Monday Notes
January 6, 2025

Upon Arriving
Conference Links
Below are direct links to specific conference information. Remember all of these links can be found on this page of the website.
Volunteer Assignments
Conference App
Are you ready for 2025 NMMEA All-State Festival & In-Service Conference? Download our free app and access the schedule, connect with one another, receive key updates, and so much more. If you don't already have the Guidebook app, download it from your app store and then click here or scan the QR code to download the NMMEA Conference.
Treble Choir Diction Files
Dr. Lamartine provided diction files for Treble choir that can be accessed here. Sorry for the late notification, but these were just shared with us.
Guitar Rehearsal Recordings
The Guitar Ensemble conductor asked that you share this folder of rehearsal recordings with your students. Sorry for the late notification, but these were just shared with us.
Conference Program
The 2025 NMMEA All-State Music Festival & In-Service Conference Program can be found on this page of the website.
Last Minute Reminders
A few last minute conference reminders:
- Instrumental students must bring a folding stand.
- All students should have music by now. If you haven't picked i up - do it now!
- Plan on attending the educator mixer on Friday night at the Sheraton.
- Choral students must have all music memorized upon arrival.
Email to Participating Students
The following email went to participating students on January 3rd. Please review with your students.
I hope you had a wonderful break and are feeling excited about All-State! Below are a few important reminders to keep in mind before the event. Looking forward to seeing you there!
- Link to order concert recording
- Instrumental students must bring a folding stand.
- Percussion students must bring all small equipment. Make sure to talk to your director and reference percussion document.
- All choir students must have music memorized
- The schedule can be found here
- You must attend all rehearsals, concerts, and meetings.
- Plan carefully so you are on time
Don’t forget to order your concert recording!
Choral MPA Sight Reading Proposal
A proposal to align MPA sight-singing protocols has been developed and will be presented for a vote at the All-State Choral Section meeting (link below). This initiative began with a letter from a member to the Board of Directors, prompting the formation of a committee to explore the issue and develop recommendations. The committee, composed of representatives from each district, examined current sight-singing protocols statewide and has proposed steps toward alignment.
NMMEA recognizes and respects district autonomy; therefore, the decision to adopt this proposal rests with the members of the choral section. At the meeting, only limited clarifying questions will be addressed by committee members, with no additional discussion taking place. A formal vote will determine whether the proposal is implemented. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this proposal to ensure you are well-informed when casting your vote at the Choral Section meeting.
Click here to view the proposal.
Weekly PO Reminder
This is your weekly PO reminder - have you sent Neil Swapp a copy? If not...do so right now! Also make sure to turn invoice in to your business office for payment.
Upcoming NAfME Election
We’re thrilled to announce that our very own Joseph Flores is a candidate for NAfME Southwest Division President! This is a fantastic opportunity to showcase the talent and leadership of New Mexico on the national stage.
Keep an eye out for an email from NAfME later this month with instructions on how to cast your vote. Let’s rally together and make this happen for Joseph and for New Mexico!
Your support matters—let’s make it count!
Evan Aguilar - Congratulations!
A huge congratulations to Evan Aguilar who has been selected as a member of Yamaha’s cohort of educators for the year 2025! Congrats Evan!
Conference Registration
Conference registration is now closed. Anyone still needing to register will need to register onsite at registration. See you there!