Weekly Announcements - January 30th, 2025
🍀 At RMS we live the IRISH WAY 🍀
Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Responsible
Irish Way Word of the Month: Inclusive & Accepting
Get To Know the RMS Staff
Get to Know: Matt Shervey
Years at RMS: 3 years
Post-Secondary Education: University of Minnesota (Bachelors in Music Education/Percussion Performance) and Royal Northern College of Music (Masters in Music Composition)
Hobbies and/or Interests: Writing Music, Performing with the Encore Wind Ensemble, Cooking, Running, Spending time with my family outdoors (hiking, camping, geocaching).
Important Dates
Friday, January 31st - Grade 6 Registers for 7th Grade Electives
Wednesday, February 5th - Conferences (4pm to 8pm)
Thursday, February 6th - No School, Conferences (8am to 12pm & 5pm to 8pm)
Friday, February 7th - No School
9th Grade High School Registration
Attention Parents of 8th Graders:
Please mark these dates and times on your calendars, and look for a letter in the mail from RHS.
- High School Representatives will be back on February 4th to double check each student’s registration choices.
- If your student is going to another high school, we will have them register with RHS just in case, and know they can use the blue registration sheet to help guide their registration.
Please reach out to your RMS school counselor with any questions.
We will tour RHS this spring
Click HERE to go directly to the RHS Registration webpage where you can see the registration calendar, registration process and access all documents and materials needed- including an honors video, registration videos, and all needed information.
Click HERE to go to the 9th grade information page.
If your child is planning to attend a high school other than Rosemount High School, or if you have boundary change questions, please contact your 8th graders RMS School Counselor.
Grade 6 & 7 Course Registration Information for 2025-26 School Year
Parents/Guardians of RMS students in grade 6th & 7th Grade
Registration for next fall's classes begin in the month of January.
RMS students in grades 6th and 7th will be selecting their elective course choices for next school year.
Course Registrations Materials for the 2025-26 school year have been made available to families on our website and were given directly to students to bring home on Wednesday, January 22nd.
Registration Timeline:
- Online registration for elective courses via Infinite Campus Student Portal will occur with the student’s Advisor teacher on the following dates:
- Grade 6 students will register for grade 7 courses - January 30th and 31st.
Parent/Teacher Winter Conferences
Conferences are just around the corner
Conference Dates
Wednesday, February 5th – 4pm - 8pm (normal school day)
Thursday, February 6th – 8am - 12pm & 5pm - 8pm (No School for students)
(Thursday February 6th, there will be no conferences scheduled from 12pm - 5pm)
Your students advisory teacher sent out a conference sign up link via email on Friday, January 17th. Please sign up through that link!
Conference Structure: Each hour is split into a 10-10-10-30 format. That includes three ten-minute slots followed by a thirty-minute drop-in session.
You will book a ten-minute slot with your child's advisory teacher and use the drop-in session to visit other teachers. We ask that you please limit drop-in discussions to five minutes.
If you need more time or miss a slot, contact the teacher directly.
We are excited to have you attend conferences!
Schedule an Optional Conference with your Student’s Counselor:
After your regular conference with your student’s advisor, if you would like to talk more or are having questions about your student’s progress in academics or have any social emotional concerns, you are free to drop in to see your students counselor or schedule an appointment with them using the links below.
Students Last Names A-G: Make an appointment with Mrs. Brimeyer here: (code: T281496691)
Students Last Names H-N: Make an appointment with Mrs. Colucci here: (code: FX71496687)
Students with Last Names O-Z: Make an appointment with Mrs. Rose here: (code: 0L21496690)
Donations for RMS Staff Conferences
We are looking for donations for our upcoming conferences for our teachers/staff at RMS
Drop donations off anytime between 7am - 4pm in the main office.
Breakfast items please bring in between 7am - 8am the day of.
Nonperishable item you can bring anytime.
Please email Michele Pacheco if you have any questions: michele.pacheco@district196.org.
Thank you for your thoughtful consideration!!
Professional Employment Opportunity at RMS
Special education paraprofessionals serve a critical role at Rosemount Middle School, and we are looking for kind, caring and energetic individual to join our team!
As a special education paraprofessional, you can make a difference in the life of a child each and every day. You will work directly with students individually and in small groups.
RMS is currently looking for a paraprofessional to fill a position for the remainder of the school year.
Please see the Rosemount Middle School District Job posting and apply at https://www.applitrack.com/district196/OnlineApp/default.aspx?Category=Paraprofessional%2fTA
or contact RMS for more information.
RMS Scholastic Book Fair Starts February 3
Save the Date!
Dear Families:
Get ready! The Scholastic Book Fair is coming our way (YAY!). Choosing their own books empowers kids and inspires them on their journey to becoming lifelong readers. AND—as always—every purchase at the Fair benefits our school.
Here’s what you need to know about the big event, which will take place:
Set Up an eWallet
Say goodbye to cash and hello to eWallet—your child’s digital payment account.
Before the Fair, set up eWallet for worry-free, cash-free purchases. Anyone can contribute!
Share each child’s eWallet so friends and family can add funds and give your kids more books to enjoy.
Shop the Online Fair
If you can’t make it to the Fair, then shop at our school’s Book Fair online. All orders ship directly to your home, and shipping is free for book orders over $25.
Every online purchase will also benefit our school.
Visit our Book Fair homepage to learn more and get started with eWallet and online shopping:
The countdown to more Bookjoy is on! Catch you at the fair!
Spring Play Auditions are approaching!
This year’s play is Dr. Expirimentor and the League of Evil
Dr. Expirimentor and the League of Evil, a fun comedy full of heroes, villians, minions, zombies, and crime fighting bunnies! There are many roles, and your student is invited to audition!
Auditions will be held in room 21A on February 3rd and 4th after school.
Students should expect to be picked up around 5 p.m.
Students don’t need to be prepared with anything!
Just come to auditions, and we will give you the materials to audition.
Use the link below to let us know you are interested in auditioning!
If your student is interested in being a part of tech, please use the same link to sign up!
More information about tech crew, which includes costumes, set, props, lights, and sound will come out soon!
I hope to see you there! – Mr. Huling
Attending Events at ISD 196 Middle Schools
Consistent with all ISD 196 Middle Schools, all students must be with their own parent/guardian in order to attend any ISD 196 Middle School games, concerts or shows.
Ski and Snowboard Club
The RMS Ski & Snowboard Club is heading to Afton Alps!
Thursday, February 13th
Thursday, February 27th.
Leaving RMS at 3:20pm and return back to RMS at 9:00 pm
There are 3 options for sign-up:
Lift Ticket, Rental, and Bus: $94
Lift Ticket and Bus: $57
Bus only: $18
Register on EduTrak for 1 or both trips.
Email with any questions:
Sheena Greiner sheena.greiner@district196.org
Steve Clausen steven.clausen@district196.org
RHS Boys Golf Team
Boys golf team is looking for 7th & 8th grade boys who are interested in golf
Illness Guidelines - When to Keep Your Child Home
District 196 follows guidance from leading health organizations (i.e. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Minnesota Department of Health, American Academy of Pediatrics) to reduce the spread of communicable disease.
When unsure if your child should attend school, consult with a healthcare provider or contact your school nurse.
See attached picture for more information.
Safety and security: building our future
The safety and well-being of students, staff, and visitors is top priority.
Our district has a dedicated Emergency Response Team and each school has its own Building Emergency Response Team. We use a Standard Response Protocol and Standard Reunification Method from the “I Love U Guys” Foundation.
In the event of an emergency, families will receive communication via text, phone and email. Please be sure your emergency contact information is updated in Campus, and designate anyone authorized to pick-up your child if you cannot as an emergency contact.
Registration for 2025 Girls High School Rugby is now open
Eagan Rugby offers competitive programs that participate in the middle school and high school levels, as well as "Dragons" (flag/touch) rugby for grades K-5, drawing from students in and around the Eagan area, including all ISD 196 and 192 schools.
No experience is necessary! As rugby is developing, every team across the state has many players who have never played before. Rugby has a position to offer for all body styles, large and small, and all skill levels.
Girls High School Rugby is open to high school girls in the city of Eagan and surrounding area. We are a club sport in ISD 192 and ISD 196, meaning Varsity players attending school at Apple Valley, Eagan, Eastview, Farmington, Rosemount and the School of Environmental Sciences may earn their letter. We are also open to athletes from surrounding schools for which we are the closest available team.
Minnesota Institute for Talented Youth (MITY)
ExplorSchool: Summer Opportunities for Advanced Learners
MITY’s ExplorSchool program for middle school students provides a unique opportunity to investigate new topics and dive deeper into students' passions at a level that is challenging and motivating. Intellectually curious students take two classes, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, enabling them to explore different disciplines, experience things that are not possible within a normal school setting, and forge new friendships.
See the attached flyer for specific dates of the ExplorSchool Summer Programs.
MITY is currently accepting applications for elementary, middle school, and high school students. Contact mity.org for more information and other opportunities for elementary or high school level summer programs.
MITY provides students with the opportunity to explore their passions and pursue new topics within a fun and inclusive environment. 100% of last year's participants said they had a "great overall experience" at MITY. Students can choose from nearly 50 unique STEM, humanities, and fine arts classes. Need-based financial aid is available.
Yearbooks on Sale!!
Don’t miss out on memories from this school year!
Online Absence/Leaving Early Reporting System
Is your student leaving early or do you need to report a student's absence?
Please use the district online system to report an absence or to request your student to leave early during the school day using the link below or call us at 651-423-7570.
If your student is leaving early please remind your student to pick up a BLUE EARLY RELEASE PASS from the main office.
A BLUE EARLY RELEASE PASS will help teachers know that your student needs to leave at the correct time.
District 196 Community Ed learning & Fun Opportunities
Rosemount Irishettes Winter Dance Team Clinic (grades K-8)
Fri | Jan 31 | 4:45-8:00 p.m. | 1 session | $60 | Rosemount High School
Beginner Tae Kwon Do (ages 6+)
Tue | Feb 4-Apr 1 | 6:25-6:55 p.m. | 8 session | $80 | Rosemount Middle School
Eastview Lightning Boys Volleyball Skills and Competition Clinic (boys, grades 6-8)
Sun | Feb 9-23 | 1:00-3:00 p.m. | 3 sessions | $60 | VMS
Adventures in Dungeons & Dragons™ (grades 6-12, adults welcome too!)
Thu | Feb 13-Mar 20 | 5:30-8:30 p.m. | 6 sessions | $120 | FRMS
Karate and Mixed Martial Arts-Kick Boxing (ages 6-adult)
Tue & Thu | Feb 18-Mar 20 | 7:00-8:00 p.m. | 9 sessions | $105 | WV
Allegro Choral Academy (grades 6-9 – Bel Canto)
Thu | Feb 20-May 8 | 6:20-8:00 p.m. | 12 sessions | $155 | EVHS
Skyhawks Advanced Volleyball (ages 9-12)
Sat | Feb 22-Mar 15 | 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. | 4 sessions | $89 | DR
Archery Adventure Camp (ages 9-17)
Mon | Feb 24-Mar 17 | 6:30-8:30 p.m. | 4 sessions | $85 | PW
RMS Counselor Purpose Statement: To advocate, encourage and empower students and families to successfully navigate through the middle school years socially and academically while advocating for a strong and mentally healthy Irish Community.
Counselor Names and Contact Information:
- Jade Brimeyer (Students with Last Names A-G) Monday - Thursday
Please contact her at jade.brimeyer@district196.org; or 651-423-7620 - Jill Heasley (Students with Last Names A-G) Fridays
Please contact her at jill.heasley@district196.org or 651-423-7529 - Tamara Colucci (Students with Last Names H-N)
Please contact her at tamara.colucci@district196.org; or 651-423-7624 - Betsy Rose (Students with Last Names O-Z) Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Please contact her at betsy.rose@district196.org; or 651-423-7623 - Kirk Rotvold (Students with Last Names O-Z) Wednesdays
Please contact him at Kirk.Rotvold@district196.org; or 651-423-7615
Quick Tip
Quick Tip is an anonymous form for students to report potential threats, alcohol and drug abuse, safety concerns and other issues at schools. School officials receive the reports and are able to respond accordingly.
The form is located on the Contact page of all secondary school websites in District 196.
3135 143rd St W
Rosemount, MN 55068
Phone 651-423-7570
Fax 651-423-7664