The Peak - September 2023
Monthly news from the Wachusett Regional School District

September 2023
Welcome to the first edition of The Peak!
The purpose of this monthly newsletter is to briefly share district-wide items of interest that celebrate the great work that goes on in our schools. We hope you enjoy it.
A Message from the Superintendent
Now that the 2023-24 school year is underway, I hope you've all had a relatively smooth re-entry and that you're as excited as I am about the journey ahead. This year, we're engaging in the Strategic Planning process which will involve collecting feedback and input from stakeholders at every level. As you may know, this work has already begun through collecting feedback during recent staff meetings and a survey sent to families last week. I can't stress enough how important I believe this work to be in setting a course for the next 3 to 5 years. Please visit the website linked below for more information.
WRSD Strategic Plan Development
James Reilly
Elementary Math Update
Our Elementary Teachers are excited to be implementing the NEW Eureka Math² curriculum for all K-5 students. Eureka Math² has published a Curriculum Overview for Families. In this Overview, parents can find information about Student Materials and workbooks, gain an understanding of the math tools utilized during instruction, and learn how Eureka Math² helps to provide learning equity across the Wachusett District.
Facility Updates at the Early Childhood Center
Our ECC building received some much-needed improvements this summer, including brand-new tile floors. The new floors, which replaced aging and worn carpets, have revitalized our classrooms, making them brighter, cleaner, and easier to maintain. We're thrilled that the project was completed in time for our youngest learners to start the school year. Our ECC teachers and maintenance staff worked tirelessly with no time to spare in order to get classrooms ready for the first day of school. Thank you, ECC staff!
Paxton Center School Boosterthon Fun Run
On Thursday, September 14th, The Paxton Center PTO sponsored their Boosterthon Fun Run. The weather was perfect for this school-wide event as students were cheered on by family members. Thank you to our students, families, and especially the PTO.
"This was an awesome event!" - Principal, Shawn Rickan
From the Office of Special Education and Student Services
September is off to a wonderful start in our district! I am excited to have the opportunity to serve as the Director of Special Education and Student Services at the Wachusett Regional School District. I already feel part of a very special team of administrators, faculty, parents and students.
The start of a new school year for me personally is always exciting. It is an opportunity for a new beginning, new learning and a chance to make new connections. Our goal for each and every student is to develop and find confidence in themselves as learners and know they are valued members of the community. We know every student can reach their individual potential with the right support in place. Certainly, we can accomplish this goal together, by promoting an atmosphere that reflects cooperation, caring and communication.
This summer, I had the opportunity to tour all of the schools in the district. Walking through the brightly colored hallways and entering into beautifully decorated classrooms gave me such a warm and wonderful feeling. It was obvious that the faculty in the district represent individuals who are dedicated and committed to the students in our district. In addition, I must acknowledge the custodial and maintenance staff who worked extremely hard this summer. All of our school buildings look impeccable!
As parents and guardians, you are the first and most important educator in your child's life. Students will find success when we work as a team to achieve educational goals. It is a privilege and honor to have the opportunity to be a partner in the education of your children.
Joan M. DeAngelis, MSW, LICSW, CAGS
Director of Special Education & Student Services
Glenwood Elementary School Opening Day Assembly
Monarch Butterfly Lesson at Thomas Prince
Fourth graders at Thomas Prince School enjoyed a lesson about the migration patterns of monarch butterflies with parent volunteer, Mrs. Trowbridge. After learning about the monarch's journey to Mexico and reading the story Ghost Wings, students tagged a live monarch and sent it on its journey outside the school. Thank you, Mrs. Trowbridge!
Did you know that TPS has a Monarch Waystation for the butterflies to rest and recharge on their journey south? Princeton community members are also working with the town to move the TPS butterfly garden from the edge of the forest to a location where the flowers and butterflies are more likely to thrive. We're lucky to have such amazing resources and such a supportive community.
LETRS Training Expansion
Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS) is a training course for teachers that guides participants through the science of reading, early and advanced phonics skills, screening and assessment, vocabulary, language, comprehension, and writing skills. Starting in the Fall of 2022 and continuing through this year, we have been pleased to offer this program to teachers of Title I students in grades 1-5.
In order to provide this training to more of our teachers, we have developed a team of WRSD LETRS Trainers; Lisa Cotting, Liz Hilton, Tara Kalinowski, and Sara Root-Simone. We're thrilled to have this additional training capacity to support our teaching staff. Soon, elementary teachers district-wide will have the opportunity to participate in this high-level training. Thank you, LETRS team!
WRHS Science Teachers - Takin' Care of Physics
We'll leave you with a sample of the dismissal music provided to WRHS students on select Friday afternoons, courtesy of our Science Department.