Technology Campus Chronicle
October 4th, 2024
Dear OSES Families,
Thank you to all the families that attended the STEAM night this week. We had over 200 families attend the event. This event supported the schools mission of providing an emphasis on STEM education and providing a stimulating environment. All proceeds from the event are funneled directly back into the school to support future STEM events.
Next week starts our Boosterthon campaign. This is our annual fund raiser that allows the nuclear family and beyond to donate to their students school. Many details will be forthcoming starting Monday. All donation amounts are appreciated and we understand that not everyone will be able to donate.
Michael Singleton
Also we are no longer allowed to accept Uber Eats/Doordash etc for students!
Due to supply issues at the OCPS level, we do not know if hot or cold lunch will be served. Please be prepared to have either lunch until further notice.
Breakfast and Lunch will be FREE for the 2024-2025 school year
If your child has food allergies and will require a special meal from OCPS please click on the link below to fill out the special diet order form
Special Diets for Food Allergies - Orange County Public Schools (ocps.net)
Curriculum and Testing Updates
All students received an orange Acknowledgment of Receipt form. After reviewing your student’s PM #1 scores, please sign the form and have your student return it to their homeroom teacher. Please note that the PM #1 results are for informational purposes only. FAST PM #2 will take place in December, with dates forthcoming.
This week, all students participated in the first Drop Everything and Write (DEAW) activity.
Last night, students and their families enjoyed the OSES STEAMlympics: Science in Action! The event featured activities in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math, including robots, slime creation, spin art, a dance party, and more.
For any questions, please contact Ms. Carter at Cayce.Carter@orlandoscience.org.
Hot off the Dean's Desk
Student of the Month SEPTEMBER K-6th
This week in social studies we’ve been comparing and contrasting life from ago and today. Students completed a hands-on picture sort comparing transportation from long ago and today.
In reading students have begun blending sounds into words! We’ve just begun this skill but students are doing a great job.
In math students have been counting to 50 as well as comparing numbers to 10 using the “alligator” and the equals sign.
In our 1st-grade classroom, we've been busy learning and exploring! Using plenty of hands-on learning and discovery!
In ELA, we've focused on text features, understanding story settings, and forming complete sentences by identifying subjects and predicates. Students were able to create a sentence spider to help their understanding with a hands-on approach to learning.
We've also been practicing our opinion writing, learning how to express our thoughts clearly. We had our 1st DEAW and the students did great!
In Math, we've been working on doubles and near doubles to solve equations up to 20. We even had a Math-led STEM Day, where students used LEGOS to build numbers and explore place value with tens and ones. We were able to work hard and play hard after, allowing the students to use the LEGOS to build towers, etc.
In Science, we've been learning about matter and movement, and our sink or float experiment allowed us to test predictions using everyday objects to see which would sink or float.
1st grade Field Trip - Gatorland
Please be on the lookout for permission slips for our upcoming field trip to Gatorland in December. Here is the School Pay link. Please be sure to add your transaction number to the fieldtrip form. All chaperones must be approved prior to payment
In Ms. DiNuzzo’s Class the following students received their XtraMath Certificates:
Fiona in Addition
Sophia in Subtraction
Krish in Subtraction
Laila in Addition
Yina in Subtraction
Vetri in Addition
Tanvi in Addition
Dear Families,
This week our class was full of fun and knowledge.
In ELA we learned different vocabulary words and used them in sentences. We also have more grammar knowledge about plural nouns, and collective nouns, while in reading we read stories and poems about water rolls, water rise and Puddle Puzzle.
In math we learned how to use drawings and equations to solve one-step and two-step word problems and round numbers to the nearest tens.
In science, we learned the properties of matter such as state, physical properties, mass, volume, density, temperature, and size, and during our STEAM Day, we learned about parts of the lungs and their function. We made a lung project which is made of straw and a balloon, students were engaged and having fun when they were making their project.
We also played games in IXL using group jam where more correct answers were given, and all the students were satisfied and showed of being enthusiastic and competitive, the group jam is one of my bases if they learned something from our lesson, and the result shows that most of my students learn from it.
Thank you very much for your tireless support, your help with projects, homework and constant reminders of classroom expectations are an immense help.
Dear Families,
This month in our 3rd grade class has been filled with exciting activities and learning experiences! Our reading unit is exploring various genres, and students are enjoying sharing their favorite books with one another. While in Writing, they are practicing how to write in cursive. Furthermore, they learned to identify and correct run-on sentences.
In math, we are focusing on Associative and Distributive Property of Multiplication and students are encouraged to practice these at home. In addition, students did a great job in coloring Halloween pumpkin with a Multiplication twist! In Science, we are learning about Changes in Matter and Temperature. Kids are eager to share what they’ve discovered about these topics.
My students enjoy doing their Balloon Globe where they use what they have learned in Geography. Thank you for your ongoing support in making this a fantastic month for our class!
Lastly, I just want to share what we are currently doing with my Science Olympiad 3rd grader class. We did a paper roller coaster! 😊
Ms. Sese
3rd Grade Teacher
We had a great week in ELA! Our students recently collaborated on writing a play with a partner, which provided a fantastic opportunity to learn the elements of drama. They demonstrated excellent teamwork and creativity throughout the process. I am proud of their hard work and dedication. The students will be sharing their play with the class soon, and we can’t wait to read their work! Additionally, our students completed D.E.A.W. #1 in class, showing great determination to present their best work.
Hello from Ms. MacAllister’s classroom! We have been so busy with ELA and Social Studies! In Social Studies, we have wrapped up our lesson about Native American Cultural Regions, where students examined online artifacts from different Native American Tribes and identified which cultural regions they belonged to. Students have also begun learning about European Explorers and their impact on the areas that they explored. Students have been working hard on their Explorers Project, where they have been creating brochures, games, and even a podcast!
In ELA, we have been comparing two different stories- “The New Kid” (a graphic novel about fitting in at a new school) and “The First Day of School (a historical fictional short story about the desegregation of schools in the 1950s). We have analyzed the plot, theme, dialogue, and the historical and cultural context of both stories. We have also been presenting our Sunshine State Book Reading Projects!
Ms. MacAllister 😊
OConnor STEM
We have been so busy these last few weeks in the STEM lab, we just wanted to share everything with you!
In Kindergarten, we created shelters, discovered Math and Graphing with seeds (pic), and made leaf rubbings (pic).
We have been so busy these last few weeks in the STEM lab, we just wanted to share everything with you!
In Kindergarten, we created shelters, discovered Math and Graphing with seeds (pic), and made leaf rubbings (pic).
The Second graders have been learning about people in STEM. We made anatomy posters with Andreas Vaselius, dove into the layers of the ocean with Jacques Cousteau, and used microscopes like Louis Pasteur (pic).
In Third grade, we continue to travel the world with STEM. We have built the Burj Khalifa in UAE (pic), created a Stonehenge in England (pic), and made mosaics like the ones in Morocco (pic).
Fourth grade continues to explore the universe and our solar system. They have created a lunar lander and a Mars colony. But first, we worked on teamwork by working together to 'dock an astronaut on the ISS' (pic).
Fifth grade is learning about careers in STEM, including data science. They became data analysts when they used pencils to create data charts and line graphs (pic).
McAdams P.E.
Marathon Mile Students
Zarate- Life Science
So far this year we have had a successful Science Fair project introduction, where students will showcase their creativity and scientific inquiry. We've also delved into the fascinating world of the nature of science. Through engaging experiments and hands-on activities, students have developed a strong understanding of the scientific method. One of our most memorable labs involved testing the effects of different liquids on gummy bears. Students observed and compared the physical changes that occurred after soaking the gummy bears overnight. This experiment helped reinforce the importance of careful observation and data collection. Looking ahead, we're eager to explore the fascinating world of cells. Students will have the opportunity to create their own cell models, showcasing their understanding of different cell structures and functions. Additionally, we'll be conducting exciting labs using microscopes to examine microscopic organisms.
This will provide students with a firsthand look at the wonders of the cellular world.
Bravo- Spanish
In Spanish class, students have been working on Carnival masks (see pictures below). This week, they are finalizing their Spanish-Speaking Country Slides Presentations. The rubric and instructions for the assignment were posted and explained on September 6. The slides are due on October 4, and presentations will begin in class on October 7.
COSTA RICA Trip 2025:
Our travel agency has extended the scholarship and is offering a $100 discount if you or your student enrolls by October 15, 2024.
We will be holding an informational meeting for the Costa Rica 2025 trip on Thursday, October 10th at 3:15 PM in my classroom (Building 2, Room 229). Please be in the carline by 3:00pm to avoid the traffic. Due to limited space in my classroom, I kindly ask that you complete this form to confirm your attendance; CLICK HERE! Please check in at the front desk upon arrival.
During the meeting, I will address any questions you may have and assist with the enrollment process if you have not yet enrolled. For those who have already enrolled, I will have a packet prepared for you.
If you have any questions beforehand, feel free to email me at Ivette.bravo@orlandoscience.org.
Information and itinerary for our Costa Rica 2025 trip:
https://secure.passports.com/document/2457CFC5ABD3/ - Tour itinerary
https://secure.passports.com/document/2457CFC5ABDC/ - Tour presentation
Club Sign Up Links
Club Fee Payment Link Below (by grade)
Your Resource for Legislative Updates
In order to help keep our families informed of the latest legislative updates regarding their student's education, a Parent Rights Resources page has been added to the school website.
Recent updates include:
- Internet Safety
- District Health Care Services
- Special Magistrate
Mission Statement
The mission of Orlando Science Elementary School (OSES) is to provide a well-rounded education with special emphasis in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), while using research-based and innovative instructional methods in a stimulating learning environment. OSES is committed to the social-emotional learning and character development of all students.