Freedom Park Faculty and Staff Newsletter - 26 August 2018
Faculty Meeting - Wednesday @ 4:30PM
Lesson Plans are Mandatory
2018-2019 School Clubs
The Digital Conversion @ Freedom Park
This a perfect tool for creating thinkingmaps with your students. MindMeister is an online mind mapping application that allows its users to visualize, share and present their thoughts via the cloud.
Deadlines - Meet the Mark
DON'T FORGET - RCK12 Instructional Expectations Video - Required for all Teachers - Deadline Wednesday!
RCK12 Instructional Expectations
As we start the new school year, please review the RCK12 Instructional Expectations video by clicking on the following link and signing in to the Schoolwires website with your RCBOE email username and password.
https://www.rcboe.org/Page/22143All teachers and administrators should complete the viewing of this webinar prior to the end of August.
Benchmark Administration Windows - iReady Due Sept. 7th
Beta Club Sponsor Needed
Cheerleading Coach Needed
Golf Coach
Basketball Coach Needed - Boys & Girls
Upcoming Events
Elementary School
You should write two goals. One goal should be based on one of the initiatives in the Elementary School Improvement Plan. There are three initiatives as you will see at the bottom of the Excel spreadsheet. The other goal could be another academic related goal or related to the 10 TKES standards. You must have at least one academic goal for your class.
Middle School
You should write two goals. One goal should be an academic goal for the content you teach. The other could be related to one of the 10 TKES standards or another academic goal.