Maize Middle School
January 31, 2023
A Message From Principal Mrs. Marney Hay
Happy New Year! Parent/Teacher conferences are on February 9th from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. Teachers will be in their classrooms. Please stop by anytime during the day or email your child’s teachers to set up a specific meeting time. There is no school on February 9th or 10th.
In the January 17th Maize Pulse, Dr. Greer discussed the importance of school attendance and student success. Here is an article from the Kansas Parent Resource Information Center about the importance of attendance at the middle and high school levels. Remember to notify the Maize Middle School office if your child will be absent. If a student is not feeling well at school, the student should go to the nurse. If a student needs to leave school due to illness, the nurse will call home and ask that the student be picked up. Students are not allowed to call/text/email from a personal device within the school for pick-up. If a student leaves school for any reason, the communication must come from the office, nurse, or school administrator.
Click here to check out the Maize Middle School drop-off and pick-up video created by OneMaize Media. Our social media sites have all the details of what is happening at Maize Middle School. Check us out on Twitter @MMS_Eagles or on our Maize Middle School Facebook page. You can also find Maize Middle School information on our website at
Marney Hay
MMS Principal
Stay Connected
Visit our website at
Connect with Mrs. Hay at or call 316-729-2464.
Maize Middle School is located at 4600 N. Maize Rd. in Maize.
Honor Roll
Congratulations to the 170 students that made the 4.0 Principal's Honor Roll and the 240 students that made the A-B Honor Roll. We know that your students have worked very hard to obtain such great grades and we are so proud of them. Keep up the great work.
Positive Office Referrals
We love Positive Office Referrals! At Maize Middle School, staff can refer students for a Positive Office Referral. Teachers fill out a form and send it to the admin team. We call a student down, let them read the note from the teacher, and then call parents so we can brag on their child. This is one of the best parts of the job!
Marney Hay
Maize Middle School Principal
Nurse Notes
Hello Maize Families-
First- a BIG THANK YOU to those of you who reached out and helped us with some supplies that we were needing!! Some of you dropped them off anonymously and we just want you to know we truly appreciate your help! We have put most all items to good use already!!
Second- When picking up your student due to illness- please contact the Health Office. It is very helpful to us if students come to see us before texting or emailing parents to pick them up. We are happy to assess them and facilitate a phone call home if needed (from our office not student's cell phone). There may be something we can do to help them stay in school! We would appreciate any help that you can give us with this. We will never hesitate to call a parent if we feel the student needs to go home. Along those same lines... remember a student should not return to school when ill unless they have been fever free without fever reducing medication for 24 hours- and their symptoms should be much improved!
As always- feel free to call me anytime with health updates on your student or any questions you may have!
Shelley Funk BSN,RN
School Nurse
Maize Middle School
Phone: 316-350-2308
Fax: 729-2479
Spring Individual Picture Day is February 3rd
Calendar Reminders:
- Jan 31: Freshman Enrollment Meeting @ 6:30. Location: Maize High School
- Feb 3: Individual Spring Pictures
- Feb 9: No School, Parent/ Teacher Conferences 8AM-8PM
- Feb 10: No School
- Feb 16: PTO Meeting @6:30PM
- Feb 20: Band Concert @ 7PM
- Feb 21: Chick-fil-A Spirit Night 3-10PM
- Feb 28: Spring Sports Parent Meeting @5:30PM
- Feb 28: Orchestra Concert @ 7PM
- Mar 14: Panera Bread Fundraiser 8AM-8PM
- Mar 12-18: Spring Break
- Apr 3-4: 8th Grade Science Assessments
- Apr 4: Chick-fil-A Spirit Night 3-10PM
- Apr 7: No School
- Apr 10-11: 7th & 8th Grade ELA Assessments
- Apr 13-14: 7th & 8th Grade Math Assessments
- Apr 17: No School- Professional Development day
- May 5: No School- Professional Development day
- May 8-9: ELA AimsWeb+ Testing
- May 10-11: Math AimsWeb+ Testing
- May 15: Chipotle PTO Spirit Night 4-8PM
- May 18: Orchestra Concert 7PM
- May 19: Band Concert 7PM
- May 24: Last day for students
Access the 2022-2023 Maize USD 266 Calendar by clicking here.
Maize Middle School PTO
Parent-teacher conferences are coming up on February 9th. Maize Middle School PTO will be providing a catered taco bar lunch for teachers and staff on that day. It’s a long and busy day with few breaks. PTO is reaching out to parents to ask them to provide teachers and staff with drinks and snacks for the day. We’d greatly appreciate any contribution you can make. Feel free to drop off your item(s) in the MMS office (marked for PTO) any time between now and February 9th at 7 a.m. Use the link below to sign up.
PTO is teaming up with the Maize Middle School student council to assist in the 8th-grade promotion celebrations. If you would like to help on this committee and could not attend the meeting on January 30th, please email .
PTO is excited to announce that we have opened our requests for funding for all Maize Middle teachers and staff! With the success of our fall fundraiser, we can contribute substantial funds to this program and we look forward to helping our teachers and staff get some much-needed resources! Be sure and follow our Maize Middle PTO social media accounts for updates on everything PTO purchases for MMS teachers and staff.
Maize Middle School PTO Facebook Link
Maize Middle School PTO Twitter Link
SPIRITWEAR IS COMING! Keep an eye out on our social media accounts for our new eagle swag! PTO will be launching a spring store at the beginning of February!
Save the Date for Upcoming PTO Events
PTO Meeting - Thursday, February 16th at MMS Cafetorium
Chick-fil-A - Tuesday, February 21st 3-10 pm
Panera – Tuesday, March 14th 8am-8pm
Chick-fil-A - Tuesday, April 4th 3-10 pm
Chipotle – Tuesday, May 15th 4-8 pm
A Note From The Counselors
Future Freshman Enrollment:
On Tuesday, January 31st, High School Counselors will be at Maize Middle School to present freshman enrollment information to 8th graders. That night there will be an enrollment presentation for interested parents/guardians at Maize High School. Please click here to access the invite. If you are unable to attend, enrollment information will be sent out via email.
Future 8th Grade Enrollment:
On Thursday, February 16th, MMS Counselors will present 8th grade enrollment information to 7th graders during their English Language Arts class. Enrollment will open on February 16th and close February 23rd. Please look for additional information as we get closer to enrollment.
Eagles Landing
Click here to view conversation starters for your family to use in order to reinforce social-emotional skills and concepts at home.
If you have questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to the school counseling office.
Maize Middle School Counselors:
Monica Heide (Student Last Names A-K) |
Meghan Ugues (Student Last Names L-Z) |
Planning A Vacation?
If you plan to be gone for more than 3 days. Please pick up an Administrative Excuse Form from the office or click the link below
Grade Checks
OTI Grade Checks
Weekly grade checks will continue for all student-athletes. If any student-athlete has an F when grade checks are conducted on Fridays, they will be given an "Opportunity to Improve" sheet that lists the class and teacher of the class(es) they are failing. Students will have the opportunity to stay eligible for the following week and work to get all their grades to passing. If on Friday the following week they are still failing a class, student-athletes will be ineligible for the following week and will not be allowed to participate in competitions for the week.
Please contact Mr. Hamilton with any questions regarding this policy.