Board Report - 7/26/24

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This is a summary of the Pasco School District Board Meeting on July 23, 2024.
View the School Board Meeting Online
Welcome Student Board Reps
Our new student board representatives were sworn in during the Board meeting. PSD is proud to welcome the following students to the Board:
Owen Bergstrom, senior at Pasco High School
Danika Reyna, senior at Chiawana High School
Mason Byrd, junior at Delta High School
Congratulations, students!
Study Session: 2024-25 Policies and Procedures
Sarah Thornton, Assistant Superintendent of Legal Services, presented revisions for several policies:
Policy 8420 (Nutrition and Physical Fitness)
Policy 7425 (Lease Capitalization Threshold)
Policy 2255 (Alternative Learning Experience Programs)
Additionally, she introduced the first reading of proposed Policy 2027 (District Ownership of Staff-Created Work).
Ms. Thornton also presented revisions for the following Board of Directors policies:
Policy 1400 (Meetings)
Policy 1441 (Audience Participation)
Policy 4312P (Complaints Concerning Staff or Programs)
The next steps involve presenting these policies for a second reading and approval on the consent agenda at the August 13th board meeting.
Presentation and Public Hearing of Resolution 1051
Kevin Hebdon, Executive Director of Fiscal Services, presented an overview of the 2024-2025 district budget and requested approval of Resolution No. 1051 setting the expenditure limits on district funds for fiscal year 2024-2025. The board held a public hearing with the purpose of adopting PSD’s annual budget for the 2024-2025 school year in accordance with RCW 28A.505.050.
The board unanimously approved Resolution No. 1051. Next steps include the ESD 123 and Superintendent certifying the budget before going to the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction for final review, approval, and posting to their website.
2024 - 2025 Student Board Representative Introduction Presentation
Michelle Whitney, PSD’s Superintendent, introduced the district’s new Student Board Representatives for the 2024-2025 school year.
The selection process for these important positions included interviews conducted on June 20th and 26th. Out of 20 talented applicants, the following students were chosen to serve as this year’s student board representatives:
Owen Bergstrom, senior at Pasco High School
Danika Reyna, senior at Chiawana High School
Mason Byrd, junior at Delta High School
We are thrilled to welcome these outstanding students to the PSD Board and look forward to their valuable contributions. Congratulations, Owen, Mason, and Danika!
The students who were not selected have been invited to join the Student Action Council, which provides students a platform to voice their opinions on important issues within the district to the Board.
WSSDA Board of Distinction Application
Michelle Whitney, PSD’s Superintendent, presented board members with the opportunity to complete the Washington State School Directors' Association (WSSDA) Board of Distinction Application.
Applying for the recognition qualifies boards to be considered for:
Board of the Year: highest rated board among the applications
Board of Distinction: boards that show evidence of applying the Washington School Board Standards
Special Merit Award: awarded to honor boards that have demonstrated a continued focus and breath of alignment to the Washington School Board Standards. It is given to boards that have received five Board of Distinction awards.
PSD’s board members confirmed they will apply by the September 15 deadline.
Next Board Meeting
Attend in-person, via Zoom, phone, or live-stream.