The Primary Connection
April 19, 2024
Notes From the Office
Recently the district photographer visited the Primary to take pictures for posters in our building. The above picture is one that will be made into a poster. Did you know we have 6 sets of twins in the building? They are all in this picture.
The School of Choice application period begins on Monday, April 15 at 8:00AM and closes on Friday, May 10. If you are enrolled at EPS as a School of Choice Family, you will need to sign-in to continue enrollment. If you have friends that are interested in enrolling School of Choice, this is their opportunity to apply for the 24 - 25 school year.
I have attached more information below.
Mark you Calendar
April 15 - May 10 - School of Choice Open
April 22nd - Board of Education Meeting, 7:00
May 1st - ACES Day, 10:00 at Leo Hoffman Stadium
May 2nd - Guest Reader from MDE
May 3rd - Kinder Students to Kid's Kingdom, 8:45 - 11:00ish
May 7th - Indegenous Drummer Assembly
May 10th - Fernwood Field Trip (Dennis/Heibel)
May 14th - Curious Kids (Holmes/Blume)
May 21st - Fernwood Field Trip (Bailey/Waggoner)
May 21st - Canarecci Field Trip
May 29th - Sarett Nature Center - Multi-age
May 30th - Eagle Lake Transition Day - Select Students
May 31st - Zoo - Traditional Kindergarten
June 5th - Field Day
Our Newest Eddie
Mrs. Raska Selle's family welcomed her daughter, Violet on April 17. We apprecate all of the work that Mrs. Raska Selle put in to get all of our concerts in prior to her daughter's arrival. We wish her a wonderful time, basking in the joy, of her new baby.
Job Opportunities
EPS has numerous employment opportunities available! Please check out the following link to apply!
Mrs. Blume's Kindergarten Class
Mrs. Bluem's Kinder students received tree saplings. The students were encouraged to take them home and plant them next week on Earth Day.
Zero Mill Bond Proposal - Check out the info!
Edwardsburg Primary School
Location: 69100 Section Street, Edwardsburg, MI, USA
Phone: 269-663-1037
Elementary Principal at Edwardsburg Primary School