From the Desk of Dr. Sladek
Week of 11/13-11/17
What's Happening This Week:
Pillar of the Month: Creativity
Book fair ALL WEEK in the GYM.
- Monday - C Day. World Kindness Day. Parent Teacher Conferences from 4:30-7:00pm.
- Tuesday - D Day.
- Wednesday -A Day. 1st Grade Field Trip. MVR3 Board Meeting @ PHS Auditorium @ 6:00pm.
- Thursday - B Day.
- Friday - C Day. Trimester Celebration Day!
We got these forms out a week late - I had a mix up on my calendar and the dates wrong. So SALES ARE NOW OPEN. Currently they are closing this Wednesday but I have a call in to extend the sales through the break (this will also allow more time to grab sales from family over the holiday). So stay tuned on the date extension. The idea was to sell now and then have plenty of pizza delivered and in your freezer before we go on our Winter Break!
These funds raised will go directly into our Student Activity fund which is currently low. $$$ used out of this account is for recess equipment, celebration days, over the top learning fun, crafts and snacks as needed and anything to go above and beyond to support the staff who have the direct impact on your kiddo.
Little League Basketball! SIGN UP NOW!
Please complete this registration form below if you are interested in your child participating in the Little League Basketball Program.
Girls and boys in grades 1st through 4th grade from our elementary buildings are eligible to participate.
All games will be played on Saturdays at Riverbend School (2085 Highway N in Pacific).
Student participation will determine program organization and scheduling of games.
Students in 1st and 2nd grades will form teams to compete against each other.
The basketball season for 1st and 2nd grade will start in January after Winter Break and conclude in February.
Students in 3rd and 4th grades will form teams to compete against each other.
The basketball season for 3rd and 4th grades will start in late February and finish in March.
Registration is open now through December 1st.
There will be a $25.00 fee due once registration is complete. Cash will be accepted or checks/money orders can be made out to "Pacific Little League Basketball". Please send money to the school in which your child attends and have them get it to the office or their teacher can help them get it to the office. Please make sure your envelope is labeled LITTLE LEAGUE BASEKETBALL ATTENTION: GILCREASE.
Any questions or concerns can be directed to Phil Gilcrease at 636-393-9155 or
PHS Cheerleading Princess Ball: Save the Date
Cookies with Santa - PTO Event
Feel free to RSVP and bring your family.....or we are still in need of staff volunteers to run stations.
Here is a quick overview of the stations that would be signing up for:
Crafts: ART ROOM
Ornament making
Picture Frame decorating
Games: GYM
Santa Bowling
Guess the kisses in Jar
Emoji Song Game
coloring pages/activity pages
Roof Top Drop Bean Bag Throw
Pin the Nose on the Snowman
Photo Op.
Pancake Dinner
Cookie Decorating
Sign Up HERE to help DURING the event:
Sign up HERE to RSVP and bring your family to enjoy the event:
If you open the PDF above you will see a sheet that has a Sign Up Link for EVERY EVENT THIS YEAR! This is a way you can stay involved and not have to make a PTO meeting.
Maybe there is an event that you love or are passionate about or maybe its a good time during a non-busy month for you... whatever it may be this is another way to get involved and help out our PTO!
Please click on the PDF above and then find the event you are interested in and then look over the options in the Sign Up Genius invite to decide which way you can help best!
Events that need parent/staff help:
* I have now linked each title of the event to go directly to the Sign Up associated with it, in case the pdf wasn't working for you!
Ties & Tiaras Family Dance - 2/9