NCE Eagle News
September 2024
Normandy Crossing Eagles Soaring to New Heights!
Student Value Statement:
I am a proud NCE Eagle! I am a learner who understands my responsibility for learning.
I will treat everyone with respect, holding myself accountable for what I do and say.
Principal's Message
What an honor and a privilege it is to continue to serve as the principal at Normandy Crossing Elementary again this year. I continue to be amazed at the generosity and collaboration of our community. I am grateful that you trust us with your children every day. We take that privilege seriously and will honor them and do everything we can to help them learn and grow in ways that will make you proud.
Our vision at NCE is "Soaring to New Heights". This means that we understand that we can accomplish far more as a team than any of us can accomplish individually as we reach new heights. We believe that ALL Students can and will learn to the best of their ability at NCE.
We also believe in setting goals. We track our goals and celebrate our success. This year at NCE, our Eagles are focusing on growth in reading, math & science as well as increasing our average daily attendance rate to 96.5%.
We are looking forward to getting to know you throughout the year. Thank you for trusting us with your children's education. We look forward to partnering together this year to reach success!
Yours in Education,
Mrs. Barrett
School Hours
Doors open at 7:00 am
Tardy Bell rings at 7:35 am
School Hours 7:35am -3:15 pm
Free Breakfast and Lunch
All students receive free breakfast and lunch
Breakfast hours are from 7:00-7:30 am.
If you would like for your child to enjoy breakfast at the school, please ensure they arrive to school before 7:30 am.
2024-2025 Dress Code
Dress Code:
Wisdom Wednesday: Students may wear college shirts on Wednesdays to support college readiness.
Safety and Security
Clear Bag Policy is enforced for all visitors while on campus.
90% Attendance:
In order to receive credit in a class, students must be in attendance for at least 90% of the days the class is offered.
Elementary Schools - Students who are tardy must go directly to the office for a tardy slip. Students are tardy to school if they are not in their classroom when the bell rings to start the school day or any of the class periods. Excessive tardies may lead to disciplinary action.
Excused Absences:
All absences for which the student brings a doctor’s note will be considered excused absences. In cases where the student brings a parent note, the first five notes will excuse the absence, as long as the duration of the absence is between one and four consecutive days. All absences of five days or longer will require a doctor’s note.
Any notes from the parent and/or guardian explaining the nature of the absence must be submitted no later than three (3) school days after the student’s absence and must include specific information as to the nature of the absence. Information required: 1. Name of student 2. Campus 3. Date(s) of absence(s) 4. Specific reason for absence(s) 5. Signature of parent/guardian 6. Phone number of parent/guardian 7. Date
Absence notes can be emailed to Attendancence@galenaparkisd.com.
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures:
All students arriving by car should be dropped off in the parent drop-off/ pick-up area at the north side of the building across from the parking lot. There is only one lane of traffic in the mornings. Daycare and bus riders will arrive at the west side of the building behind the school and enter through the doors by the cafeteria. Students will report to designated holding areas upon arrival. Parents may drop-off students at the parents’ drop-off zone in the rear of the building. We have staff members and safety patrol (assigned to 5th grade students) on duty to ensure that students get to their holding area safely and in a timely manner.
For the safety of our students, please do NOT drop off students before 7:00 a.m.
Staff members are not on duty before 7:00 a.m. and students will be unsupervised.
Students must be signed in to the front office after 7:35 a.m.
Dismissal Procedures:
Dismissal can be a busy time. Please keep in mind that all dismissal procedures are for the safety of our students. Only authorized adults that are 18 and older, parent/legal guardian or parent designee, may receive Pre-K and Kindergarten students at the bus stop and walker locations.
*Daycare: Staff members will escort daycare riders to their assigned area for attendance check-off. Once the daycare bus/van arrives, students will be escorted to the front of the building.
*Bus riders: Students will be escorted to the bus area and will wait with their bus group in grade level order for attendance purposes prior to boarding the buses.
*Apartment Walkers: Students who walk to Oaks at Greenview will wait for staff to escort them through the rear gate.
*Neighborhood Walkers: Students who walk to the neighborhood (Riviera East) will wait near bus riders and will be escorted through the rear of the school to the stop sign at the corner of Toulon and Versailles.
*Car-riders: Students will be escorted to the MPR/Gym by an assigned teacher. All students will have a numbered decal. Parents will be provided with 2 decals with an assigned number. Parents/guardians are to display this decal in the front windshield or hang from the rear view mirror in order for their child to be placed safely in the designated vehicle. There are two lines for car riders during dismissal. Parents will be asked to move up in the circle drive to help with the flow of traffic. Teachers will escort students to their car in a safe and timely manner. At no time should a parent/guardian leave their vehicle to retrieve a student. Faculty and staff are advised to direct anyone doing otherwise back to their car to get in line. In the afternoon, all cars in the parents' pick up lane must exit through the front of the school. This procedure is designed to make dismissal safe and efficient for all students at Normandy Crossing Elementary. Safety is our priority!
** Please, do NOT leave vehicles unattended in the pick-up lanes**
** If your decal has been misplaced or lost, you must contact the front office about acquiring another decal.**
**Parents who wish to pick up a child who has already been dismissed to the bus rider or day care lines must report to the front office. Staff will not release students to parents from bus OR daycare lines**
*** Students will not be allowed to change their dismissal routine without a written note from a parent/guardian. In the event of an unplanned change, please contact the front office no later than 2:30p.m. for all grade levels and classes.***
Upcoming Events:
September 6: NCE Grandparent's Breakfast 7-7:30am
September 11: Grades 1st-5th Progress Report 1 post in Skyward
- Wear Red, White,and Blue
September 12: Brighter Bites Distribution after school in MPR
September 13: 4th Grade District Field Trip to Museum of Fine Arts
September 15: Hispanic Heritage Month
September 17: Big Kahuna Fundraiser KickOff
September 19: Father's Take Your Child To School Day!
September 20: No School/ Staff Development Day
September 23: Coffee with the Principals and Counselor
September 27: PTA Concession Stand Sales
Teachers will reach out during October to invite parents/guardians to participate in Report Card Conferences
October 4: Fall Pictures
October 7-10: K-5 Unit Tests
October 11-15: Student Holiday, Students return to school on October 16th
October 18: 1st Nine Weeks Report Cards post in Skyward
October 21-25: Red Ribbon Week
Grandparents' Day
We will celebrate Grandparents' Day on Friday, September 6, 2024. We will host a breakfast for Grandparents' Day from 7:00-7:30am. Grandparents should enter through the back of the building. It is recommended to arrive to school with your grandchild to maximize your time. Clear bag policy will be enforced.
Hispanic Heritage Month September 15-October 15
Students may dress in Hispanic Heritage attire every Thursday during Hispanic Heritage Month.
Lunch Visitors
As we begin, the school year we like to ensure students are familiar with our campus lunch rountines and procedures. Parents will be able to visit the campus for lunch or break on designated days beginnigng in October.
Birthday Celebrations
- Birthday celebrations take place the last 30 minutes of the school day. Parents are allowed to send store-bought cupcakes to share with the class. Parents may drop off cupcakes in the front office.
- Balloons/Flowers/Gifts are not allowed to be dropped off or received by students at school.
Brighter Bites returns to NCE!
Brighter Bites provides free fresh fruits and vegetables for you and your family. Produce is available on a first -come-first -serve basis. Enroll today! BRIGHTERBITES.ORG/ENROLL