P-TECH East Campus @ Watervliet
Update - January 17, 2020
New Year, New Technology Experiences
Spheros are small robotic spheres. Over the last two weeks, students have had the opportunity to use their cell phone or laptop to manually control Spheros and to write code to send them on a specific task.
Python is a general purpose programming language. On Thursday, January 9, our partners from Albany Can Code introduced the language to P-TECH students. During this time students were able to code a Rock, Paper, Scissors game.
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality - On Thursday, January 16, P-TECH students were able to work with different platforms for Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). Students used google cardboard, merge cubes, and an HTC Vive system to explore VR and AR experiences that were related to their English, science, and social studies units.
P-TECH Projects
How strong is your bridge? 10th grade P-TECH students have submitted bridge designs using geometric principles. Construction and testing will begin soon.
Hudson Valley Community College
10th grade students also completed their first college course, HVCC - College Forum, in December and will begin their next course, Psychology 100, on January 21.
Thank you HVCC for all of the experiences and opportunities you are providing to P-TECH students!
Career Roundtables and Business 101 Mentorship
On February 7, Business 101 mentors will be back to continue working with 10th grade students.
On February 14, 9th grade students will be participating in their next career exploration roundtable.
Thank you to all of the local businesses that participate in these meaningful experiences!
Do you know an 8th grade student who might be interested in P-TECH?
Important Dates
Monday 1/20 - No School, Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Tuesday 1/21 - Friday 1/24 - See the Exam/ Work Make-up Schedule
Friday 1/24 - End of Marking Period 2
Friday 2/7 - 10th Grade Business 101 Sessions
Friday 2/14 - 9th Grade Career Roundtable Sessions
P-TECH Contact Information
To contact P-TECH staff, please use the email addresses below, or call (518)629-3331. Please note that this line is not always accessible to our staff. If it is an emergency, or you need immediate assistance, please call the Watervliet Jr./Sr. HS main line at (518)629-3300.
Kurt Redman kurt.redman@neric.org - P-TECH Principal
Tim Honsinger tim.honsinger@neric.org – School Counselor
Katherine Burke katherine.burke@neric.org – Social Studies Teacher
Kirsten Dunn kirsten.dunn@neric.org – English Teacher
Genevieve Balunis Genevieve.Balunis@neric.org – Science Teacher
Chelsea Abady Chelsea.Abady@neric.org – Math Teacher