The Mountain Family WAG
Nov. 4-8,2024
Megan's Message
Hopefully this message finds you have enjoyed a fun and chilly week. Halloween was super fun and the students did a most excellent job. Some of our Mountain Support Staff had a blast dressing up as Inside Out 2 characters, from left, Ennui(Megan), Disgust(Ahalam), Joy in lower center(Taylor), Sadness(Nurse Amy), Embarassment(Jen Schmierer) and Anxiety(Angelic Herrera). Here is to wonderful opening to November. We have an exciting first week with a mural celebration on Monday and Creede Theater coming on Thursday.
Week Ahead
M-4 Williams, Lockdown Drill 10:10 a.m., Mural celebration 4:30 p.m. Music Hallway
T-5- DAY OFF Election Day
W-6-Van Anne, Megan & Jen Instructional Leaders Meetings 2-4 p.m. PreK Family Night
5:00PM-6:30PM Th-7-Ms. B
Fri 8, Grant-Trujillo
7 Creede Performance (Grades PreK-6) 1:00 pm @Mountain Gym note change all are welcome- we will fit
8 Choir Field Trip 8:30 am - 12:00 pm Lensic Performing Arts Center
Halloween Pictures
Some photos from Halloween
November is Native American Heritage Month
We are privileged to have Native American families part of our Mountain Family. Representation comes from from Nambe, Pojoaque, Ohkay Owingeh, San Idelfonso, Jicarillo Apache and Santa Clara pueblos. Meanwhile here is information about Native American Heritage Month.
Science Fair Judges Needed
Hi friends!
Mountain will be holding the School Science Fair on Thursday November 21st in the Library from 3-5. We are looking for any adults, teachers, including EAs who are willing to judge the projects. Judging will begin at 3pm or whenever the judges can make it. It will conclude after the projects have all been judged at least once. The judging will include filling out a rubric and feedback for each board you are asked to judge and interviewing the 6th grade students. Please let me know if you or anyone that you know would be able to join our judging team by filling out this Google Form.
Click here to link to Judges Interest Form https://forms.gle/L9tvfiHHUQVm58zd8
Parent Input needed
We appreciate you taking time out of your schedules for this.
Yearbook Contest Deadline Extended to 11/6/24
The contest is open 3rd through 6th, and will run from tomorrow, Oct. 24th, until Nov. 6th. We will then open up voting the following week for both staff and students (more info to come)! I am asking that the kids either turn the covers into you all or for them to scan and email them to me. You are welcome to place any covers that come into your class in my box and I will pick them up through the week. You can also give them to me in person :) Our theme this year is Around the World! From Mrs. Van Anne
The Yearbook Staff and I cannot wait to see all the wonderful covers that come in!
Welcome New Staff
We are thrilled to have hired Kristi Schulz as our new ELA teacher in sixth grade. She comes with much experience with ELA and MS. She will be formally starting on Nov. 18. More information about Kristi will be coming.
We are so grateful to Erin Cook for filling in and wish her all the best! We will miss her.
We also welcome to our Mountain Family, Zoe Robles. Her son went to Mountain. She has a PHd in Italian Literature and is a poet. She will join us as a part time EA for grades 2-3. Welcome to them both!
Drugs, Sex and Cell Phones - Elementary Edition
Event: Here at Mountain More information https://drive.google.com/file/d/1d5pcODpJ3FpmGRjNG3wwzLvl2ksBiMRd/view?usp=sharing
Fun Halloween learning in PREK4
Learning about our bones in PREK4
Kinder celebrating their buddies with a bulletin board outside of 6th grade
Around the World- Where is your family from?
We Laugh Alike
This is student work outside of Mrs. Dixon's classroom, demonstrating how diverse and similar we are.
Learning about our bodies in 1st grade
Mrs. Grant Trujillo's enjoyed learning about the bones in our body as a Halloween activity.
Upcoming Dates- November
11 Veterans Day (No School)
12 Mountain hosts Board Meeting 5:00-9:00 p.m. Staff Meeting after school Gym
13 Picture Retakes
14 Chamber Music 9:30 am - 10:00 am (grades PreK-2)
10:10 am - 10:50 am (grades 3-6)
14 Mountain School Spelling Bee
14 District Event for Parents- Technology Info for Parents More info to come
21 Mountain Science Fair 3-5 p.m.
Thanksgiving Break (No School)