LV Primary Parent News
May 1, 2024
Dear Primary Parents,
We want to thank our LVEF for their amazing support of our schools. Each year they provide grants to our teachers to enhance our learning environment.
One of our auction items is "Principal for the Day." Today, Miss Karsyn is the Principal for the Day. So far, we have visited rooms, made some copies, recorded announcements and made some deliveries. We are looking forward to lunch duty, helping with recess, and visiting more classrooms! Great work today Miss Karsyn!
Tonight we have our 2nd grade Spelling Bee! Good luck to our participants. Enter through the gym side. Today and tomorrow we have Kindergarten on a field trip and next week we celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week! Check out the schedule below!
Have a great day!
Thank you,
Mrs. Keck
Military Child Education Coalition Art Contest
The MCEC Call for the Arts program invites military-connected children from all over the world, representing every branch of service, to share interpretations through art of what it means to be a military-connected child. 2024 Call for the Arts submissions are accepted through April 30th. The contest is open to students K-12. Please click the link for more information.
School Supplies for Next Year
Below you will find a list of school supplies for next year. Our PTO provides a service of prepackaged supplies. The supplies are delivered for Meet the Teacher night. There is no obligation to purchase the supplies prepackaged, we just like to give you the option.
Library News
- May 9th: LAST CHECK-OUT for the year
- May 13th: ALL BOOKS DUE so that we can begin inventory.
Thanks for supporting our Library! It's been a great year of reading FUN!
Krista Saulter
LVPS Librarian
Returning Student Registration
It's that time of year! All returning students must now register for next year. See flyer below for more details.
Dates to Remember
School Hours 7:25-3:40.
May 1 - Pod 1 Kinder Field Trip, 2nd grade Spelling Bee
May 2- Pod 2 Kinder Field Trip
May 7 and 8- Kindergarten performances in the evening at Auditorium
May 6-9- Teacher Appreciation Week, Fine Arts Extravaganza
May 23- Last Day of School
May 24- Graduation
Attendance Matters: Attendance is taken at 9:30 am
A few highlights:
-A student cannot miss more than 15 days a school year (excused or unexcused).
-You must send a note within 3 days of absence.
Primary Nurse's Office
Our nurses are here to answer your questions:
Jodi Forrest:
Christie Broadway:
Also, be sure your little bear has an extra set of clothes in their back pack to change in the event of an accident/spill.
Lunch with your Little Bear!
- Seating is outside only, so keep an eye on weather
- You may eat only with your child, not other children
- Do not take video or photographs of other children
- Students may not take leftover drinks and food down the halls to the classrooms.
- You must sign in and out at the front office