Amy's Weekly Writeup
What you need to know for the week ahead (1/20/20-1/24/20)
Shout Out!
This week's shout outs go to several people.
Luann nominated several people in connection with the Bag Project:
- To Carrie and Lisa for covering classes so she and Suzanne could oversee the project, as well as for helping with the bags
- To Sarah Jensen and Jana Standish for giving up their rooms for the day, allowing for a space to house the project
- To Talia for coordinating the SCA members to come and help
- To Liz for her understanding and the use of the gym to house all the completed bags
Also, Talia nominated Tina saying, "She is a such a great example of being a problem solver and the kids recognize that! She decided after talking to Amy Donovan from Solid Waste that she could take on collecting and transporting compostable paper products to Mohawk Trail herself. She was excited to work with the fourth graders to help get it all set up. I think that we want kids to be taking this 'I can!' approach!"
To nominate someone for a shout out, just email me!
On Deck For Next Week; CCS Events and Holidays
Monday: Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Tuesday: Squirrel Appreciation Day
Wednesday: All-school Assembly 2:00
Thursday: 2nd/3rd grade SST
Friday: Lockdown drill
News, Updates, and Reminders
- Report cards will be printed on January 23rd. Please make sure you have entered all information into the system by the 22nd.
- On Friday, Jan. 24th we will be having a lockdown drill at morning drop-off time. This means that it will be a bit chaotic and confusing. The police felt it was important to practice at this time, as that is a time that is statistically a higher risk. A few things to remember, when you hear the call for the drill, make sure you repeat the words, "lockdown drill" as you are rounding students up and locking the doors. Because it is likely that students will be in the hall, cafe, etc please make sure to look and bring anyone in the hallway (including parents who may be dropping off) into your room and follow procedure. Wherever you are, go to the nearest room and follow procedure there. Students in the cafe for breakfast should go into the kitchen and stay there. Students at meet and greet: if in the gym, go into the kitchen....if outside, go behind the building as practiced during the recess drills. If a bus pulls in and we are in lockdown, they should remain on the bus until the drill is over. If they are coming in when the drill is called, they should be directed to the nearest locked space, likely the kitchen. Lunch count will be done after the drill ends. As always, use your best judgement if you are unsure of something. This is a learning curve for all of us.