Bessie Coleman CHANGE Agent Info
This is our Weekly One Stop Shop on All Things BCMS.

Join us at Bessie Coleman Middle School as we celebrate Black History Month! 🎉✨
📖 Theme: The Spider Weaver: The Mythology of Kente
📅 Date: Thursday, February 27, 2025
⏰ Time: 6:30 PM
📍 Location: Coleman Cafeteria
Address: 1208 E. Pleasant Run Rd., Cedar Hill, TX 75104
Come and immerse yourself in the vibrant history and culture behind Kente cloth. This is an evening you won't want to miss! #BlackHistoryMonth #BCMS #KenteCloth"
Message from the Principal
💫💭Continuing Kindness Week 💫💭
Dear Bessie Coleman Longhorns,
Even though we have a short week ahead, we have the power to make a lasting impact through kindness! Every small act, whether it’s smiling at someone in the hallway, holding the door open, or writing a thank-you note, can brighten someone’s day and strengthen our school community. Let’s continue to lead with kindness and make Bessie Coleman a place where everyone feels valued and supported.
This week, we also have some fun ways to show our school spirit!
🔴🟥🛑🚨🎈🎀Wear red, pink, or hearts on Feb. 19:
👯🧔🏻♀️🧔🏻♀️🙇🙇🏻♂️twin with a friend on Feb. 20:
🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘show your Cedar Hill pride with a spirit shirt on Feb. 21.
Let’s keep the momentum going and finish Kindness Week strong! Your kindness matters, and together, we can make a difference. Let’s keep lifting each other up! 💙🐂 #BCMSKindness #LonghornLeaders
📸 BCMS Yearbooks Are on Sale Now! 🎉
You make the memories, we make the book!
Don't miss your chance to grab a piece of BCMS history.
🗓️ Deadline to Purchase: 4/25/25
📖 Soft Cover: $20 | Hard Cover: $25
📲 Scan the QR code in the image or click to order now!
For questions, contact Laconya.Ponder@chisd.net.
Secure your copy before it's too late! #BCMSYearbook #CaptureTheMemories #LonghornPride
🚨 BCMS Scholars! 🚨
The No Tardy Party is happening on March 7th 🎉🎊
If you had ZERO tardies from Feb. 3rd - 28th, you’ve earned your spot at the celebration! 🏆
Join us during A/B/C lunches for some well-deserved fun!
Stay on time, stay on track, and we’ll see you there! ⏰✅ #NoTardyParty #BCMS #OnTimeWins
Upcoming Events and Dates
Upcoming events and dates
- 2/20/25 - Trustee Connections - 6 pm - 8 pm 1533 High Pointe Ln.
- 2/24/25 - 2/28/25 - Celebrating Black History Dress Up Days Sponsored by NJHS
- 2/27/25 - BCMS Black History Program Sponsored by our Fine Arts Department
- 3/4/25 - STAAR Academic Carnival Night Sponsored by our Academic Department
- 3/6/25 - BIG Art Day Sponsored by Ms. Andrews and the Art Department
- 3/10/25 - 3/14/25 - Spring Break
- 3/17/25 - Celebrating St. Patrick's Day
- 3/28/25 - BCMS Career Day
- 4/15/25 - ELAR STAAR Assessment
- 4/22/25 - 8th Grade Science STAAR Assessment
- 4/23/255 - 8th Grade Social Studies STAAR Assessment
- 4/30/25 - Math STAAR Assessment
- 5/14/25 - 8th Grade Crossover
- 5/16/25 - 8th Grade Formal
- 5/22/25 - End of Marking Period - Last Day for Scholars
📢 Schedule Update! 📢
Due to the Board's Trustee Connection meeting, our Academic Informational Night has been rescheduled to March 4th.
Stay tuned for more details. We appreciate your understanding!
#BCMS #AcademicSuccess #SaveTheDate
🎉 Celebrate Black History Month with BCMS! 🎉
Join us February 24–28, 2025, for a week of fun and meaningful dress-up days sponsored by our National Junior Honor Society!
🗓️ Here’s the lineup:
👉 Monday, Feb. 24: HBCU Shirt Day – Rep your favorite HBCU!
👉 Tuesday, Feb. 25: Throwback Tuesday – Rock the 80’s–2000’s vibe.
👉 Wednesday, Feb. 26: Blackout Day – Wear all black.
👉 Thursday, Feb. 27: "I Have a Dream" Day – Celebrate MLK Jr. by wearing PJ pants (PJ pants ONLY).
👉 Friday, Feb. 28: African Colors Day:
🔴 8th Grade: Red
🟢 7th Grade: Green
🟡 6th Grade: Yellow
📝 Note: If you’re not participating, please wear the school uniform (white, black, or red shirt with black or khaki pants).
Let’s celebrate in style and honor the richness of Black history together! 💛❤️💚
#BlackHistoryMonth #OwnItBCMS #LonghornPride
Click the picture to sign up.
We are in the planning stages for Career Day and I wanted to reach out to see if you would be willing to come share about your career experience with our scholars.
Please complete the Career Day RSVP to answer a few brief questions.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Mrs. Griffin and Ms. Campbell
Meet Your Counselors
Coleman Cares 4 Cancer
AVID Updates
Social Media Expectations
Ongoing reminder about Social Media Post
Over all breaks, we encourage parents to check their child’s social media accounts and stay aware of their online interactions. If you notice anything alarming or concerning, please inform the school immediately so we can address it appropriately.
We are committed to maintaining a secure environment where every child feels safe both physically and mentally. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that all students return home safe and sound each day. Thank you for your trust and partnership as we work together to protect the well-being of our school community.
Safety Reminders
Leadership Contact Information
Dwight Perry, Principal
Counselor Brittani Griffin
8th Grade & 6th Grade A - L
Dr. Rudy Mendoza, Assistant Principal
8th Grade & 6th Grade A-L
Counselor Ryann Campbell
7th Grade & 6th Grade M - Z
Tashara Tuck, Assistant Principal
7th Grade & 6th Grade M-Z
STAAR Information for all parents.
Need to know your scholar's STAAR Scores? Use the following steps to see them.
Sign into Skyward
View to banner on the left side of the screen
Click on Portfolio
Click on the TSDS ID link
10 digit code will be provided
Go to Texas Assessment.gov
Scroll down to Information and Support
Click on “How do I look up my access code”?
Type in the 10-digit TSDS ID number as well as the other required information about the scholar and push search
An access code will be generated, click log in
Type in the required information and proceed with reviewing your scholar’s scores
Ongoing Important Links
Parties wishing to contact an administrator regarding a specific teacher or student are encouraged to resolve the matter by following the steps below:
Step One: Contact the teacher and have a meeting/phone conference
Step Two: Contact the appropriate administrator:
8th Grade: Dr. Mendoza for discipline concerns
7th Grade: Ms. Tuck for discipline concerns
6th Grade:
- Dr. Mendoza for last name Alpha A - L for discipline concerns
- Ms. Tuck for last name Alpha M - Z for discipline concerns
Grade Level Counselor (schedule/grades/mental health/academic advisement)
Step Three: Contact the Building Principal (if a school-wide concern, this becomes step one)Ongoing Feedback
All things that you Need to Know. (Last Updated 1/1/25)
Parents, please pay careful attention to the information below. We need your support to ensure that we have a secure and safe environment. Please review all of the information provided.
Please find the details regarding arrival and dismissal. LINK
Start and end times: The building will open up at 8:15 am.
Please review the LINK for detailed directions for our scholars regarding morning expectations.
Videos for arrival and dismissal
General Arrival Reminder
The front of the building has been assigned bus and daycare transportation only. At 8:00 a.m., the front entrance will be shut down and we will only allow buses and daycare to drop off. All walkers should report to door 14 and all car riders will report to door 14. We also ask that we do not drop off prior to 8:15 a.m.
We do not provide supervision before 8:15 a.m. and it is imperative that all scholars are properly supervised at all times. If any incident transpires on campus grounds during those times, we will adhere strictly to the student code of conduct. Please ensure that we have proper supervision at all times.
Dismissal Process
As a response to teacher and parent feedback, we have made a slight adjustment to our dismissal procedure. We have implemented the new adjustment this week and have found it to be very successful. We will continue to make minor adjustments until we maximize our efficiency.
All scholars will be dismissed from their classrooms and released at the sound of the bell.
Early Pick up Cut of time
Our campus times for scholar early pick-up are 3:45 p.m. All scholars will need to be picked up before 3:45 p.m. for early dismissal. If you arrive at the school for early dismissal after 3:45 p.m., we will ask that you wait until dismissal to pick up your scholar. Your cooperation is appreciated.
If we are running a pep rally schedule, that time for early dismissal will be 2:45 pm.
Dress Code
Our CHISD dress code is as follows:
Red, white, or black collared shirts, and black or khaki pants. Jeans cannot be worn Monday - Thursday.
On Fridays, we are allowed to wear jeans with either a spirit shirt, school uniform shirt, or College Shirt. Please visit the CHISD website for detailed information regarding the dress code. https://www.chisd.net/domain/1557
We understand certain individualized circumstances, however, Bessie Coleman's top priority is to educate the whole child. We will keep that focus this year as we make intentional changes toward full compliance.
District guidelines LINK. Campus guidelines LINK
As a reminder, our district has implemented a bookbag policy to enhance campus safety. Effective August 19th, any bookbag that does not comply with district guidelines will be confiscated and returned to a parent or guardian only.
For specific details regarding our safety and security procedures, please refer to the student code of conduct.
IDs and Temporary IDs
It is our campus expectation that IDs are around the scholar's necks. This implies that we must have our IDs on at all times during the instructional day. Identification truly helps us properly identify our scholars during the day. The ID policy will be strictly enforced on September 5th. We have a process to ensure that every scholar has an ID (or temporary ID) at all times. After 2nd period, all scholars will be expected to have their IDs on and visible. Temporary IDs will be available for purchase through 2nd period. Temporary IDs will cost $1. If a scholar is caught without an ID after 2nd period, they can face disciplinary consequences for being out of compliance. Please speak with your child about keeping their IDs out and around their necks. Many of our scholars want to keep their IDs in their pockets, in their book bags, or under their hoodies. All staff have been directed to request that all IDs be properly displayed.
Fees for IDs are listed below.
Temp ID - $1 each
Lanyard - $1 each
ID Case - $1 each
Badge Replacement/Lost - $5
Bell Schedule
The 2024-2025 bell schedule can be viewed here. Scholars will be responsible for arriving at all classes on time. We have a 4-minute passing period and have the expectation that all scholars arrive to class on time daily. Please ensure that you have spoken with your scholars on the importance of walking efficiently through the hallways.
Electronic devices
Any scholar using their electronic devices will be addressed and the device confiscated. The cost associated with retrieving that device is $15 and the parent or guardian must come to the school to sign for the device. The time window for picking up all electronic devices is 4:15 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. A different time can be arranged by the administration team for those who have circumstances that might prevent them from picking up during those times. That decision is determined by a committee and is case by case with final approval from the principal. Parents, please speak with your child about the importance of focused time in school and being fully present.
Bessie Coleman MS uses School Messenger in Skyward to send information (email messages) to Bessie Coleman students, parents, and staff- including a link to our weekly newsletter. Additionally, we use Blackboard (text messages and the CHISD APP) as an additional layer of communication. We conduct callouts, text messages, and CHISD APP updates through Blackboard as well. As the school year begins, CHISD opts all parents and guardians back into the system so that you will receive the most current information from both Bessie Coleman and CHISD. Anyone can opt out of the service at any time. Opting out will prevent you from receiving messages from the campus and CHISD.
We are also very aware that our transition back to a structured environment is going to be a process. We will fully implement all disciplinary consequences for non-compliance on August 19, 2024.
Scholar Behaviors
We’ve initiated discussions about creating a positive school culture, and student behavior emerged as a key focus. We’ve outlined expectations for hallways, classrooms, the lunchroom, and overall campus conduct.
To simplify our approach, we’ve identified two core rules aligned with our Longhorn Essentials:
LE #1 Respond appropriately to adults.
LE #6 Follow campus protocols, even with substitute teachers.
Our students have demonstrated a strong understanding of these expectations through class discussions. Together, we will create and sign social contracts that will be prominently displayed throughout the school.
We believe that by setting clear expectations and holding ourselves accountable, we can transform our school into an exceptional learning environment.
Parent Visitation During school operating hours
We are committed to strengthening the partnership between home and school. To that end, we aim to increase parental involvement beyond traditional events like athletic contests, performances, and instructional nights.
We are excited to announce that we will be opening our school doors to parents during the school day. To ensure a smooth transition, we will finalize internal procedures by the end of the first marking period. Once established, we will invite parents to join us for culture walks, classroom observations, and lunchroom visits.
To facilitate your involvement, we encourage you to sign up for our VOLY system. Please remember to adhere to district visitor guidelines. We look forward to collaborating with you to create a thriving school community.
We will adhere to the district and Texas' policy for absences. Truancy prevention measures will be in full effect this year. Good attendance has a direct correlation to positive academic outcomes. Although there are many contributing factors to successful academic outcomes, being at school is the true foundation for that. It is difficult to pour into scholars academically and socially/emotionally when they are present. We will do our very best to ensure that we have a safe, orderly, and welcoming environment filled with fun activities to balance the academic rigor this school year. And we look forward to your collaboration in the process.
Tardy Policy
We will begin issuing tardies the week of September 2nd. It is imperative that we arrive at every class on time. This building is rather large but we have demonstrated that we can move from the furthest locations within a three-minute time period. Please reinforce with our children to "walk and talk" with their friends. We know that school is made to be social but we are a learning establishment. Arriving at class on time is vital to increasing academic outcomes.
One of our campus-wide routines is related to hallway expectations. It is a requirement that all of our teachers should stand at the entry door to their classrooms to greet scholars during passing periods.
Once the passing period has expired:
Teachers will close and lock entry doors.
Scholars will report to their designated tardy station location.
An administrator or designee will issue the scholar a tardy pass.
Scholars will report individually to the designated period listed on the tardy pass.
- Tardy Pass (by period and our tardy station will be tracking this daily)
- Parent Email and Phone Calls
- Conference with Admin
- After School detention - 30-60 minutes
- Detention entered into Skyward
- Saturday Detention
- In School Suspension
- Behavior Contract
- *Scholars tardy count will be reset at the end of every six weeks
Visual Description of Dress Code Expectations
Newsletter Info
Bessie Coleman Middle School
Website: www.chisd.net/bessiecoleman
Location: 1208 East Pleasant Run Road, Cedar Hill, TX, USA
Phone: 9722934505
Twitter: @bessiecolemanMS