John F. Farrell-Emmett Elementary
October/November 2024
Important Dates
October 29 - Parent/Teacher Conferences 5:00-8:00
October 31- Halloween Parade @ 10:00
1/2 Day of School - Students Dismissed at Noon
Parent/Teacher Conferences
November 1 - NO SCHOOL
November 5 - Be Pawsitive After School Club
November 8 - Picture Retakes and Candid Photos
November 11 - Veterans'' Day Program
November 19 - Oral Health Assessments (only for a few DK & Kdg. students)
November 26 - 1/2 Day of School - Students Dismissed at Noon
November 27-29 - Thanksgiving Break - NO SCHOOL
December 5 - 4th/5th Grade Concert
Betsie and Mr. Reid cheering our runners on!
Be Pawsitive After School Club
Students and volunteers got together after school to beautify the village park.
September's Pawsitive Students
October's Pawsitive Students
Student Council Members Represented JFE at the Homecoming Parade
Fire Safety With The Emmett Fire Department
You Gotta Have Art! - 3D Art Created By Our 5th Graders
Bus Safety at Farrell
With colder weather on the way, we want to remind students and families to bring coats, hats, gloves and even snow pants and boots as we move into snowy weather. We want to make sure all our Bulldogs are prepared to go outside for recess!
Please Call School to Report Your Child's Absence
Please call the school by 9:00 AM to let us know that your child won't be in school and the reason for their absence. We want to make sure that all of our students are safe and accounted for and we are required to report certain illnesses to the health department every week. Even if you have texted the teacher, they may be prepping for the day or have a classroom of students and may not have a chance to let the office know. You can call and leave a message anytime @ 810-384-1300. Thanks for your assistance!
Medication Policy
If your student requires any medication during the school day, then our district has the following policies:
All medications must be brought to the office by an adult. This includes any non-prescription medication such as cough drops or pain reliever. All medications require a consent form.
All medication must be in the original container.
Consent forms by parents must be signed in order for the medicine to be administered at school.
All prescription medications such as inhalers and EPI-Pens need a signed consent form from the prescribing physician.
Food Allergy Notice
PTO Announces Ways to Support our School
Look for us on FB (John F. Farrell-Emmett Elementary P.T.O.) and like us, we post a lot of information on our page
Here are ways to contribute to our school:
Download the BoxTops app and begin earning money for the school.
Gordon Foods also has a great way to help our school, just mention Farrell-Emmett Elementary PTO when checking out and for every dollar you spend the more points we get!
JFE Contact Information
Mr. Corey Reid, Principal
Jane Kavanagh, Secretary
Jonathan McCulloch, Social Worker
810-384-1300 x3228
JFE Children's Center
Nichole Brewer
810-384-1300 Ext. 3440