The Raider Nation Newsletter
News from Principal Novak: March 10, 2025
Spring Forward
Dear Atholton Community,
Anyone else feeling the effects of "springing forward" this weekend? Well, the time change may not be something to get excited about, but there are lots of Spring events kicking off this week:
* Our Spring Sports schedule kicks off with scrimmages here at Atholton throughout the week. Check the Athletics schedule for dates and times of the athletic contest you're interested in.
* The Spring Musical (Spongebob) debuts this week, so follow the link below to purchase your tickets.
* Students in choir, band, and orchestra will participate in Spring assessments next week and it won't be long before they host their Spring Concerts. Good luck in advance to all of our musicians.
* Spring Break is still a ways off, but it's important to keep 4/12-4/21 on your radar. With such a late break, there isn't much time after break for our seniors. Don't dig yourself a whole 4th marking period. Lock in that passing grade in early April.
Nick Novak
Important Information
Volleyball Interest Meeting
Volleyballers! There will be an interest meeting for all student athletes planning to play volleyball on Thursday March 27, 2:45 in the senior cafeteria. This meeting is mandatory for all returning team members as well.
Athletics & Activities Board Nominations
Help the Boosters plan for next school year- please send us your Board nominations- they can be a current Board member, yourself, or someone else! If you know a great person who likes to get things done for the good of the community, please send them our way! AHS Boosters Board Nominations
HC Drugfree Updates
Free Parenting/Grandparenting Classes - Open to parents, guardians and grandparents residing in Howard County or with school-age children/grandchildren residing in the County. Evidence-based, interactive prevention program that provides families with the skills and knowledge to reduce the risk that their children will use drugs and alcohol or engage in other dangerous behaviors. The curriculum was written for families with children 9-14 years olds, but we believe it is appropriate for K-12 families. Class dates: March 18, 21, 25, 28 and April 1 from Noon to 1:30 p.m. on Zoom. Visit HC DrugFree’s website for more information and register at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Spring2025GGC
Drive-Thru Medication and Sharps Disposal – Saturday, April 26 in the Wilde Lake Village Center Parking Lot near the Swim Center from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Safely dispose of prescription and over-the-counter medication, EpiPens and other sharps, vitamins, pet meds, vape devices, inhalers, and more! Need student, adult, and medically-trained adult volunteers. Giving away 100 medication lockboxes.
For more information: https://hcdrugfree.org/drug-take-back-day-1/
To sign up to volunteer: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/4-26-25TakeBack
Teen Advisory Council - Open to Howard County students in grades 8-12. Earn Community Service Hours and make meaningful contributions to the community. Next meeting: Monday May 19, 2025, from 5:30-7:00pm on Zoom. For more information, visit: https://hcdrugfree.org/teen-advisory-council/
Important Information-Reposted
Calendar Adjustments
I'm sure you saw the information HCPSS shared about adjustments to the school calendar, but just in case you missed it, here are the main points:
- March 31st is now a full day of school for students
- The staff workday that was on 3/31 is now a telework day on 4/14
- The end of the third marking period has been moved from 3/28 to 4/4
- The last day of school (pending additional inclement weather) is 6/18
- The last three days of school (6/16-6/18) are half days
Leadership U
If you are a rising junior or have a rising junior at home, check out the flyer below for more information about the Leadership U program. This is a great opportunity to build leadership skills in a community service context.
Drama Recycling Closed & Spongebob the Musical
Hello Raiders! AHS Drama Recycling collection is now CLOSED. Thank you for all of your donations, and come see Spongebob the Musical March 13,14, 15 @7pm! Tickets are now onsale at https://hcpss.booktix.com/
HCPSS HBCU College Fair
HCPSS HBCU College Fair- March 15th 9am-2pm at Guilford Park High School Students and families in grades 9-12 are invited to attend the countywide HBCU College Fair. They will have activities, workshops, information sessions, on site admissions, and more.
Saturday, March 15, 2024, 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Cedar Lane School
11630 Scaggsville Road
Fulton, MD
The HCPSS Special Education Resource Fair provides families with information available from the community and HCPSS to support their students receiving special education and related services (those who have an IEP or IFSP). Get connected to:
For information, please contact FSRC@hcpss.org. Registration is not required. The event will be cancelled if HCPSS has an inclement weather closure. This event is part of the HCPSS Parent Empowerment Series including training sessions related to special education and events for families of students with an IEP or IFSP.
Upcoming Events
Please mark your calendars for these important dates and check out the full school calendar on our website:
3/10 PBSA Meeting
3/10 Spring Sports Parent Meeting
3/11 Spring Sports Team Pictures
3/11 Athletics & Activities Boosters Meeting
3/13-3/15 Spongebob: The Musical
3/14 11:35am Dismissal
3/17 PTSA Meeting