A Message from the Principal!

A Message from the Principal!
February 9, 2025
7th grade language selection
7th grade students attended a presentation on Friday concerning Spanish, French, and Reading choices for next school year. The permission slip is due to Homeroom teachers by Friday, February 14th. Click HERE for the permission slip.
Valentine's Day Grams
This upcoming week, 2/10 - 2/13, students will be able to purchase Valentine Grams during all three lunches. They are $1 for a gram or $2 for a gram and a rose. Grams and roses will be passed out on Valentine's Day.
School- Sanctioned Book Fair
The student council is preparing to host a book fair in March. In order to make this happen, we need to collect gently used books from the community to sell to the students at a reasonable price. If you have any gently used, school - appropriate books for middle schoolers that you are willing to donate, please drop them off at the school. All books can be brought in by students or placed in the collection box right inside the front door of our building. We will be collecting books until March 14th. Please email Mrs. Hutchinson at kaylee.hutchinson@k12.wv.us if you have any questions.
The Week Ahead
Monday, February 10th - Basketball - Our boys will play at home. We will honor our 8th grade boys basketball players between the JV and Varsity game. Our Lady Eagle basketball teams will travel to Harper's Ferry to face the Tigers. Our gates open at 5:30 p.m. in the back of the school by the gym/cafeteria and the JV game will begin at 6 p.m. Cost to attend is $5.
Monday, February 10th - Career Van begins for 8th grade students
Wednesday, February 12th - Basketball - Our boys will play at home. Our Lady Eagle basketball teams will travel to Wildwood to face the Mustangs. Our gates open at 5:30 p.m. In the back of the school by the gym/cafeteria and the JV game will being at 6 p.m. Cost to attend is $5.
Thursday, February 13th - Basketball - Our boys will play at home. Our Lady Eagle basketball teams will travel to Mountain Ridge to face the Dragons. Our gates open at 5:30 p.m. in the back of the school by the gym/cafeteria and the JV game will begin at 6 p.m. Cost to attend is $5.
Saturday, February 15th - County Social Studies Fair
Upcoming Dates
Monday, February 17th - Professional Learning Day - no school for students
Tuesday, February 18th - 2-hour delay for students
Thursday, February 20th - LSIC (Local School Improvement Council) meeting at 9:30 a.m. in the HMS library
Friday, February 21st - End of the 4th Unified Arts rotation
Attention 8th Grade Students and Families:
We hope this message finds you well! We have some important information and reminders tailored specifically for our 8th-grade class.
On February 5th, Hedgesville Middle School will have a guest speaker presenting with the eighth graders about an opportunity called HSTA (Health Science and Technology Academy). Please be sure to have your child attend school that day and bring their listening ears. Attached is the application for the HSTA program and some FAQs about the program.
1. What is HSTA?
HSTA, the Health Sciences & Technology Academy, is a health, science, technology, and math program headquartered in the Robert C. Byrd Health Sciences Center of West Virginia University with regional offices across the state to provide academic enrichment and orientation to careers in the health sciences for students in grades 9 - 12.
2. Why Does It Exist?
West Virginia, like many other states, has a severe shortage of health professionals such as doctors, nurses, forensic pathologists, x-ray technicians, and physical therapists, as well as scientists and science educators. HSTA offers educational activities designed to improve academic skills and increase students’ chances of success in college. HSTA’s goal is to increase the number of high school students from rural communities who pursue health and science-related careers and return to provide services in their communities.
3. What Will HSTA Do For My Child?
Students who complete four years of HSTA and its requirements receive a WV Tuition Waiver. It is not money or a scholarship; but an agreement by WV state-run colleges to forgive tuition, or a portion of tuition, for HSTA scholars. This agreement does not apply to private schools, out-of-state schools, or hospital programs. This program can save your child $10,000-100,000 dollars of tuition.
4. How Much Does HSTA Cost?
This program is completely free. All activities are completely free. Everything about HSTA is free.
Reminder, this application is for 8th graders only. Click HERE to view the application.
HSTA Presentation
8th grade orchestra members playing the National Anthem at the day basketball game 2/7/25
Day basketball day 2/7/25