DECEMBER Huskie Howl
December 1, 2024
I enjoyed celebrating students in our previous newsletter, so I have decided to continue this pattern. For this month's student highlight, we celebrate Lachlan Petros, a remarkable 3rd-grade student in Mrs. Griggs' class. Lachlan is a shining light at Shadow Butte Elementary, spreading joy and positivity throughout our school. He has shown great enthusiasm in learning about the writing process and has been making incredible strides in his perseverance and growth in math studies. Lachlan's dedication and positive outlook inspire those around him. We are so proud to have him as part of our school community and can't wait to see the new challenges he will tackle in the coming year! And really, it doesn't get much better than his toothless grin. Keep shining, Lachlan!
Principal Jodie Farnsworth
Thank you, Lachlan for bringing joy to our school!
- Board Meeting Report
Shadow Butte Students were able to share at the latest District Board Meeting. With Mrs. Farnsworth, some Student Council and Leadership Team members were able to tell the Board Members what they liked and what they would want to improve at their school. With Mr. Conder, our PE teacher, some students were there to represent as some of the top runners of the Running Club at Shadow Butte. Shadow Butte students earn beads for every lap and a foot bead for every mile they run. The top runners will earn a field trip to Jumptime. Shadow Butte Students have collectively run over 1000 miles this year which includes our Huskie Hustle event.
Dec. 11 - Dress up Day - Holiday
Dec. 13 - Winter Dance 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. - Gym
Dec. 16 - Christmas Concert 2nd Grade- 8:35 for Students; 1:45 for Parents
Dec. 17- Core Value Awards Assembly - (Parent emails sent to those who are receiving awards)
Dec. 17 - PTO Meeting in Library- 5:30 p.m.
Dec. 18 - PE Running Club Field Trip to Jumptime
Dec. 19 - Class Birthday Celebrations- 3:00 p.m.
Dec. 19 - Singalong 9:00 - 9:45 a.m. - Gym
Looking ahead:
Jan. 7 - Welcome Back!
Jan. 15 - Dress up Day - Pjs/Comfy
Foster Grandparent Program
- Dress up day - December 11
- Winter Dance - December 13
- 2nd Grade Music Concert - December 16
- Soil Photo Contest Winners
As we enter the hustle and bustle of the holiday season it can begin to feel overwhelming. Here are some tips from John's Hopkins to help you de-stress:
1. Accept Imperfection: Remember that it is OK to not be perfect. Maybe you forgot to move your elf, or your cookies didn't turn out. Give yourself grace and go with the flow.
2. Don't lose sight of what really counts: When you feel overwhelmed ask yourself:
- Where does this fit in the grand scheme of things? A long grocery line is just a long line- nothing more. Don't let it spoil your afternoon.
- Can I use this moment of frustration as an opportunity to reflect? While you wait your turn in line take inventory of the good things that have happened or the things you are grateful for.
- Even if this moment seems stressful, can I find a way to make it more pleasant? Connect with someone else in line with a compliment or kind gesture, or notice what's around you with fresh eyes and an open mind.
- Remember that a difficult person maybe suffering and that is why they are acting that way. That will help you be more compassionate and know that it isn't personal.
- Keep in mind that the holidays are difficult for those who are alone. See if you can extend an act of kindness to those you know are without family and friends this time of year.
- If things get tense with someone, take a few deep breaths before responding.
Missing Books
Over Christmas break is a good time to look for missing library books. I will be sending home a list of the books students are missing before break.
Tis the season to feel crummy,
Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, sneeze, sneeze, blow, cough
It may be that special time of year but those germs are out there. Please watch your kids
for signs of fevers, sore throats, runny noses, coughs, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Don’t send your child to school with a fever, vomiting, diarrhea, strep throat, or with green
colored nasal discharge until they have been free of that symptom for 24 hours. Also if
you choose to send your child to school with mild cold symptoms, please tell them you
know about their ailments but you believe they are well enough to go to school. Lastly
please remind your little ones to wash their hands often, and to drink lots of water. Help
us keep your kids healthy. It makes the season way more fun.
We are always taking donations of clothes especially pants for either gender sizes 4-8. If
you happen to go through your child’s clothes and find they have outgrown things, feel
free to send their clean clothes our way.
Please take a minute to locate our Student Handbook
- Use the QR code or the link below to verify you have seen and read the Student Handbook
If your child is absent for any reason, call the office at 208-365-0877 or email to excuse your child. Thank you for letting your child's teacher know but they do not always have the time to get the message to the front office.
If doctor appointments are necessary during the school day, please bring a doctor's note for our records.
TRANSPORTATION CHANGES - called in by 2:30
- If there are changes on how your children will be going home at the end of the day, those changes must be called into the office at 208-365-0877 by 2:30pm. We cannot guarantee the change can happen after this time.
- If you need to check out your child during recess, we kindly request that you wait until the recess concludes or arrive before recess. This supports the safety of all students, as our duty staff can then focus on their designated supervision areas without any distractions. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Pick up Procedures
When pulling up in the pick up line DO NOT exit the car, if your student needs extra help, park in the lot closest to the school. This is safest method for all students and keeps the traffic flowing and from gathering on Idaho Blvd.
We ask that parents not park in the staff parking that is located on the corner of Idaho and Mesa so students and parents are not crossing traffic and in between moving cars.
Thanks again for helping us keep our students safe!
If you haven’t yet filled out a Free/Reduced application, they are available on our website, online on Infinite Campus, or at the school office.