Los Pen NEUs
December 13, 2024
From the Desk of Mrs. Weekes
Dear Los Pen Families,
Did you hear? Los Pen was one of 14 Poway Unified School District schools to be recently named an “Honor Roll School” by the Educational Results Partnership, as part of the national Campaign for Business and Education Excellence. The list names the top performing schools in each community throughout California.
The Honor Roll program has existed for more than a decade and is awarded annually. The program recognizes top public schools, school districts, and charter schools in California that have outperformed their peers and closed achievement gaps. Results are based on data of student outcomes on the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP). Click here to view the Honor Roll Methodology.
The Honor Roll shines a positive light on schools that are driving a culture where students learn the fundamental skills that employers value and look for. This effort is part of a national campaign to engage business leaders in recognizing successful schools and educational systems that are preparing students with the fundamental skills needed to be successful in the workforce and in life. Poway Unified is proud to have 14 schools recognized in this ranking. The full Honor Roll List for California can be viewed here.
Mrs. Weekes
A Note from Your School Counselor
Today, children are constantly on screens, whether it is through Chromebooks, tablets or video games. It is important to understand how screen time can affect children, when it comes to attention, sleep and emotional regulation. While technology has many benefits, too much screen time can affect children in ways that we may not expect.
For example, video games are constantly moving, with flashing lights, that can magnify in kids that have ADD/ADHD. Children can already be impulsive and have excited bodies, thus it helps to teach children to slow down and to think before they act. However, if children are only participating in adrenaline induced activities, they will have a hard time focusing on learning that is not as exciting. Not everything in life is going to be entertaining, so we must help student to complete non preferred tasks. They can do this by taking in deep breaths or using centering / grounding exercises that can help children slow down and practice self-control.
We need to recognize that children in today’s world are going through moments of “instant gratification and things don’t come fast enough”. It is okay for our children to be uncomfortable; they will need to learn how to stay calm in difficult situations such as long lines in fast food places or the cafeteria, parents late for pickups and so forth.
Over stimulation also makes it difficult for students to be attentive and be calm mentally and for their bodies to be still so they can learn material that may not be easy. Examples, video games, students control the narrative but can turn off the game or restart. Then we ask students to focus on a nonpreferred task.
Students that are exposed to the blue light at night, such as the light coming from video screens can affect their REM sleep and circadian rhythm. Not having a good night sleep can affect a child’s focus and performance. Also, when students are too tired, they are sometimes too tired to eat, then you have a tired and hangry child.
Setting rules on screen time can help children perform better at school, helps them regulate their feelings and allow more time to be creative. As the adults in their lives, we can also model good screen etiquette, by not having our screens at the dinner table or while in deep conversation. Again, technology is great, but like all things, we must moderate our screen usage as well.
Click here to learn more:
Screen time and children: How to guide your child - Mayo Clinic
LPES Running Club
Thank you to our volunteers! If you are available on a Thursday, please come support the Running Club by signing up here: https://evite.me/Mb9VrzkJ5s
PTA News
Make sure to keep up with all things Los Pen PTA by following us on social media!
Follow us on Facebook at: Los Penasquitos Elementary Families
Follow us on Instagram at: Lospenfamilies
Upcoming Dates to Remember
Friday, December 13
- Holiday Shop hosted by PTA - 5:00 - 7:30 PM
Thursday, December 19
- Early Release Day - Dismissal at 1:25 PM for Grades Kinder - 5th (TK Dismissal at 1:00 PM)
- PTA Meeting - 6:00 PM via Zoom
Friday, December 20
- Friday Flag - 8:50 AM on the blacktop
- Spirit Day: Winter Wonderland Pajama Day! (Dress code regulations, including footwear, still apply)
Monday, December 23 - Friday, January 3, 2025
- Winter Break - No School