15am for high school and middle school. Students will be marked tardy if they arrive after that time. Students will sign themselves in through the front office.
Students need to be signed out for early dismissal by someone on their approved list. Anyone signing out a student for dismissal must provide a photo ID.
There will be NO early dismissal after 3:10 PM.
Please remember to provide documentation for your student's absences within 3 days of their return. This can be a parent's note or a doctor's excuse. You may upload any excuses to the Google Attendance Form link that's below this message.
Per District Policy, parent notes for illness can only be accepted within the first ten absences. If your student has over ten absences, it must be either pre-approved by the Principal or a doctor's note must be provided in order for the absence to be excused.
Report an Absence, Late Arrival, Early Dismissal
School Issued IDs
Parents and Guardians,
It is very important that your student wear their ID appropriately each school day. If the student does not have an ID, they can purchase a temporary ID for $1. If the student has lost or misplaced their permanent ID, a replacement ID can be purchased for $5.
We are unable to accept checks, debit cards or credit cards. Please send cash with your student to make a purchase of a temporary ID or replacement permanent ID.
1st infraction: Warning and item issued at no cost
2nd infraction: Warning and item issued at no cost
3rd infraction: MBI ($1 fine)
4th-6th infraction: MBI (Lunch Detention and $1 fine)
7th infraction: Referral (1 hour After School Detention and $1 fine)
8th infraction: Permanent ID issued ($5 charge)
School Breakfast and Lunch
The Student Nutrition Department is excited to announce that our district has a new website for the Free & Reduced Meal Application as well as the cafeteria meal payments platform.
Effective immediately, all meal applications & cafeteria meal payments for our district can only be accessed through www.linqconnect.com.
When registering for school, our Final Forms registration process links directly to the form at www.linqconnect.com.
Families should no longer use the lunchapplication.com or k12paymentcenter websites to access these items.
All student cafeteria accounts which had a positive balance at the end of the 22-23 school year within the previous system will be automatically transferred into LINQ. Families should be able to see any available balance before school begins.
*** For questions or concerns regarding these services, families can email the Student Nutrition department at nutritionservices@lexrich5.org ***
Dress Code
Friendly Procedural Reminders
- Students may enter the cafeteria for breakfast at 7:50am. If your child arrives to school after 8:05am, the student should be dropped off at the front doors of the Academy for Success and report to the main office.
- Student can wear a mask if they choose to do so. If a student needs a mask, they may get one at the front office. Masks should cover both the nose and mouth.
- IDs should be visible around the students' neck.
- The bell will ring at 8:15am for the school day to begin.
- No cell phones should be visible during instruction. Students should not use their phones after 8:15am. If they need to make a call, they should receive a pass to the front office.
- 10:10 rule: No student movement during the first and last 10 minutes of the class block..
- No movement during 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th blocks for high school and 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th blocks for middle school.
- Dress code with IDs: Shirts should be tucked in, pants should not sag, and ID required around the students neck at all times. Hoodies are not allowed. Sweatshirts should not have an emblem larger than the size of a quarter.
Connect with us!
Email: pbrand@lexrich5.org
Website: https://www.lexrich5.org/afs
Location: 11629 Broad River Road, Chapin, SC 29036, USA
Phone: (803) 575-5300