Queen of Apostles School
Term 4 Week 6 - Thursday 16 November, 2023

Term 1 Week 4 - Thursday 27 February 2025
Dates to Remember
Welcome Sundowner
A big thank you to those families that attended the P&F Welcome Sundowner last Friday evening.
There was a very good crowd in attendance and we were lucky the weather held off for the most part.
I would like to thank Koreena Cinanni for coordinating the 'Blue Tree Project'. The tree looks great and is a visual reminder to talk to someone if you are experiencing problems.
I would like to thank Tracy Italiano and the P&F for organising the raffle (which was a big hit) and providing this social opportunity to our community as a way of staying connected.
Catholic School Advisory Council 2025
At the Advisory Council meeting last night roles were decided. See below for details.
I am really looking forward to working closely with the Advisory Council over the course of the year!
Marnie Selten - Chair
Andrew Upfold - Vice Chair
Belinda Fabling - Secretary
Joseph Pang - Treasurer
Jamie Choo
Carrie Lee-Williamson
Pavel Orjanowski (Parish Rep)
Tracy Italiano (P&F Rep)
Fr Paul Manickathan (Ex officio)
Mark Ryan (Ex officio)
Jennifer Anderson (Standing invite)
Ash Wednesday
Next Wednesday is Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent and a time when we begin to prepare for Jesus’ great self-sacrifice on Good Friday and then his resurrection on Easter Sunday. We look during this time of Lent for ways that we can show self-sacrifice. People like to give up sweets or cool drink for Lent. Personally, I like to give up my time to help others that need it. What will your Lenten promises be?
I invite everyone in our community to our Ash Wednesday Mass (5th March) at 9am in the church. I thank Miss Jenzen and the Year 5 class who will be leading us in this Mass.
Pupil Free Day
Please remember that Friday February 28th is a Pupil Free Day. Our staff will be taking part in a Religious Education Professional Development Day.
Monday March 3rd is also a public holiday (Labour Day) so you will have an extra-long weekend to enjoy with your family.
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests take place for all Year Three & Five Students from Wednesday 12 March.
The assessments will be conducted in the following order for both year levels.
Wednesday 12th March = Writing
Thursday 13th March = Reading
Monday 17th March = Conventions of Language
Tuesday 18th March = Numeracy
Catch up assessments for those who are away on these days will available until Monday 24th March.
All Year 3 and 5 students participating will have opportunities to sit online practice tests so they are familiar with the system and types of questions they may encounter.
Student Engagement, Safe Behaviour and Wellbeing Plan
At the end of last year we developed a new Student Engagement, Safe Behaviour and Wellbeing Plan to help build a safe, supportive and responsive learning environment for all students in our school. Using the Berry Street Education Model, the plan supports a preventative, positive, student-centred, school-family-community approach in which consistency is the key. I encourage everyone in our community to be familiar with the plan that is on our website. You can also access the plan by clicking on the link below.
Code of Conduct - Staff, Parents & Community Members
The Catholic Education Code of Conduct establishes minimum standards of conduct in all behaviour and decision-making to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all members within the CEWA community. The Code of Conduct also shows us how, as a community our behaviours are a collective work that each day builds social justice into the life of our schools. Pope Francis insists that “true social justice is impossible if the human person is not the centre of concern”.
The following 12 statements outline the expectations of all staff, parents and community members:
1. You act safely and competently.
2. You give priority to students’ safety and well-being in all your behaviour and decision making.
3. You act in accordance with the values of the Gospel as defined in the Code of Ethical Conduct.
4. You conduct yourself in accordance with laws, agreements, policies and standards relevant to your relationship with the school community.
5. You respect the dignity, culture, values and beliefs of each member of the school community.
6. You treat personal information about members of the school community as private and confidential.
7. You give impartial, honest and accurate information about the education, safety and well-being of students.
8. You support all members of the school community in making informed decisions about students.
9. You promote and preserve the trust and privilege inherent in your relationship with all members of the school community.
10. You maintain and build on the community’s trust and confidence in Catholic schools and the Church.
11. You act reflectively and ethically.
12. You allow students to have a voice in their education, safety and well-being.
The Government of WA have amended the Working with Children Act last year with the changes implemented to better protect children. Catholic Education WA has mandated this process for all volunteers, including parent volunteers in schools. This includes parents who wish to volunteer at sports carnivals, in classrooms and at P&F events. Could we ask that all parents fill in the Volunteer Declaration (link) even if you have no plans at this stage to volunteer at school. Parents who wish to assist teachers on excursions will need to be on this list. Your information will be stored securely in accordance with CEWA’s Information Stewardship. We highly value parent volunteers' time and contribution to our school community and thank-you for taking the time to submit the form below.
Any grandparents that wish to volunteer in the classroom or assist in the canteen will need a Working With Children Check. Please note this does not include drop off, pick up or attendance at our Grandparents Mass and Morning Tea. Grandparents that would like to volunteer at school, please contact the school office and we can assist you in the process.
2025 Term Dates
Term 1: Wed 5 Feb – Thur 10 April
Term 2: Tue 29 April – Fri 4 July
Term 3: Mon 21 July – Fri 26 Sept
Term 4: Mon 13 Oct – Fri 12 Dec (Students) Fri 19 Dec (Staff)
2025 Pupil Free Days
28 Feb = Pupil Free Day
3 March = Labour Day
11 April = Pupil Free Day (Parent Interviews)
28 April = Pupil Free Day
2 June = WA Day
3 June = Pupil Free Day
22 Aug = Pupil Free Day
25 Aug = Pupil Free Day (Catholic Day)
Best Wishes
Mark Ryan
Welcome to our latest School News
One of Queen of Apostles academic successes was omitted from the 2024 Yearbook.
Meloshan (Year 4, 2024) won the Regional Spelling Bee in a very close competition, correctly spelling words that most good adult spellers would find difficult.
The competition saw Meloshan pitted against 13 other Year 4 students from 7 Catholic schools in the region.
Congratulations (and apologies) to Meloshan for his win (and omission from the Yearbook).
Wellness Week: A Time for Reflection and Balance
Next week, we will dedicate time to promoting the physical, mental, and social well-being of our students, teachers, and wider community. Wellness Week is an opportunity for everyone to reflect on what wellness means to them, personally identifying how to use their unique strengths and talents to thrive while developing strategies to navigate life’s inevitable challenges. It all begins with self-awareness. Taking time to reflect is key, and this is modelled by teachers for students to develop their self-reflection capabilities.
As part of this initiative, we encourage simple changes that can help slow the pace of our busy lives. At Queenies, staff will have no after-school meetings to lighten our load, and we will come together for a small social gathering on Friday afternoon. Students will be permitted to wear their sports uniform throughout the week for comfort and ease.
We invite families to consider similar small adjustments like these at home too. Could you introduce a new routine that supports a calmer, healthier lifestyle? Perhaps a family walk, a technology-free evening, or a shared meal without distractions? Wellness Week is not just about a single week—it’s an opportunity to embrace positive habits that can continue long after the week is over.
Let’s make this a week of balance, reflection, and well-being!
Mr B
Dear Parents,
We are very excited to announce that we have successfully registered for the One Big Voice Concert in August. If your child wishes to enrol, please return notes to your child’s class teacher. For those that have enrolled, could you please finalise your $12 choir fee with the office. Thank you.
Senior Choir – Thursday 8.30 – 9am
Junior Choir – Friday 8.30 – 9am
If your child is interested in joining our Instrumental Program, please fill out an Instrumental Agreement. This can now be collected from the office if you do not have a form. This year, we will be offering tutoring for guitar, piano, drums and vocals.
Last year, we were very lucky to engage in a new vocal program provided by Jenelle Russo Studios. This year, they will continue offering private and group singing lessons. Enrolment into this program, will need to take place through their website.
There will be two group classes offered at Queenies
Kindy to Year 2
Years 3 to 6
Private lessons are also offered for Years 3 to 6 students.
If you have any questions, please come and see me.
Warm wishes
Sheryl Perry
Exciting news!
Slushies are available at the Queenies canteen!
We have our very own Slushy maker!
Mad Slushy available at the canteen at lunch $2.50.
It's 99% fruit juice & rated Amber by the WA Canteen Association.
Correspondence from CEWA & CSPWA
26 February 2025
Dear Parents/Caregivers and Colleagues
On Saturday, 8 March, Western Australians will vote in the State Government election. This communication aims to inform you of the requests that Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) has made to the next State Government concerning support for capital development in Catholic schools.
At present, Western Australia is the only state in Australia that does not provide capital grants to Catholic schools. For example, in 2023, the State Governments in Victoria, New South Wales, and Queensland allocated capital grants of $117 million, $75 million, and $93 million, respectively, to Catholic schools. In contrast, CEWA is granted access to an annual low-interest loan of approximately $30 million, which must be repaid.
In the absence of capital grants from the Western Australian State Government, the responsibility for constructing and developing Catholic schools is borne by parents through school fees and loans which are also financed through school fees and levies. In 2025, more than 1 in 3 school-aged children will attend non-government schools, and 1 in 5 will be enrolled in Catholic schools.
All children in Western Australia are entitled to an education provided by the State Government. The presence of 162 Catholic schools across the State offers parents the option of a faith-based education for their children, while also enabling the state to save approximately $700 million each year by not having to provide education to 84,000 children.
CEWA is the sole education provider in seven Kimberley locations. Without Catholic schools, children in these areas would need alternative educational facilities, which would require the State Government to construct new schools.
In July 2024, CEWA asked the incoming WA State Government for:
• An annual $25 million capital grant to ensure Catholic school students have parity with other students across Australia.
• A one-off $100 million capital injection over 5 years to address underfunding in Catholic schools in the Kimberley.
• An annual $2 million grant for insurance and risk management costs in the Kimberley.
CEWA has received the following responses from the three major parties regarding our capital grants requests:
• The Labor Party, if re-elected, will introduce an $8 million infrastructure grants program for 14 sole-provider schools in Kimberley, including seven Catholic schools, and will continue the low-interest loans scheme.
• The National Party has not made specific commitments but acknowledged the role of Catholic education in WA, especially in remote areas.
• The Liberal Party has not responded to our capital grant requests.
State Government capital grants to Catholic schools will ease the financial burden on parents and will ensure that children attending our schools continue to have access to appropriate learning facilities.
We urge you to contact your local candidates to inquire about their party's stance on capital funding for Catholic schools. This information can help you decide whom to vote for in the 8 March election.
Dates for 2025
Term 1: Wednesday 5th February to Thursday 10th April
Friday 28th February - Pupil Free Day
Monday 3rd March - Public Holiday (LABOUR DAY)
Friday 11th April - Pupil Free Day - Parent interviews
Term 2: Tuesday 29th April to Friday 4th July
Monday 28th April - Public Holiday
Monday 2nd June - Public Holiday (WA Day)
Tuesday 3rd June - Pupil Free Day
Term 3: Monday 21st July to Friday 26th July
Friday 22nd August - Pupil Free Day
Monday 25th August - Catholic Day (School closed)
Term 4: Monday 13th October to Friday 12th December
Queen of Apostles Parish News
Dates for Sacraments for 2025
Commitment Mass for Eucharist will be on the weekend 1st & 2nd March 2025.
Confirmation workshop will be on Wednesday 21st May at 5.30pm
Reconciliation workshop will be on Wednesday 20th August at 5.30pm
Eucharist workshop will be on Wednesday 27th August at 5.30pm
Sacrament of Confirmation will be on Sunday 14th June at 10.30am Mass
Sacrament of Reconciliation will be on Tuesday 16th September at 6.30pm
Sacrament of Eucharist will be on Sunday 21st September at 10.30am Mass.
Welcome to our latest P&F Update
Queenies P&F Footy Tipping Competition
There is only one week left until the AFL Footy Season begins, make sure you sign up to win some great prizes. The top tipper each week will receive a $10 Rustico voucher, and final prizes will be announced once all money has been received and tippers are finalised.
First round starting Thursday 6th March and runs until Sunday 24th August. Good luck!
Queenies P&F Colour Explosion
Let’s Paint the School with Colour!
Welcome to the most vibrant event of the year – the 2024 Queenies P&F Colour Explosion!
Scheduled for Friday 4 April, from 1:45pm to 2:45pm on the Annex Oval, this event is not just about fun; it’s our major fundraiser for the year! Registration will open next week.
P&F 2025 Welcome Back Sundowner and Blue Tree Project
Thank you to everyone who attended the Welcome Back Sundowner and Blue Tree painting. The evening was enjoyed by all, with plenty of food, activities and fun.
Thank you to Koreena for idea of the Blue Tree Project and the organising and running of it on the day. Also a big thank you to Sharon & Peter Cinanni for the donation of the tree, John Eastman for the planting of the tree, Paint for Less Willetton for the Blue Tree paint and Bunnings Willetton for the concrete, rocks and rock paints.
Also at the Sundowner we had a raffle with Amanda Spencer-Toe Liberal for Riverton donating all the amazing vouchers and The Perth Mint donating the Australian Quokka 2023 coin. Thank you for your kind donations to our school.
Our raffle winners for the night were;
1st Prize - $250 Armando Sports Vouchers – Charlotte Italiano
2nd Prize - $150 Rustico Voucher – Chloe Steven
3rd Prize - Australian Quokka 2023 1oz silver proof coin valued at $145.00 donated by the Perth Mint – Paulynne Farrell
4th Prize $100 BCF Voucher – Orlando Day
5th Prize - $50 Event Cinema Voucher – Sophie Probett
A Sundowner wouldn’t be enjoyable without some great food, I would like to thank the Year 6 Graduation Committee for providing a delicious sausage sizzle and Tims Ice Cream Van for the yummy ice creams.
Friday 28 February 2025
St Norbert College warmly invites prospective students and their parents to tour our beautiful College, its contemporary facilities and extensive grounds. Tours will be conducted at 9.00am and 1.00pm. Bookings can be made at https://www.trybooking.com/CYQHS.
Enrolments for Year 7 in 2027
We will commence our enrolments for 2027 in the next few weeks. Application forms may be obtained by visiting our website www.norbert.wa.edu to apply online or by phoning the Enrolment Officer, Mrs Roberts on 9350 5433 to receive an Enrolment Package.