Westboro Weekly Newsletter
March 16, 2025

Important Upcoming Dates:
March 17: Interview bookings close 3:00 p.m.
March 18 & 19: Student/Parent/Teacher Interviews
March 20: Kindergarten field trip to Sherwood Bowl 10:00 a.m.
March 21: School Closure Day
March 24-28: Spring Break
March 31: Classes Resume
March 31: National Indigenous Languages Day
April 2: Early Dismissal - Students are dismissed 1 hour early at 2:12 p.m.
April 3: Alberta Musical Theatre Company visits Westboro 1:30 p.m.
April 4: Grade 1 Makery Field Trip 9:00 a.m.
April 4: Sherwood Heights visits Westboro - Welcome to Grade 7 Presentation 2:00 p.m.
April 8: School Council Meeting 6:30 p.m.
April 11: Grade 6 Immunizations
Student/Parent/Teacher Interviews
Student/Parent/Teacher Interviews will take place on March 18 and 19 (4 - 7 p.m.)
- Kindergarten interviews are on March 18 only.
- Mrs. Graziano and Mrs. Richard interviews are on March 18 only.
- Mrs. Gottstein's interviews will be not take place during this times. Information regarding her available dates and sign-up information will be shared at a later date.
Bookings close on Monday, March 17 at 3:00 p.m.
Go to https://schoolinterviews.ca/code/ymsyx and follow these simple instruction.
1. Enter your details.
2. Select the teachers you wish to see.
3. Select the appointment times that suit your family best.
When you click FINISH, your interview timetable will be emailed to you automatically.
If you do not receive your email immediately – check your junk mail folder.
Spring Break
Parent Engagement Opportunity
Reminder - pack extra clothes for recess mishaps!
Spring is here, and with it comes plenty of puddles on the playground! While we encourage students to enjoy their recess time, we have had many children returning to class with wet clothes after an unexpected splash.
To keep them comfortable for the rest of the school day, please send an extra set of clothes including pants, socks, and underwear in your child's backpack. Having a dry change of clothes on hand will help minimize disruptions and ensure your child stays warm and comfortable
Family Mental Wellness Challenge
We are excited to announce the launch of our Family Mental Wellness Challenge, running from February 24th to March 20th.
You may be wondering how this will work... Well, each student will receive a passport with pages including a QR code and reflection questions. When scanned with a digital device, the code will take you to a short video. After watching the video, we encourage you to discuss the reflection questions with your family! Once you've completed the video and discussion, please sign at the bottom of the page.
At the end of the challenge, every student who has all four passport pages signed will be entered into a draw to win a Family Prize Basket. Completed passports must be submitted by Thursday, March 20th. The winner will be announced on Thursday, March 20th, just in time to enjoy the basket over Spring Break!
If you have any questions, feel free to email julia.knudsen@eips.ca.
Thank you and good luck!
Miss Julia Knudsen
It's Survey Season!
EIPS Annual Feedback Survey
Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) wants to hear from you. Every year, EIPS conducts a feedback survey to gauge its progress toward meeting the goals and priorities outlined in its Four-Year Education Plan. Collectively, the Division uses the survey feedback to help guide future planning, decision-making and strategies—all aimed at enhancing student learning and better serving the wider community.
Complete the 2024-25 EIPS Annual Feedback Survey: For Parents and Caregivers by March 21.
Alberta Education Assurance Survey
The Alberta Education Assurance survey gathers feedback on the quality of education provided by school authorities and their schools. Schools and school authorities use this information to understand how they are doing and plan for the future. Grades 4 parents and caregivers have received information directly from the school on how to complete the survey. Complete the Alberta Education Assurance survey by March 21—learn more. For questions or concerns, contact the school.
New Student Registration Is Open!
New student registration for the 2025-26 school year is open!
For tips on filling out the form, refer to How to Register a New Student.
If you don't live within Elk Island Public Schools but are interested in registering at one of the Division schools, refer to the Non-Resident Student Registration page.
Requesting to attend a non-designated school?
Students new to the Division enrolling in kindergarten to Grade 12 can request to attend a non-designated school by indicating their preference on the applicable New Student Registration Form. Acceptance is based on available space. Schools with closed boundaries will not accept registrations (kindergarten to Grade 12) from non-designated students.
Kindergarten Registration Is Open!
Is your child turning five on or before Dec. 31, 2025? If so, it’s almost time to register for kindergarten.
Kindergarten registration for the 2025-26 school year opened on Feb. 1, 2025.
To help families prepare, Elk Island Public Schools has put together an online EIPS Kindergarten Tool kit to make the transition as smooth as possible. The kit includes information on registration, important dates, programming options, what to expect, eligibility, how to find your designated school, transportation and more.
Additional information regarding Westboro Elementary's kindergarten program is available at www.westboroelementary.ca/about/kindergarten
Pre-kindergarten Programming at EIPS
Is there a preschooler in your life experiencing developmental delays or challenges with speech-language or motor-skill development—big or small? If so, Elk Island Public School’s Play And Learn at School (PALS) program could help.
Early learning lays the foundation for success in primary grades and beyond. As such, EIPS offers the pre-kindergarten PALS program in five of its elementary school locations. Applications are now open for free speech-language assessments for those interested in registering in the PALS program this fall. The assessment helps determine if PALS is appropriate for your child.
If you know a preschooler, born in 2021 or 2022, who could benefit from pre-kindergarten programming or want to book an assessment, fill out the PALS Program Request Form or call 780-417-8219. For more information, visit eips.ca.
Strathcona County Information
Spring and Summer Camp Registration
Spring and summer camp programs are now available for advance viewing.
Registration begins at 7 a.m. on the following dates:
- Swimming: Tuesday, March 18
- All other programs: Thursday, March 20
Free Shamrock Skate
Come join us at the Glen Allan Recreation Complex for the NEW Shamrock Skate event!
Enjoy a free St. Patrick's themed recreational skate and activities, courtesy of Servus Credit Union.
All ages. Helmets are recommended. Skate aids available.
Sticks are not to be used during recreational skate time, but please see ‘Stick & Skate’ for opportunities for hockey/ringette skill practice.
Children under 8Y must be accompanied by someone 14Y+ at all times.
See details at https://www.strathcona.ca/.../drop-in-recreation-calendar/
Triple P Teen: Rudeness and Disrespect
As a teenager transitions from childhood to adulthood, parents and teenagers may not see eye to eye. Sometimes this behaviour is labelled as "rudeness" or "disrespect" and may lead to conflict and upset feelings. Join us for this informative virtual session with other parents facing similar challenges and gain valuable tips on managing tough behaviour and building a positive relationship with your teenager.
- Thursday, March 13, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
- Virtual
- Register: https://ow.ly/82ev50VcQmW
Find more educational programs and services at strathcona.ca/families
FREE programs and services for Strathcona County families
Strathcona County Family Resource Network Spring Program Schedule contains FREE programs and services for Strathcona County families.
Spring Break Sport Zone Drop-In
Looking for something fun to do over spring break? Drop-in at Sport Zone in select facilities from March 21 to 30:
- Millennium Place, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Ardrossan Recreation Complex, 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
See details https://www.strathcona.ca/.../drop-in.../sportzone/