The Lion Pride Press
2024-2025 Title 1 Information
September 2024
Dear Lewis & Clark Families,
As a “School-Wide Title I School” we are required to provide parents with information about a variety of things dealing with the successful operation of our school. This mailing includes many pieces of information that may be of interest to our families.
Included in this newsletter are the following:
- School-Parent Compact
- Family Engagement Policy
Schoolwide Plan Public Notification
Parents Right to Know Letter & Staff Qualifications
Written Notification of the Interactive Dashboard
The meeting minutes from our Annual Title I Staff Meeting that was held on May 20th.
A copy of the presentation that will be shared with our families at our Annual Fall Parent Meeting on May 21st.
Dispute Resolution Policy
I am also including a link to our school wide strategy map. You may view our 2023-2024 Strategy Map to review the goals, strategies, and activities that will drive our instruction over the course of the next 5 school years. This plan has been designed to help our students meet state standards and guide the systematic improvement of our school.
You are invited to hear more about the Title 1 program at our next PTO meeting on October 7th at 6:30 pm.
Should you have any questions pertaining to our School-Wide Title I program at Lewis & Clark Elementary School, please do not hesitate to email me at lhoheisel160@mygfschools.org or call me at 701-746-2285.
Loren R. Hoheisel