The 4th Grade Times
A peek into Oak Ridge Elementary 4th Grade classes.
October Newsletter
Transportation Changes:
- Email contactore@conroeisd.net by 2:30 OR
- Send handwritten note to teacher in the morning OR
- Last resort, call front office at (832)- 592-5900
Curriculum Corner
Here is what we will be working on this month:
We will be working on Decimal Representation to the Hundredths then moving on to the Addition and Subtraction Units.
Language Arts:
Read Aloud: The Tiger Rising
This week we are finishing up our Traditional Literature unit and then moving into our Nonfiction unit.
We are working on our Narrative writing and after we will be moving to our informational unit.
We are learning about Irregular Plural Nouns, Verb Agreement and Adverbs.
We will be learning about Energy and then Forces and Motion.
Social Studies:
We are just starting our unit on Texas Native American Tribes.
Sept. 26- Cane's Spirit Night
Sept. 26th- Fall Pictures
Sept. 27- Moving with Moms 7:00-7:45
Sept. 27- Field Trip to ORHS
Oct. 11- No School- Staff Development
Oct. 14- No School
Oct. 17- Spring Creek BBQ Spirit Night
Oct. 26- Oak Ridge Truck or Treat
Oct. 28- Nov. 1- Red Ribbon Week
Oct. 31- Storybook Character Parade
Help Needed
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