HHS Weekly Preview

Friday, October 11th, 2024
Weekly Announcements
The Fords had a wonderful week of education, service, athletics, music, extracurricular activities, employment, and learning! A+ week for all!
Please read the entire email. Read all the way to the car wash. REMINDER: Your students receive these emails and should review them.
PSAT/SAT went well. We thank eveyone who took the test and those that did not for their cooperation of a changed schedule. We had half the school take one of the test. Kudos to the Guidance Department and Proctors for implementing a smooth exam.
- From Legacy Photo: Picture Retake day is Friday October 18 in AM in HHS Auditorium. Also, If a Senior has NOT had their Senior portrait taken for senior portraits they can also be taken on this day, Friday October 18. You do not have to purchase your Senior photo; they would like to place it in the yearbook. Thank you. https://www.legacyphoto.com/ 610-279-1791
Haverford High School Job Fair #1
Looking for Employers.
Holidays are right around the corner and we are getting ready to host our Fall Student Job Fair. The Haverford High School Business Department along with NBHS, FBLA, and Discover Haverford will be hosting our Fall Student Job Fair on Thursday, November 7th. The fair will take place in our gym from 9:00 - 10:50.
Our fair will focus on Juniors and Seniors who are looking for employment right now but all students will have the opportunity to attend. The job fair will run similar to the ones we had in the past, allowing you and our students the opportunity to speak with each other. If you are looking for employees now or will be in the future, take advantage of this opportunity.
To sign up please complete the registration below. More information is below and we will send out more information as we get closer to the event. If you have any questions in the meantime please let us know. We look forward to seeing you there. Thank you for supporting our students.
Additional information:
The fair is free to register. The fair will take place in the morning from 9:00-10:45 in our gym. We will provide tables for you. If you are looking to hire students now or for the fall/winter, this is a great time to speak with them. We should have about 1,000 students attend.
In the meantime, if you would like to be featured on our Student Job Board please let me know. And please help spread the word to anyone you think would be interested. Thank you very much.
College and Career Ready
College Visits, School Day PSAT and SAT, Common APP News
College Visits
Students can sign up 24 hours in advance through Naviance to visit with college.
Students must get a pass signed by their teacher to visit during that block. Passes are available in the Counseling office with Ms. Schnyder. This WEEK:
Georgetown University
University of Alabama
Wake Forest University
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
King's College
Pennsylvania Western University
Roanoke College
Westminster College
George Mason University
Long Island University-Post
Drew University
Messiah University
Stony Brook University
Temple University
Wheaton College
Marist College
Salisbury University
Butler University
Manor College
Montgomery County College Fair
North Penn High School; Lansdale, PA
Thursday, October 17th; 6:00 - 8:00 PM
Neumann University; Aston, PA
Tuesday, October 22nd; 6:00 - 8:00 PM
For students / families / counselors:
All are welcome to attend! Please register for a barcode at www.StriveFair.com.
Show your barcode to colleges who will scan it to send you more information about their schools. The day after the fair, you will receive a report with information about each college with whom you scanned. All PACAC College Fairs are free of charge to students, families and counselors.
Upcoming Financial Aid Webinars from PHEAA-See Below for Details
Visit the PHEAA website to view a variety of webinars on various Financial Aid topics.
Click here to register (SAME LINK ON THE PHOTO BELOW).
Annual Blood Drive
If you're 16 or older, sign up to donate at Student Senate's Blood Drive on 10/23 from blocks 1-3. You can sign up at lunch or use the QR code on a blood drive flyer.
Nurses' Department
State Medical Requirements
Send documents to mosullivan@haverfordsd.net or ashubert@haverfordsd.net
Helpful Links
Volleyball honored Morgan's Message at their game on Wednesday night.
Fords Fight for Life Night was a huge success!
Winter Sports Family ID is open. Families can access it using this link: HHS Winter Athletics Family ID
1) FBLA Fundraiser - Get Your Haverford Gear
2) Dig Pink - See Below
3) Ice Hockey Fundraisers - See Below
5) Car Wash -HUDA-Haverford Ultimate Disc Alliance (Frisbee Team) THIS SUNDAY! - See Below
6) Golf Team Fundraiser-https://cmsportinggoods.chipply.com/HHSGolf/