WJHS Highlights
A Message from the Administrative Team
Dear WJHS Families,
With fall parent/teacher conferences rapidly approaching, we wanted to share some important logistical information ahead of the opening of the sign-up window. Conferences are scheduled for November 20-22 (Wednesday-Friday). Families will receive an email from the district with their login credentials today, Friday, November 1st. If you don't receive an email by 5:00 PM, please check your Junk or Spam folders before reaching out to the office. Sign-up for families will begin on Monday, November 4 at 9:00 AM and end on Monday, November 18 at 11:59 pm.
Highcrest Middle School and Wilmette Junior High School conferences will be done by video call using the Meet the Teacher platform. All video conferences will be conducted via the built-in video conferencing software inside Meet the Teacher and not via Zoom. No special software or app is needed, as the video runs in your web browser. A video link will be sent to you with your appointment confirmation. Meet the Teacher has a support page with detailed information should you need it.
Please visit our webpage with instructions on how to book your appointment.
In order to access the system, you will need the login code that will be sent on Friday, November 1 as well as the date of birth of one of your children.
If multiple parents are attending the conference, please only sign up once, so as not to clutter your teacher’s schedule. Once scheduled, you may invite another parent/guardian to join your appointments.
If you have any trouble using the system, please contact your school secretary for scheduling questions or enter a support ticket for technical questions.
Please connect to your video appointment on time, as the conference will automatically begin at the scheduled start time. Your conference will end automatically when the appointment time is over. This feature is built into the system and cannot be changed. The remaining time for the conference will count down in a blue bar on the screen and, if you’re nearing the end of your meeting and find yourself in need of additional time, please use the last couple minutes to schedule another time with your child’s teacher.
Keep an eye out for the email today, Friday, November 1, which will have the login code in preparation for scheduling to begin the following Monday. Our teachers are looking forward to "seeing" you all soon!
Have a great weekend!
Kate, Jeff and Rob
Water Bottles
Please send your child to school with their own water bottle. We are noticing an increase in strep throat, and are likely to see an increase in other illnesses as we approach the winter season. Teachers have reported seeing more students sharing water bottles which is not recommended. Please talk with your children and send them to school with their own water bottle. Thanks for your assistance with this!
SEL News
As we look to November we look forward to the many holidays that occur during this upcoming season. Monday, November 1 begins the Indian holiday of Diwali, the Festival of Lights. It celebrates the triumph of light over darkness and good over evil. Happy Diwali to all of our families celebrating.
Thanksgiving, which occurs later this month, is a wonderful time to celebrate our families. The Theme that we observe across the district is “Our Families are Important.” We encourage our students to share about their families, their family traditions, and what makes their family special to them.
Families and the community are also a crucial part of the social-emotional development of our students. While we have lessons about understanding our emotions, building relationships, understanding others’ perspectives, and making good choices and decisions, these lessons at school alone, are not as effective as they are when supported at home by the families that surround our children. Spend time as a family over this month celebrating one another, and engaging in activities that are fun! The Wilmette Public Library has regular events for families, and check out this list of opportunities to spend time together by catching a show, apple or pumpkin picking, heading to a museum and more!
Eighth Grade Families Only - New Trier Placement Testing Information
New Trier placement testing is scheduled for Saturday, November 9th and Saturday, November 16th. Families will choose one of these two testing dates. Testing information has been sent to families this week. If you did not receive an email from New Trier, please reach out to them directly at adminservices@nths.net. In your email, please be sure to include your student's name and WJHS as the sending school. For additional information, please see New Trier's incoming freshman website, linked here.
New this year, families are able to choose their testing date, but you must complete the placement testing sign-up form, sent via email. Families must use their New Trier student ID to complete the sign-up, which has been included in the email. Be sure to reach out to New Trier directly if you did not receive an email or be sure to check that pesky spam folder!
Last Friday the WJHS Choir traveled to Kroll’s Farm in Waukegan, IL to perform “spooky” songs for a special “HAUNT”-cert! 44 students received this fun performance opportunity and a tour of the grounds provided by the WJHS PTO’s iGNITE Fund. Thank you to our parents who’ve donated to the iGNITE Fund!
The Courtyard will be closing at the end of November for the winter months. Now’s your chance to get in there during lunch recess and supervise some quiet time for students who want a peaceful break during the day. WEDNESDAYS/7th GRADE (12:15-1:00pm) and FRIDAYS/8th GRADE (11:30-12:15pm). Click HERE to grab your timeslot. Questions? Contact volunteers@wjhspto.com.
The following November dates have openings to help serve lunch. Please consider volunteering as it’s so appreciated by our lunchroom staff! Sign up HERE! Thank you!
Mondays: 11/4, 11/11, 11/18
Wednesdays: 11/6, 11/13, 11/20
Thursday: 11/14
Please save-the-date for a WJHS PTO General Board meeting Thursday, 11/14 at 6:30pm in the WJHS Learning Commons. We invite our parent community to come and hear updates on what’s going on at school from our PTO and our Principal.
Don’t forget to turn your clocks BACK ONE HOUR overnight this Saturday! You’ll get to sleep in an extra hour on Sunday morning 11/3, courtesy of Daylight Saving Time.⏰
District Update
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Fall parent/teacher conferences will take place on Nov. 20-22, immediately preceding Fall Break (Thanksgiving Week). Families will receive an email today from District 39 with their Meet the Teacher login credentials to sign-up for parent-teacher conferences. The sign-up window for families to schedule their parent-teacher conference appointments will open on Monday, Nov. 4. Please visit our D39 webpage for more information.
Parent Education Event – Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Monthly Themes
Join us for our next Parent Education event titled “Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) Monthly Themes in Literature,” scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 6 at 11 am via Zoom. DEIB monthly themes supported through reading help us come together to build welcoming spaces where students can share ideas and ask questions. Learn more about this topic from our D39 librarians and professionals from the Wilmette Public Library. Online registration for this event is now open. Please visit our Parent Education webpage for our full schedule of events as well as archived recordings of past events.
Board of Education Meeting
The Board of Education met on Monday night for its monthly business meetings. During this meeting, the Board was presented with Spring 2024 Illinois Assessment of Readiness data and updated key performance indicators for Goals 2, 3, and 4 of our D39 Strategic Plan. Additionally, the Board approved the estimated tax levy for 2024, bid for WJHS air conditioning work scheduled for summer 2025 and an updated Intergovernmental Agreement with the Village of Wilmette. Agendas and materials for all Board of Education meetings are posted online the Friday prior to the meeting.
Wilmette Junior High School
Email: office-wjhs@wilmette39.org
Website: http://wjhs.wilmette39.org/
Location: 620 Locust Rd, Wilmette, IL, USA
Phone: 847-512-6600
Instagram: @wjhswolves39
Twitter: @hawkwolf39
Principal at Wilmette Junior High School; love being an educator and working with young people; value spending time with friends and family