Husmann Happenings
📅 Important Dates 📅
- May 15th: Kindy Kick Off (Option #1) @ 2:15pm
- May 16th: Kindy Kick Off (Option #2) @ 10:15am
- May 17th: Field Day 🏃♂️🏃♀️
- May 20th: Extreme Wheels Family Night @ 5:30-7:30
- May 23rd: Last Day of School for Kindy; 3:30 dismissal 😎
- May 24th: Last Day of School for 1st-8th grade; 10:30am dismissal 😎
- Kindy Screening
💜💛 End of Year Spirit Days! 💛💜
Show us your Cougar spirit!! Cougar Council came up with End-of-the-Year Spirit Days. Join us as we get ready for summer! HUSMANN SPIRIT PRINTABLE
- Wednesday 5/15: Hat/Headband Day 👒
- Thursday 5/16: USA Day 🗽
- Friday 5/17: School Colors Day 🌈
- Monday, 5/20: Movie Day 🎥
- Tuesday, 5/21: Animal Day 🧸
- Wednesday, 5/22: Neon Day 💚💙
- Thursday, 5/23: Nature Day 🌳
🍎 A Note From The Administration 🍎
Hello Husmann Families!
A HUGE 'Thank You' to our HPTO for an AMAZING week last week in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week! Our staff truly felt appreciated, and everyone enjoyed the various treats in the lounge each day!
Let's continue to partner together to ensure that our Cougars have a great finish to the 2023-2024 school year!
Your Partners in Education,
Mr. Sromek, Principal & Ms. Fitzgerald, Assistant Principal
🗾 D47 Boundary Review 🗾
A new Boundary Update page is now available on the District website. It will be regularly updated to share new information and feedback opportunities. The boundary committee met for a second time on Monday, May 13. The page will soon be updated with insights from the discussions held during that session.
👨🏻⚕️👩🏻⚕️ REMINDER FROM THE NURSE 👩🏻⚕️👨🏻⚕️
Dear Parents,
School will soon be over for the 2023-2024 year. Please make arrangements to pick up any medications and supplies that may be in the health office prior to 10:30am on May 24th, 2024. Any medication or supplies that are left in the health office after that time will be discarded. Medications must be picked up by an adult. Students are not allowed to bring them home. Thank you for your cooperation in advance.
Enjoy your summer!
🎒 School Supply Assistance 🎒
For the 2024-2025 school year, the Salvation Army is supporting families kindergarten through 12th grade. They are offering school supplies for those in need. If you are interested, please see the attached flyer for more information: School Supply Assistance
🚌 Transportation Open House “Meet the Bus” 🚌
Incoming kindergarten and PreK students are invited to “meet the bus” at the annual transportation open house. The event will be held Thursday, August 1, 2024, from 9am-1pm at the TJA bus garage, 1204 S. McHenry Avenue in Crystal Lake. Visit the D47 website for details. Flyer
👕 National Night Out T-Shirt Design Contest 👕
The Crystal Lake Police Department needs your child's help with designing the 2024 National Night Out T-shirt! They are calling on Crystal Lake 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders to submit their National Night Out t-shirt design by June 28th to Officer Stolzman at kstolzman@crystallake.org. The winning artwork will be featured on the official NNO t-shirt and handed out during the event. Learn more about National Night Out here: https://natw.org/.
📢 6th Grade Course Placement 📢
5th grade teachers and school administrators have spent the last few weeks carefully reviewing their students' needs for 6th grade. Beyond Encores of Art, Family and Consumer Science, Music, Spanish, STEM, plus Band per student choice, academic courses include Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Science. For a small percentage of students, enrollment in Extended Curriculum (EC) classes for Language Arts and Math has been considered. If students are eligible for EC classes, a letter will be sent home on May 15th. Full student schedules are available in August prior to the start of school.
📣 We need your feedback! 2024 D47 Communications Survey 📣
Please take a moment to share your thoughts on our District 47 communications. Your input helps us improve how we keep you informed. This survey is anonymous and does not collect email addresses.
💟 Bricks of Hope LEGO Drive 💟
Join Crystal Lake Elementary District 47 in partnership with Bricks of Hope for a LEGO® Drive! Support sick children during their hospital stays by donating NEW LEGO® sets. The Bricks of Hope charity brings joy and hope through the gift of LEGO®. Drop off your donations at the school from now until May 17th. Read more about their mission here.
🖤🧡 CLCHS Visits Kindergarten 🧡🖤
Congrats to our new 2024-2026 executive board members!
President: Katie Galto
Vice President: Jane Sinaiko
Secretary: Morgan Dickman
Treasurer: Jill Kivland
Thank you for stepping up and taking the lead!
Upcoming Events
- 5/17: Field Day: If you would like to volunteer to sign up to help with field day, please sign up here: Field Day Volunteer
- 5/20: Extreme Wheels: Family Night 5:30-7:30
- 5/22: PBIS Surprise Day
Like Us, Follow Us, Join Us!
Want to stay in the know? Be sure to follow us on:
- Facebook: Husmann PTO
- Website: HusmannPTO.com
For any questions please email us at HusmannPTO@gmail.com