The Page
September 12, 2024
School-Wide Theme for the Year
At St. Joseph Catholic School, each and every day we are training students to be missionary disciples, and learning to recognize God in our lives and in the world around us,
with hearts full of CHARITY for our fellow man.
Our Mission and Vision Statements
St. Joseph Catholic School provides students with a nurturing and prayerful learning environment committed to academic excellence, training missionary disciples to seek virtue, wisdom, and truth, in partnership with a community of active and faithful families.
Catholic schools in the Diocese of Fort Worth are committed to opening the doors so that our students can reach further than the walls that would otherwise enclose them and therefore are able to recognize and cherish the eternal and transcendental goods of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness.
Teaching the Mind...Nourishing the Soul
From the Principal
I recently heard a priest speaking on the subject of reading. The entire homily he shared was devoted to the subject. I found it very inspiring to hear the advice he gave. We should all be reading! Put down our phones. Set aside all of our devices. Pick up a book. Now, not just any book. Of course, he highly recommended the Bible, first and foremost, but he also recommended another book: The Imitation of Christ, by Thomas Kempis, written in the 1400s. He explained that apart from the Bible, no other book has been translated into so many different langauges. My curiosty was piqued! I was ready to hear all about the book, but instead, he went into the reasons why we should be reading. There were many, of course. As an educator, I fully know the value and importance of reading quality literature to expand one's knowledge. But this priest mentioned how it can help clear your mind, quiet negative voices, and change one's perspective on life. Basically, reading can take you out of your own thoughts and put you into new ones. Possibly, happier and more inspiring thoughts, depending on what you choose to read.
Challenge accepted! I have ordered the book and I will let you know how my reading goes. Will any of you join me? Let's put down our devices and pick up a good book. What a great example for our children.
In Christ's service,
Diane Price, Ed.L.
Bible Verse of the Month on the Theme of Charity
Virtue of the Month on the Theme of Charity
Saintly Quote About Charity to Ponder With Your Family
“Charity is the root of all good works.”
– St. Augustine
Save the Date
Grandparents Day - October 4th
Reminders and Upcoming Events
Enrollment continues for the 2024-2025 Academic Year. Please let your friends know.
9/13 - Friday
- Opt-out Letters due for the Empowering God's Children Program which begins Monday. See email from Mrs. Price for the form and details.
9/15 - Sunday
- Hispanic Heritage Month begins
- Class of 2024 Yearbook Signing Party from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
9/16 - Monday
- Monday Morning Prayer Service in the school gym starts at 7:50 a.m. All are welcome to join us. No need to sign in at the office. Merely enter the gym from the open door. Exit the gym from the same door when departing. If you wish to enter the school building, you will need to get a badge from the front office.
- iowa and CogAT Assessments begin and continue all week. Please see email from Mrs. Price for details.
- Empowering God's Children - lessons begin this week
- Talent Show Tryouts begin with Mr. Cullen
9/18 - Wednesday
- We will attend Mass together at 8:15 a.m. Please have students wear their dress uniform. All are welcome to join us.
- Band, Robotics, and Lego Club after school
- September Home and School Association Meeting at 6:00 p.m. Students of all families who attend the meeting may come to school in Special Dress on Thursday. Please dress appropriately for a Catholic school environment. See the Parent-Student Handbook for more details. If families are unable to attend on Thursday, their students may come in Spirit Wear (SJCS produced t-shirt, nice blue jeans, and tennis shoes of their choosing-no wheelies).
9/19 - Thursday
- Special Dress/Spirit Wear Day (see explanation above for parameters)
- Adoration in the St. Joseph Parish Chapel - Please set aside some time to be with Our Lord.
9/20 - Friday
- My Competitive Knight Event from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. See information below.
Please Read - Issues with Pikmykid:
Are you having issues with Pikmykid? You may need to delete your Pikmykid App. Please use the QR code below, or stop by the school office for assistance. It is important that you use the app to announce your child/ren during afternoon car line and that you have your car tag visible. If you are in need of more car tags, please let Mrs. Wingate in the school office know.
Ways you can assist St. Joseph Catholic School:
- Kroger Community Rewards – select St. Joseph Catholic School to receive the rewards from you using your Kroger card. Please click the link for more information. https://www.kroger.com/i/community/community-rewards
- Tom Thumb Good Neighbor Program – Please contact Good.Neighbor@TomThumb.com to link your account to the Good Neighbor for St. Joseph Catholic School 2000 2000#1506. Please click the link for more information. https://www.tomthumb.com/yourstore/good-neighbor.html
Safe Environment Awareness:
Do you need to complete Safe Environment Training? All volunteers need to complete awareness training. See the graphic below for an upcoming training. Please contact Mrs. Wingate 817-419-6800 or visit the diocesan website. https://fwdioc.org/training-sessions
Afternoon Car Line App - Pikmykid
Save the Date - September 26th
8th Grade and Fine Arts Department Presents:
Home and School Association (HSA)
Save the Date - September 20th
HSA Year at A Glance
September HSA Calendar of Events
Service Hour Opportunities for 2024-2025
- Volunteer to help at an HSA event!
- Help beautify the flower beds around campus
- Donate food during NJHS Food Collections at Mass
- We are always in need of Lysol spray.
- We are always in need of Clorox wipes.
- Liquid hand soap
- Disposable gloves
- STREAM Enrichment supplies
- Week of Service - help supervising groups of upper school students for one hour a day
Every $10 you spend will earn 1 service hour. Thank you! We truly need the help.
Knights in Action!
Monday Morning Prayer Services
Student Council 2024-2025
At prayer service this week, we welcomed our Student Council for the 2024-2025 academic year! Thank you for serving the students and greater school community. We look forward to all you have planned!
5th Grade Representatives
Yaneli Luna
Felicia Saldanha
6th Grade Representatives
Bryan Tran
Eli Wheeler
7th Grade Representatives
Moises Ibegulum
Julianne Thull
8th Grade Representatives
Jackson Doskocil
Karson Powell
Mia Tran
Owen Ozuna
Alondra Gomez
Katie Pham
Bao-Chau Nguyen
Matthew Horton
Knights in the Classroom
After School Fun!
SJCS had a great turn out at our recent Skatium Event. Thank you for coming out and building community, all while enjoying some excellent exercise!
Our Annual First Responders Breakfast
Altar Server Ministry
8th Grade Annual Theology of the Body Retreat
The Class of 2025 enjoyed some quality bonding time while attending the annual 8th Grade Theology of the Body Retreat at St. Joseph Parish. It looks like our 8th graders had a great time learning from one another and from our presenter.
Adventures in Art
Library Life
Welcome back, Mystery Readers! Thank you to each family who has shared a visiting reader with our class groups. The students love seeing you and always enjoy the books you share. Thank you, Mrs. Cox!
Thank you, Mrs. Birkenfeld! Happy reading, everyone!
Lego Club
First Semester LEGO Club is off to a great start! This past Monday, the students built a town or city where people would want to live. Nice airports, gardens, and neighborhoods, builder Knights!
Faculty Professional Development from University of Dallas
Our faculty recently spent time with Mr. William Perales, Director of Saint Ambrose Center, which provides K-12 curriculum and professional development services. It was a pleasure working with him to refine our teaching and lesson planning skills.
Alumni News
We love to see our Knight alumni continuing to enjoy the bonds they form at SJCS. Here we see, Aiden Norton (son of Mrs. Norton) Class of 2019, Erik Wolanin(son of Mrs. Wolanin) Class of 2018, and Gabriel Norton (son of Mrs. Norton) Class of 2015, enjoying a hiking trip to four national and state parks from Kentucky to Tennessee! Looks like they had a fantastic time! Go, Knights!
St. Joseph Parish News
Meet Our Parish Priests
Rev. Ronaldo Mercado
Fr. Peter Wiafe-Akenteng
Parish Notes
- Parish website link: https://stjoe88.org/
- Please join the parish for daily and weekend Masses at this link: https://youtu.be/LxIRBSew1yI
- Please continue tithing to your parish. St. Joseph Parishioners may go to this link to give: https://stjoe88.org/giving
- Be sure to look into FORMED.org. The parish has paid for your subscription to this vast library of inspiring videos and essential reads to help grow your faith. Just go straight to the "Enter Code" button and enter 4BDX9H to begin the process. You may also access this through the parish website link below. Enjoy!
Are You in Need of Prayers?
Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth link:
Contact us at (817) 419-6800