The MMES Buzz
News from Manchester Memorial Elementary School!
January 10, 2025
Principal's Note
Dear MMES Families,
I hope this finds you well after a wonderful long winter break! Last Spring and Fall, I noticed an increase of young people riding on e-bikes (scooters, etc.) around town. I know that these were hot items during the holiday season so I wanted to share an informational video that the MPD put out earlier this week:
While Spring may be a few weeks away still, I wanted to take the opportunity to remind parents that electronic ride-on equipment is discouraged at school. We HIGHLY encourage students to walk, skip, hop, run, or bike to school!
Have a great weekend!
The Wing Master Visits Grade 4 and 5 Art
Science and Art
Jim Parks, owner of The Educational rehabilitation program for animals of prey called The Wing Master, recently visited Manchester Memorial Elementary school during the fourth and fifth grade art classes. Students enjoyed a special live drawing art class with four different birds. The Red Tail Hawk, Barred Owl, Great Horned Owl, and the Screeched Owl served as live models as students saw up close their unique details, colors and learned about each species.
The drawings will be finished in the upcoming art class and presented at the spring art show in May. Thank you to our wonderful PTO for sponsoring this event.
Front Office Update
Just one thing: After School Clubs are changing. Please update pick up patrol with your students participation.
What's the Buzz with Ms. X
Happy New Year Hornets! I hope you all enjoyed the long winter break and that getting back to routines this week has gone well! This time of year, many people talk about New Year’s Resolutions and goal making. This is an area for growing understanding for our students as developmentally, they haven’t yet gained or mastered the skills of organizing and planning. It’s a great time to talk to your student(s) about what a goal is, both long term and short, and how to break a larger or long-term goal down into smaller pieces so that they can successfully achieve it. With our older students, teachers support this during long term assignments by having various “Due By” dates and it’s important to have these conversations outside of school too so that students can begin to internalize these skills.
As adults we know goals give us direction and something to shoot for – if we never identify something, we might not know how to proceed or move forward. By setting and meeting goals, children also develop the important character traits such as grit, responsibility, agency (in self), and confidence. To help children set larger goals and work with them to break these down in smaller steps and therefore more accomplishments, many people use the visual of a ladder with the main goal at the top and the smaller steps on the rungs towards the larger goal. This article even talks about brainstorming any obstacles and making a plan to combat these. When or if we feel discouraged by lack of progress, we can remind our students (and ourselves!) to use positive self-talk so that we can persevere.
Some other tips:
- Start simple with an easy and attainable goal (maybe it’s joining a club or completing math homework)
- Use Sticker Charts or Check Lists to organize and show your child their progress and achievements
- Build in rewards/incentives (as simple as allowing a break for every 15 minutes of focus)
Have a great weekend and stay warm! – Ms. X
Health Room Headlines
Happy New Year!
Please remember:
· If your child is going to be absent, tardy, or there is a change to dismissal plans- utilize PickUp Patrol for those changes. You no longer need to email or call Mrs. Schmidt, the teacher, or the school nurse to report those changes.
· If your child has a temperature of 100.4F or over, they need to be fever free for 24 hours (without the aid of Tylenol or Motrin) before re-entering the school.
· If your child is experiencing diarrhea or vomiting, we recommend that they are symptom free for 24 hours and can tolerate solid food before re-entering the building.
Norovirus/Stomach bug
The very pesky and contagious stomach bug is making its way around. This week we discussed the importance of proper hand washing, wiping down surfaces, and keeping hands out of our mouths to help prevent the spread. The hope is that students continue to do this and be reminded of the importance of this at home as well.
Thank you all for your cooperation, any questions or concerns please call or email,
Jaclyn Morrissey, R.N.
Learning through Play: Preschool Parent Workshop
Play is not just something children do, it is one of the most important ways they learn basic skills including academics and social interactions. This critical part of every child's development should be supported by families and schools. In this workshop, join us to learn about the kinds of play and how to help your child make the best out of play.
Childcare is available for this workshop!
Date: Monday, December 16
Time: 3:15-4:15pm
Instructor: Alison Turpel
Location: Ms. Turpel's Preschool Classroom
RSVP: Shelley Mullarkey - or 978-525-6060 and let us know if you would like to access childcare during the workshop.
If you are interested but cannot attend in the afternoon, email Shelley Mullarkey or Allison Collins. Depending on interest level from parents, we may also schedule a repeat of this workshop at 7:00pm on Monday, December 16 via Zoom. Questions? Contact Allison Collins at
Dates to Remember
2024-2025 Calendar
15 - Early Release, 11:45
20 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, No School
31 - PK Screening, by appointment
5 - Early Release, 11:45
6 - Elementary Poetry Cafe at MMES 5:30-7:00 p.
17 - Presidents Day
Vacation February 17-21
5 - Early Release, 11:45
17 - Teacher PD Day, No School
20 - Grade K to Mass Audubon
21 - Grade 1 to NSMT 9:00 – 11:45 am
4 - K-8 Conferences, Early Release 11:45
21 - Patriots Day
Vacation April 21-25
MCAS Testing Windows - Please be mindful when planning family absences
ELA Testing Window - March 24 - April 18
Mathematics Testing Window - April 28 - May 23
STE Testing Window -April 28 - May 23
Menus - January
Coming Up in March - DESE Review of MERSD ELE Program
During the week of March 3, 2025, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s (DESE’s) Office of Language Acquisition (OLA) will conduct a Tiered Focused Monitoring Review of the Manchester-Essex Regional School District. The Office of Language Acquisition reviews each district’s and charter school’s ELE program every six years to monitor compliance with federal and state English learner education laws and regulations. Areas of review will include English learners’ student assessments, identification of English learners; what programs English learners are placed in, parent and community involvement, curriculum and instruction, student support services, licensure requirements for faculty, staff and administration, program plans, and evaluation and recordkeeping.
In addition to the onsite visit, parent outreach is an important part of the review process. The district will send a survey to the parents of students whose records the review team examines with. The survey focuses on key areas of their child’s English learner education program. Survey results will be reviewed by OLA and they will contribute to the monitoring report.
Parents and other individuals may call Samantha Kodak, Office of Language Acquisition Review Chairperson, at (781) 338-3561 to request a telephone interview. If an individual requires an accommodation, such as translation, to participate in an interview, DESE will make the necessary arrangements.
Within approximately 60 business days of the onsite visit, the review chairperson will provide the (district or charter school) with a report with information about areas in which the (district or charter school) meets or exceeds regulatory requirements and areas in which the (district or charter school) requires assistance to correct or improve practices. The report will be available to the public at
For more information contact: Allison Collins, Ed.D., Director of Student Services, Manchester-Essex Regional School District
iReady My Path - Home Access
MERSD elementary students now have access to the iReady "My Path" program at home. This aspect of iReady is an online tool that provides students with learning activities and practice geared towards their individual skills and needs. Below you will find information regarding accessing this tool at home for extra skill practice in reading and mathematics.
Manchester Memorial PTO
Join us for an evening of creativity and community as we design beautiful floral arrangements using a selection of vibrant spring flowers. This workshop is perfect for anyone looking to add a touch of color and warmth to their home or just enjoy a relaxing, creative activity. No experience is necessary, and all materials will be provided.
Event Details:
Spring Flowers Workshop
Friday, January 17th, 6:00 PM
Borrowed and Blue’s Studio, 206 Main St, Gloucester 01930
$5 of every ticket will be donated to the PTO!
Tickets are available at:
Notices From Our Friends
Manchester Public Library - Spa Day for Early Release
Wed., Jan. 15, 12:00-1:30 pm
It's early release day, kids -- and also your big opportunity to head over to the Manchester Library for some self-care! The library's Teen Advisory Board hosts this 90-minute session of fun and fabulosity geared toward grade schoolers and tweens. And pull up a beanbag chair and join us for a special movie screening immediately afterward!
Open Door Mobile Market
Mobile Market at Memorial - Open Door
- Mobile Markets will then run from 2:30-3:30pm through January on the first Wednesday of each month.
- Mobile Market will run on an early release schedule of 11am-12:15pm on the first Wednesday of each month in February, March, May, and June.