LaLiberte Weekly Update
November 15, 2024
Dear Families:
Pictures have been handed out to students to go home and they look amazing! Class photos will be shipped with the re-take day packages. Our re-take date will be scheduled soon! If you have any questions or concerns about the photos, please reach out to Coffee Pond directly:
Customer Care
508-907-6633 ext. 0
800-632-2323 ext. 0
Mailing Address:
Coffee Pond Photography
3 Speen Street, Suite 200
Framingham, MA 01701
Special Town Meeting
Attached is the Town Meeting packet for the Special Town Meeting of Tuesday, November 19, 2024.
The packet includes the warrant articles for the Special Town Meeting of November 19, 2024 with an article summary, assorted financial information, and recommendations of the Finance Committee and Capital Planning Committee. Also attached is a handout for Article 9 of this Special Town Meeting. Please be aware that the Special Town Meeting warrant packet will not be mass mailed but will continue to be shared through the Town’s website, Town’s email list, and posted on Town bulletin boards. Paper copies of the of Town Meeting warrant packet may be obtained prior to Town Meeting in the Board of Selectmen’s Office at Town Hall, at the Raynham Library, and at the Raynham Senior Center as well as at Town Meeting itself. Any citizens who wish paper copies mailed to them may call the Selectmen’s office or e-mail ddooney@town.raynham.ma.us and will also be added to a mailing list for all future Town Meeting warrants.
The website link is https://www.town.raynham.ma.us/home/news/packet-special-town-meeting-november-19-2024 .
Update from RAVE:
Raynham Association of Volunteers for Education, (R.A.V.E.), Inc.-
Reminder: RAVE's Lyman Orchard Pie and Classic Cookie Dough Fundraiser is Coming to a Close! Orders will be available for pick up just in time for the winter holidays in December! Please return order forms and check payments to the main office at your child's school by Monday, November 18th. Or use the paperless online option below and pay by credit card. All pies and cookie dough come frozen and will need to be picked up on Friday, December 13th, from 4:00pm-6:30pm at 37 Queen's Circle, Raynham (More details are included within the attached information sheet and order form.)
No cash please. Please make checks payable to R.A.V.E., Inc.
OR register to sell online using the link below:
Credit card payment is available using the paperless online option.
Please contact Becky George at ravevolunteercoordinator@gmail.com with any questions. Thank you! PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDAR AS THIS IS THE ONLY PICK-UP DATE FOR THIS FUNDRAISER. WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ORDERS NOT PICKED UP ON Dec. 13 th
Any orders not picked up will be donated.
Any questions? Please contact Becky George at
ravevolunteercoordinator@gmail.com or 781-608-4467.
**Please note that R.A.V.E. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and all checks are tax-deductible. This
fundraiser is not affiliated with the Bridgewater-Raynham Regional School District.**
Update from LPO
Next Meeting: Wednesday December 11th @ 6:30 PM in the library! Come hear important updates
and see what we have planned for the school year. Babysitting available.
Online Spirit Wear: Get all the Laliberte attire you may need all year long thru Spirit Wear. Holiday sale with 25% off now thru Dec. 10th !!
🗓 Coming Up!
Nov. 19- RaynWater STEAM Inventor's Club
Nov. 22- Whalemobile- Grade 3
Nov. 26- RaynWater STEAM Inventor's Club
Nov. 27- Early Release 12:05. Lunch will be served
Nov. 28 & 29- Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 4- RaynWater STEAM Early Release STEM club
Dec. 4- Early Release 12:05. Lunch will be served
Dec. 11- LPO meeting 6:30
💡 Reminders
2025 LaLiberte MCAS Schedule
- Grade 3 ELA April 7 and 8
- Grade 3 Math May 12 and 13
- Grade 4 ELA April 10 and 11
- Grade 4 Math May 14 and 15