Siple Scoop
October 4, 2024

Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent Teacher Conferences are just 2 weeks out. Conferences are scheduled for Wednesday, October 16th from 4:30 - 8:00 p.m. On Thursday, conferences will be from 9:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. Our goal is to reach 100% parent participation. Please confirm your conference appointment time with your child's teacher.
The teachers are looking forward to meeting with you to share how your children are progressing. In preparation for conferences you may want to jot down any questions you may have for them. Time is limited for each appointment and we will work to honor your time by keeping appointments to the time limits. If more time is needed the teacher will schedule additional time with you on another day.
Dear Parent and Families,
We’re excited to invite you to our upcoming Scholastic Book Fair. Hosted by our staff, this event is an opportunity for students of all ages to build their home libraries and further their love of reading. As always, all purchases benefit our school. Please refer to the schedule below to know when your child’s school shopping day is.
Here’s what you need to know about the Fair, which will take place In-Person from 10/14/24 - 10/17/24 in the Siple Elementary Media Center.
Our Book Fair offers a cash-free payment option called eWallet. It’s a convenient digital account that your child can use for shopping at our Fair. Grandparents, friends, and others can contribute, too!
If you can’t make it to the Fair , then shop online at our school’s Online Book Fair from 10/14/24-10/27/24. All orders ship directly to your home, and shipping is free for book orders over $25.
If you would like to volunteer during the Book Fair, please click on the link below to visit the Siple Elementary School’s Book Fair homepage. Once you are there, you can then click on the sign up button and choose a date and time that works best for you!
Visit our Book Fair homepage to learn more and get started with eWallet and online shopping.
Parent/Teacher Conferences Shopping Hours
Thursday, October 17th: 9:00 am - 12:30 am and 1:30 pm - 6:00 pm
It's Time for the Siple Stroll
The Siple Stroll is our BIG fundraiser for the PTO at Siple. There is NOTHING to sell! We need your help! The PTO is asking your child to reach out to family and friends for pledges and sponsorship either by cash, check (payable to Siple PTO), or online donation. Online donations can be made using the link below:
(Enter the link, search for your student’s name, then click donate!)
On Thursday, October 24th from 2:30-3:00 p.m. all Siple STARs will walk the track on the playground for 30 minutes. Parents/grandparents/ younger siblings are welcome to join the fun of the Stroll. In the event of rain, students and staff will complete the Siple Stroll inside. Sadly, due to limited space, guests would not be able to join us. Let's cross our fingers for a beautiful day!
*All participants’ names will be in a drawing for a fall gift basket.
*Students raising $50 or more receive a $5 gift card of their choice from
Barnes & Noble, Target, Meijer, or Wal-Mart
*Individuals raising $150 or families raising $200 enjoy ice cream sundae party
with Mrs. Flowers.
*Top fundraising class will have a SURPRISE party!
*Top fundraising individuals:
1st place - $100 2nd place - $50 3rd place - $25
*Students must turn in their money in their envelope by NOON on Thursday, October 24th to be considered for prizes.
Picture Retake Day is October 24th
The Photo Factory will be back at Siple on Thursday, October 24th for School Picture retakes. If you had pictures taken and received a package but want your child's picture redone, please return the photo package. Students that were not present on our original picture day will also be photographed to make sure they are included in the yearbook. Order forms for these students are available in the office.
Halloween Parties and Parade
We will celebrate Halloween on Friday, October 25th, our last day of school before Intersession I. To ensure that everyone enjoys this very exciting day please carefully read the important information that follows.
Costumes: Siple is home to kindergarten through 4th grade students. Because we have such young students in our building, it is important that Halloween be celebrated in a kid-friendly manner. When selecting a costume for your child to wear to school please keep in mind the following guidelines.
Keep costumes kid-friendly/not scary
No blood/gore/weapons
No costume masks for safety sake. Please keep masks at home.
Blow-up costumes have become popular in past years. However the children wearing these costumes ended up taking them off since they could barely walk in them, they were hot, and they could not participate in any of the class activities at the party due to the physical limitations the blow-up costumes posed. I ask that students save these for at home. If you are unsure about whether or not a costume is kid-friendly please contact your child's teacher or the office.
Classroom Parties: All parties will be held in the afternoon. Due to food allergies, we ask that you do not send any food or treats that are not cleared by the classroom teacher in advance. Every Siple student is precious and we want to protect our students with serious allergies. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Due to security and limited space we are limiting the number of parent volunteers. Teachers will select party helpers by random draw from parents that sign-up to help. All school volunteers should complete a Volunteer Application for the District. Only those contacted by the teacher will attend the parties, but everyone is welcome to watch the parade. Parents attending class parties should follow the same costume guidelines as the students if they choose to dress in costume. We ask that parent volunteers make alternate arrangements for siblings, including babies, so they are able to focus on the students they are working with at the party. We appreciate your cooperation with this.
Halloween Parade: Everyone is welcome to attend our Halloween Parade. It will be held outside weather permitting. The parade will be cancelled if it is raining. The parade will take place in the bus loop. Guests are welcome to park in parent parking and then walk to line up along the bus loop to watch our fabulous Siple STARS proudly parade in their costumes. The parade will begin at 10:30 a.m. Staff members will be outside to assist you as you arrive.
Just a Reminder- There is No School October 28 - November 4
Thank a Staff Member
Have you ever noticed something that one of our staff members has done for your child and you wish there was a way to recognize and thank them? You and your child can! Davison Community Schools is proud to share 'Cardinal Notes'. These are designed for students to recognize and thank staff members for the special things they do throughout the year. While we will have some available for you at Parent-Teacher Conferences, please don't hesitate to contact our office at any point and we can send one home with your child. Below is more information about this special program.
Holiday Assistance Available
Dear DCS Families:
It's hard to believe but the holiday season is right around the corner. As Davison residents, we are fortunate to live in a community that has a multitude of service-minded groups. These organizations are generous in many ways, especially when it comes to helping children.
Each year, several of these community service clubs, including many of our own employees and student groups, offer to help students whose families may be experiencing some temporary financial setbacks due to the tough economic times. These groups often donate a food basket, clothing and/or gifts. These items are meant to assist you in what you are already providing for your family.
We are now accepting applications for our 2024 Holiday Assistance program. Please note that applications for assistance need to be returned by Friday, October 25, 2024. After this date, you will need to contact an agency directly for assistance. Your child's school counselor can provide a list of names and phone numbers.
Completed applications can be sent to school with your child, you can personally deliver it to your child's school or you can mail it to Att: Sandy Potter, Hahn Intermediate School, 500 S. Dayton St., Davison MI 48423.
Our staff does its best to be helpful yet at the same time not offend parents who wish to have their privacy protected. If you would like to have your family's name referred to a community service group that may help to meet your family's needs, please complete the application attached below. You can be assured that our local service groups will treat any information they receive with the utmost care in order to avoid embarrassment to a child or a family.
Stars of the Month
We work hard at Siple to teach and reinforce the Cardinal Code behavior expectations at Siple. We wanted to create a way to recognize students that consistently follow the Cardinal Code in an exemplary way.
Each month classroom teachers will nominate one student from their class to be entered into the grade level drawing for the STAR of the MONTH for that grade. Each grade level STAR of the Month will receive a certificate, medal, and their photo will be on display in the hallway during that month. We are pleased to recognize students for consistently demonstrating excellent behavior. Thank you for sharing your outstanding children with us. I am pleased to announce our STARs
March STARS of the Month
Kindergarten: Audrey Berg, Carson Boik, and Lucas Klingensmith
1st grade: Lily Sproule, Layla Wilkes, Olivia McCarty, Caroline Watkins, and Emma Fenner
2nd grade: Evelyn Shippey, Emily Montague, and Anya Johnston
3rd grade: Lilyana Christ, Conor Jackson, and Hunter Dudenas
4th grade: Paige Goin, Kaylee Northey, and Amelia Christ
Congratulations to these outstanding young learners!
We Are Hiring
We are interested in hiring additional Playground Monitors and Title I paraprofessionals at Siple Elementary. Playground Monitors work 10:30 - 2:00 p.m. Monday through Friday when school is in session. Playground Monitors have an excellent opportunity to be a positive influence in the lives of children. If you are interested in applying to be a Playground Monitor you can apply online at www.gecs-inc.org. Please call the office at 810-591-5104 to let the office staff know you have completed an application.
Title I Paraprofessionals work with students to provide additional support to increase student achievement. Paraprofessionals are required to have some college credit or pass a test to be eligible for employment. If you are interested in becoming a paraprofessional you can apply online at through Applitrack. Also, please be aware that part of the hiring process for both positions is a complete background check and fingerprinting. If you have any questions please feel welcome to call us.
Coming Soon
October 8: PTO Meeting, 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m., Media Center, Enter through door 8
October 9: Early Release Day: Dismissal at 1:30 p.m.
October 10: Fire Safety Assembly for 2nd graders
October 11: Bus Safety and Cardinal Code Lessons- all students
October 14 - 17: Scholastic Book Fair
October 16: Parent Teacher Conferences 4:30 - 8:00 p.m.
October 17: No School
Parent Teacher Conferences 9:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.
October 18: No School
October 24: Pictrure Retake Day: a.m.
Siple Stroll, 2:30 - 3:00 p.m.
October 25: Last Day of 1st marking Period
Kindergarten Students visit Taekens Terrace a.m.
Halloween Parties in the afternoon
October 27 - 31: No School, Intersession I
November 1: No School
November 3: Daylight Savings Time ends: turn your clock back 1 hour!
November 4: No School- Teacher Work Day
November 6: Report Cards emailed home today!