September/ October 2024
Happy fall Nighthawks!
Welcome to the September/October 2024 Counseling Newsletter! Hopefully students have settled into their trimester 1 classes.
We encourage you to scroll through the newsletter a few times throughout the month. We will be adding information throughout the month as information arrives to our department. Past events are not deleted as we archive the newsletters for reference on the Counseling Page .
Below are the names of our counselors along with their alpha breakdown. Caseloads are divided alphabetically by student’s last name.
Mrs. Susie Kihneman (A-Cha)
Mr. Shaun Harvey (Chb-Gi)
Mr. Tim Roty (Gj-Kh)
Mrs. Lauren Kennedy (Ki-Mc)
Mr. Jesse Luna (Md-Raj)
Mrs. Brenda Stone (Rak-Tam)
Mrs. Kathleen Marron (Tan-Z)
Counseling Support:
Ms. Michelle Castro, Student Support Services
Mrs. Sue Reich, Academic & Career Guidance Technician
Mrs. Bethany Watson, Counseling Assistant
AP EXAMS AP® Exams are optional exams at Del Norte High School that correspond to AP® courses. Students choosing to sit for the AP® Exams must adhere to specific deadlines for 2024-2025 that are based on the course’s start date. The cost of each AP Exam is $110 each, aside from AP English Seminar which is $150 each. CLICK HERE for more registration information. Fall deadline is November 1st.
Fall College Rep Visits continue in the Nighthawk Center! This is an opportunity for our Nighthawks to meet with different college and university representatives from around the country and world! Seniors can finalize their college application lists, juniors can start making their college interest list and sophomore and freshman can begin the college research journey – all grades are welcome!
Meetings will be held during Break & Office Hours with a few exceptions. We prefer students sign-up to attend the visit on Naviance so that we can get an idea of interest to allow for seating space. If you have questions about this process, please see Mrs. Reich in Counseling or email, sreich@powayusd.com
Below are the scheduled fall visits. These are subject to change so please refer to Naviance for a comprehensive list. Naviance
Grand Canyon University
University of Delaware
U. S. Air Force
University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus
Pitzer College
Saint Mary's College of California
Brandeis University
Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College
Loyola Marymount University
University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Suffolk University
Wentworth Institute of Technology
Art Center College of Design
University of Manchester
University of Connecticut
Hamilton College
Point Loma Nazarene
Johns Hopkins University
University of Utah
Arizona State University-Tempe
Dartmouth College
University of San Francisco
Duke University
Portland State University
University of Southern California
The University of British Columbia
University of California-Santa Barbara
University of Rochester
Washington State University
Salve Regina University
Amherst College
University of Oregon
Boston University
Northern Arizona University
Purdue University-Main Campus
Swarthmore College
Baylor University
Rice University
Western Washington University
Colby College
Northeastern University
Oberlin College
University of California-Irvine
DePaul University
Wesleyan University
Carnegie Mellon University
Chapman University
University of Portland
Tulane University of Louisiana
Bates College
San Diego State University
Washington University in St Louis
Loyola University Chicago
San Diego Christian College
St. John's College
Lehigh University
Northwestern University
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Main Campus
University of California-Riverside
University of California-Los Angeles
Binghamton University
Franklin and Marshall College
Hawaii Pacific University
University of San Diego
University of Glasgow
The ASVAB is a military entrance exam that measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success. Rancho Bernardo High School is offering the ASVAB test to students in PUSD This year. If you want to offer the opportunity to take the ASVAB please use this link to sign-up on the Google form. Del Norte students will be responsible to notify attendance of their absence and have their own transportation. Students must be at least 16 years of age.
Event: November 20, 2024
Test Time: 8:00 am
Location: RBHS Library Reference Room (LRR)
Red Ribbon Week
Red Ribbon Week is October 21-25. During Red Ribbon Week we encourage our flock to live a healthy, substance-free lifestyle and make good decisions.
The 2025 Palomar Health Pathmaker Internship provides hands-on experience to high school and college-level students interested in pursuing careers in all fields of the health care industry. The Pathmaker Internship provides interns with clinical experience and exposure to a variety of medical departments, such as the orthopedics department, ICU departments, and even surgery. To be eligible, applicants must be 16 years for our level I program, have a valid SSN, and be able to commit to volunteering a total of 240 hours needed to graduate from the program.
The application window will be open October 1, 2024 through October 21, 2024 or when the required number of highly qualified applicants is reached. As a result, the application window may close sooner than the allotted 3 weeks. All interested students please apply as soon as they can via our webpage: https://www.palomarhealth.org/pathmaker-internship-program/apply
Volunteer hours are not a requirement to graduate from Poway Unified. Many clubs like National Honor Society may require volunteer service hours but it is not mandatory for graduation. There are still many great reasons to volunteer. Giving your time to different organizations builds community pride. The tasks you complete while volunteering can build skills and expand your resume. Colleges also like to see applicants with diversified experiences that reflect their passions as well. The last reason you may want to consider volunteering your time is that it just feels good!