Sept. 2024 Dr. Jeffery Zito, Superintendent
Board of Education
Jerry Nelson, President
Nanci Barr, Vice President
Shawn Ankrah
Cheryl Cirino
Ryann Jackson
Jennifer Lihach
Christine Miller
Beverly Poretto
Harry Rogers
Central Office Administration
Jeffery Zito, Superintendent
Christopher Veneziani, Business Administrator
Roxann Bryant, Director of Curriculum
& Instruction 476-6108
Marylynn Stecher, Supervisor of Child Study Team and Special Education
Colleen Bretones, Supervisor of Early
Childhood Education
Joseph C. Shaner Memorial School
Ms. Melanie Lamanteer, Principal 609-476-6141
The Shaner School educates students in the primary grades of pre-school and kindergarten. Our faculty and staff work to provide a warm, nurturing, and friendly atmosphere with high emphasis on academics and pupil achievement. Our staff of highly qualified educators strives to meet the needs of each and every child under their supervision and care. We are committed to giving children wonderful learning experiences in an environment rich in individuality and creativity. We welcome all children with open arms to the Shaner community. In 2019 and 2023 the Shaner School was recognized as a New Jersey Showcase School for our work to help students grow in their behavioral and social interactions.
George L. Hess Educational Complex
Mr. Daniel Cartwright, Principal 609-476-6101
The Hess School, with its rich history of local, state, and national recognition, has long been considered a leader in teaching and learning. The Hess School staff has committed to continuing in the tradition of instructional excellence. The Hess team maintains high standards across domains and seeks to lift all students to those standards. Our school exists to serve students, recognizing that our role is one of support to their parents and guardians who are their primary educators. We commit to show love to every child who walks into our school and to work collaboratively with each child's family to meet their needs.
William Davies Middle School
Mrs. Jennifer Holmstrom, Principal 609-476-6241
At Davies Middle School, we believe in the empowering spirit of our motto: "If you want to conquer the world, you best have dragons." This theme reflects our commitment to equipping our students with the strength, courage, and determination necessary to face life's challenges and emerge victorious. The Davies School feels like a big family with an over 900-member student body. The strong sense of camaraderie and belonging we experience here makes the learning journey even more enriching and enjoyable. We have a supportive network of teachers, staff, and fellow students cheering our dragons on every step of the way. Together, we conquer challenges and celebrate victories, ensuring that our dragons are well-prepared to indeed conquer the world.
School Resource Officers
Shaner : Anthony DiSciascio 476-6262
Hess: Mike Corrado 476-6278
Davies: Colin Hickey 476-6277
School Breakfast and Lunches
Meal Service
Hamilton Township School District offers free breakfast to all students.
Shaner Lunch - Kindergarten and Pre-K - $3.05
Hess Lunch - $3.05
Davies Pre-K Lunch - $3.05
Davies Lunch - $3.30
Before and After School Program
Kids Corner Program provides a safe, affordable, nurturing environment for all Hamilton Township children who need before and after school childcare. The children have the opportunity to participate in activities to promote their physical, mental and social development in an atmosphere of mutual respect.
Program Hours: 7:00am to school start time (AM Session) | Dismissal till 6:00pm (PM Session)
Rates Shaner: AM session - $5.00 per student/day/ PM session $10.00/per student/day
Rates Hess: AM session - $7.00 per student/day/ PM session $8:00/per student/day
For registration or further information please call 609-476-6311.
1. Bus Passes
Bus passes will not be mailed out. You will be able to access your student’s bus route
number and pick-up time on the Genesis Parent Portal under the "Bus" tab once the
information becomes available, after August 23rd.
2. Arrival at Bus Stop
Please arrive at your child's bus stop 15 minutes before the scheduled pick-up time.
Ensure that you are outside and visible to the bus driver.
3. Afternoon Drop-off Times
The PM time listed is when buses are scheduled to depart from the school. Please note
that delays may occur especially the first few weeks of school.
4. School Messenger
Make sure you are signed up with School Messenger to receive daily updates about bus
schedules and any potential delays. Notifications will be sent to “Guardians 1 and 2” via
text and email. Verify that your contact information is accurate in the “Contacts” tab of
the Genesis Parent Portal.
5. Guardian Requirements
For students in PreK through 2nd grade and all special needs students, a guardian who is
at least 12 years old must be present at the bus stop to receive them. If no one is there to
pick up the student, the child will be returned to school and placed in the Kids’ Corner
Program, which incurs a daily charge.
If you need to make any changes to your student’s bus stop location, please fill out the online
form on our website under “Transportation”, or click here. No changes will be made between
August 16th and September 23rd . After those dates, please allow 72 hours for changes to take
Harassment, Intimidation, & Bullying
The Hamilton Township Board of Education prohibits acts of harassment, intimidation, or bullying of a pupil. A safe and civil environment in school is necessary for pupils to learn and achieve high academic standards. Conduct that disrupts such an environment will not be tolerated. The Hamilton Township School District strictly enforces Policy 5512 as set forth in N.J.S.A. 18A:37-15.
Special Education
The Hamilton Township School District provides a continuum of services to meet the needs of our students with special needs. We are committed to providing services for our students in the least restrictive environment. The Child Study Team is dedicated to working in partnership with parents to determine appropriate programs and related services to best meet the individual needs of each student. For more information call 609-476-6314.
Student Insurance
The Board of Education provides Student Accident Insurance for our students. This does not cover your child after school hours. You may purchase coverage for your child by applying on line at www.bobmccloskey.com.
Notice of Nondiscrimination
The Hamilton Township School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, affectional or sexual orientation, ancestry, disability, age, or social or economic status in its programs and activities.
Affirmative Action Officer –Marylynn Stecher/Clintona Richardson (609) 476-6313
District Anti-Bully Coordinator—Darnell Williams (609) 476-6258
Mental Health Initiative
The Hamilton Township School District will continue to focus on the enhancement of our multifaceted Mental Health Initiative this school year. The district remains committed to building upon the foundation using our available resources and implementing training and data to drive the success of our initiatives. This will include strengthening student access to mental health, providing staff with resources for their mental health, educating parents on mental health awareness and substance abuse, and providing district-wide social emotional learning curriculum for all students across all grade levels. The district remains committed in our goal to build upon the school and community climate by working with the staff, students and community to promote positive culture. Mr. Williams is entering his third year in Hamilton Township and will lead these initiatives. Any questions please email Mr. Williams at williamsd@hamiltonschools.org or call at (609) 476-6258.
Important Links
Hamilton Township School DIstrict
Website: hamiltonschools.org
Location: 1876 Dr Dennis Forman Dr, Mays Landing, NJ, USA
Phone: 609-476-6300