Blue Devil Bulletin
Grosse Pointe South's Weekly Communication 12/20/2024
Dear South Caregivers:
Grosse Pointe South High School has been selected to participate in the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) on January 29, 2025. NAEP is the largest nationally representative and continuing assessment of what students know and can do in various subjects. NAEP is administered by the National Center for Education Statistics, within the U.S. Department of Education. NAEP is different from our state assessments because it is a common measure of achievement across the country. The results are released as The Nation’s Report Card, which provides information about student achievement to educators, parents/guardians, policymakers, and the public.
Your child may be randomly selected to take a mathematics or reading assessment. In addition to subject-area questions, students voluntarily complete NAEP survey questions. These questions provide valuable information about participating students’ educational experiences and opportunities to learn both in and outside of the classroom. More information about NAEP survey questions is available at https://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/parents under the section “What Questions Are on the Test?”
The assessment takes up to 120 minutes for most students, which includes transition time, directions, and completion of survey questions.
The information collected is used for statistical purposes only.
· Your child’s grades will not be affected.
· Students may be excused for any reason, are not required to complete the assessment, and may skip any question.
· While the assessment is voluntary, NAEP depends on student participation to help policymakers improve education. However, if you do not want your child to participate, please notify me in writing by December 16, 2024.
There is no need to study in preparation for NAEP, but please encourage your child to do their best. Contact Dr. Daniel Hyliard at hyliard@gpschools.org if you have any questions.
We are excited that our school is participating in NAEP. We know that South’s students will show what our nation’s students know and can do.
Dr. Daniel Hyliard
Now that your student has MADE THE TEAM, you need to register and pay, Click here to do so. This needs to be completed before the first competition. Note if you are using a personal device it will not accept the payment. You must be on a laptop or desktop.
Call the athletic office if you have any questions, 313-432-3542
Go Fan to purchase tickets for sporting events
There will be an option to purchase tickets at the gate via credit card.
Guidelines for safe attendance at GPPSS athletic events
Please reach out to Kristen Stovall with any questions, 313-432-3542
Booster Bash 2025
Save the Date
South Athletic Booster Club – Booster Bash 2025 – Saturday, February 8th
Please make sure to save the date for the evening of February 8 to support the Athletic Booster Club at the annual Booster Bash. This year the event will be held at The Vineyard at St. Clare of Montefalco. Live music, bar fare and food, and awesome auction items will make this a night you surely don’t want to miss. Ticket information and sponsorship opportunities will be released after the holidays.
Attention Seniors
YEARBOOK Information
Yearbook Information can be found on our webpage or using this link
Dates to Remember
Monday, December 23rd thru Friday, January 3rd - WINTER BREAK
Wednesday, January 8th - Rising Freshmen Parent Night 6:30
Friday, January 10th - Course Selection Day for Private/Parochial Schools
Tuesday, January 14th thru Friday, January 17th - Mid Term Exams
Friday, January 17th - Night at the Races MC Fundraiser