Tamarack Elementary
News from the Lodge April 2024 #2
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End of Quarter 3!
Hello Tamarack Families,
Hard to believe this week we round into the final quarter of our first school year together! A few reminders and updates below. Thank you for all your support and patience this year as we grow into the bustling community we are becoming.
Reminder, we do not have school this Friday (April 12th). We do have a fundraiser on Saturday the 13th, hope to see there: Red Robin on TV Hwy will be providing the Tamarack Community Group with 20% of food sales all day!
For those who have been asking, I was able to meet with our Early Learning Team at the District Office and unfortunately, we are still waiting to see if we are able to invite a preschool into Tamarack next school year. The preschools in HSD are grant funded in collaboration with various community partners, including: ELWC Preschool Promise, NW Regional ESD, Adelante Mujeres and Community Action. Each of our preschool programs have different eligibility requirements based on partnerships and funding. Typically serving: children who are 3 or 4 by September 1st, Families eligible for the Migrant Education Program and/or McKinney-Vento and Families who meet the eligibility for income requirements (Preschool Promise) (2023 Federal Poverty Level Chart).
As I learn more, I will let you know. I am excited to say we already have over 40 kindergartners registered for the coming school year! That is very exciting and I look forward to meeting each of them at our May 16th Kindergarten Orientation.
Thank you again for your patience. Lots of fun things are coming up including our April 18th evening celebration and talent show at 5:30-7pm.
See you soon:)
Sunscreen note for the sunny days ahead
Notice to families
In accordance with ORS 339.874, students are permitted to wear sun-protective clothing and sunscreen while outdoors. Non-prescription sunscreen may be family provided and student carried without medication authorization forms. Hillsboro School District has a limited quantity of SuperGoop SPF 30 mineral sunscreen (15.7% zinc oxide) this school year (2023-24). When available, this may be dispensed to students in need during sunny outdoor activities unless parents/guardians indicate otherwise in advance.
Cell phones at school
A good question came up, so I thought I would add a quick note about our policy on cell phones (consistent with our feeder middle and high school). Students’ personal devices (cell phones) should be turned off and put away in backpacks until dismissal. If a student needs to call a family member they can let their classroom teacher or the front office know. Families can contact their child through the front office. We never deny a child’s want to connect with their family but cell phones are off & away during the school day. They may have them on vibrate on the bus, in case a caregiver calls for after school directions. The exception would be a designated need via a 504 plan. This would include smart watches with similar capabilities.
This is in support of the High Schools Collaborative plan for cell phones as well: https://www.hsd.k12.or.us/cellphoneexpectations
Please never hestiate to call the front office if you need to speak with your child, we of course support you while ensuring the safe and non disruptive use of all digital devices on campus. Thank you for your understanding.
Tamarack will be planting a MOON TREE!
Big thank you to Mrs. Jones, for writing a request to NASA and securing a Moon Tree for Tamarack! We will be meeting in the next few days to create an event to celebrate. If you do not know what a Moon Tree is, check it out: https://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/lunar/moon_tree.html , we will be planting a Douglas Fir that has traveled around the moon and back. We will also be placing our time capsule commemorating our first school year beneath the moon tree! Looking forward to sharing more.
Autism Acceptance Month
📘 Dive into the world of autism with "Welcome to the Autistic Community," a comprehensive guide designed for both autistic individuals and those seeking to understand and support them. As we celebrate Autism Acceptance Month in April, we believe in fostering year-round acceptance and understanding. This book offers valuable insights, answers common questions, and aims to demystify autism. Whether you're reading online, offline, or holding a printed copy in your hands, join us in embracing neurodiversity and promoting acceptance. Click below to start your journey of learning and empathy. 🌟🌈 Welcome to the Autistic Community More Resources
Smarter Balanced State Testing begins
We have completed our ELPA (English Language Proficiency Assessment) testing and now begin our Language Arts, Math & Science testing over the next few weeks for students in grades 3rd-6th. Below are a list of the tests and a brief description. State Testing has no affect on your child's grades or progression through the grades, it provides the school with information on progress and areas to target for our growth and delivery of academic services. You can find more information here: Oregon Department of Education Statewide Assessments. To ease anxiety please encourage an hour off screens before bedtime, bring their water bottle to school and eat breakfast either at home or when they arrive here at Tamarack. We will ensure a stress-free, comfortable space that will support your child’s best efforts. You can also opt your child out of testing, please see the following form to do so: Opt Out State Testing Form. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out, we are here to help!
Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) English Language Arts (ELA) & Math. The SBA is given to all 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grade students. The ELA portion will focus on reading, listening, researching and writing. Math is a separate test and will focus on problem solving, communicating reasoning as well as general math fluency (automaticity of math facts and procedures). If you have questions regarding this assessment please contact me, Christy Walters waltersc@hsd.k12.or.us.
Additionally, the Oregon State Assessment of Science (OSAS) is provided to 5th grade only will touch on Physical, Life and Earth Sciences.
Dates for your calendar
Link to full list of District PAC & Family Engagement Dates
- 8th: After School Clubs resume! email your teacher or the front office with questions
- 11th: Tamarack Community Group Meeting @ 5:30 Library
- 12th: No School
- 12th/13th: State Chess Tournament
- 13th: Red Robin Tamarack Fundraiser!
- 18th: Coffee w/the Principal @ 8:10 Room 126 front office
- 18th: Tamarack Family Night: Celebration of Our Community @ 5:30-7:30pm w/ food trucks & talent show more information to come!
- 26th: Tamarack 4,5,6th grade Family Social
- 2nd: Asian Pacific Islander Family Night @ Tamarack, all welcome - 5:30-7pm
- 7th-10th: 6th grade Outdoor School at Camp Merriwether
- 9th: Tamarack Community Group Meeting @ 5:30 Library
- 16th: Tamarack Kindergarten Orientation @ 5:30-6:30pm Gym
- 23rd: Coffee w/the Principal @ 8:10 Room 126 front office
- 24th: Tamarack Otter Fun Run-family fundraiser & health event (all day)
- 28th: Tamarack Track Club Track Meet
- 30th: Chick Fil A Tamarack Fundraiser!
- 12th: 6th grade Promotion Ceremony @ 8:15 am Gym
- 13th: Last Day of School, early release @ 11:20 (lunch served K-6)