Newport Primary School
February Newsletter
Matt Atkins, Principal
Nichole Hayden, Assistant Principal
1102 York Street
Newport, Kentucky 41071
(859) 292-3011
District website: www.newportwildcats.org
NPS page on website: https://nps.newportwildcats.org/
NPS Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/npswildcats
The NPS Handbook can be found linked here and our our district webpage.
Important Dates
7th - iReady celebration
10th - Happy 100th day of school! 100% attendance challenge - see Attendance section below for details.
14th - Valentine's day - see NPS News section for details
17th - President's Day
24th - College & Career school-wide unit kick-off
26th - Preschool family event 5:00 - 7:00pm. See below for details.
March 12th - New Kindergarten Registration & Open House 5 - 7pm
Wildcats of the Month
Ms. Barbour & Mrs. Glancy - Macie Couch
Ms. Burkart & Mrs. Johnson - Elijah Lattimore
Mrs. Hahn & Mrs. Kennedy - Kingston Willis
Ms. Mayle & Mrs. Shay - Harmonie Cullum
Ms. Staude & Mrs. Lewis - Gabriel Pablo Macario
Ms. Jones - Andrea Reid
Ms. Mitchell - Robert Dillon
Ms. McGroarty - Estrella Aguilar Coronado
Ms. Rice - Avah Cromwell
Mrs. Weaver - Imogen Moore
Ms. Bravo - Hailey Manning
Mrs. Chalfant - Kenny Bryant
Mrs. Goines - Alayna Schackelford
Ms. Mariani - Elisa Perez-Chun
Mrs. Powell - Khalyssa Wayson
Harvest of the Month
Harvest of the Month
Academic Alley
College & Career
Our school counselor will kick-off our college and career school-wide unit on February 24th in our Monday morning meeting as a school. She will speak to the students about what college is and introduce important vocabulary. Click the image to see the information that will be presented. In this folder you will also find the college bracket we will use in this unit. Each Monday beginning March 3rd, students will be introduced to two colleges. They will choose which interests them the most and get a sticker to wear for the day. We encourage parents to ask your child about the college they chose.
iReady Celebration
Each student has the opportunity to earn the monthly iReady celebration. Students are given time each day to work on their iReady reading and iReady math pathway. The goal is to complete 5 lessons per week, adjusted for shorter weeks. Students should be able to meet this every month if they have good attendance and stay on task during the provided iReady time. Our January celebration will be held on Friday, February 7th. Students will receive an iReady sticker. We encourage you to ask your child about the iReady celebration.
馃帀 Congratulations to our second semester Newport Primary School Student Ambassadors. 馃帀 Students qualify for this title in one of three ways. Check out our Parent Handbook to learn more. The second grade students will be interviewing community members in the coming weeks as part of a video project for our school-wide college and career unit. Students have a special lunch once a month with Ms. Kaake, help lead the school announcements and school events among other things.
Sundae Scholars
Students in grades first and second grade will be coming home with the list of second semester sight words. Students are encouraged to practice the sight words at home. Once your child can read each of the grade level sight words let us know using the Sundae Scholars form link. Mr. Atkins or Mrs. Hayden will test the students ready for the challenge and they will make their very own ice cream sundae during lunch.
Please note that the list of words for kindergarten is the same as first semester as they have fewer words overall. To challenge those kindergarten students who already earned the title Sundae Scholar by reading all 40 kindergarten words, they have the opportunity to earn a second semester sundae like the other grades by reading the first grade list for first semester! The teacher will send these home to those students.
Sight Word Lists
NPS News
100th Day of School - Monday, February 10th
To celebrate the 100th day of school students may dress as a 100 year old person - OR - Students are encouraged to wear BRIGHT clothes to show how they are 100 days brighter.
On this day there will be a special reveal during our morning meeting beginning at 8:05am. Be sure to arrive on time so you do not miss this surprise!
Gold Star Chili Teacher of the Year
Valentine's Celebration
Students will have celebrations in their classrooms. Teachers will send home class specific information. Treats must be store bought and individually wrapped. Healthy snack options and non-food treats are encouraged. No peanuts please. Treats should be sent to school with students at arrival. Parents dropping off items throughout the school day interrupts the school day.
Morning Meeting & Wildcat Way Rule #5 Reveal
Students with perfect attendance in January were recognized and our wildcats of the month were announced in addition to the regular school announcements. Mr. Atkins always reviews our three core expectations. The first Monday of the month a new rule is revealed. Check this folder out for the parent communication letters. School staff will perform an adapted version of Pinocchio as part of the reveal during our Monday morning assembly. I will tell the truth. 馃挴
Preschool Event
Our preschool families are invited to the first of four family events we will host this spring on Wednesday, February 26th. Dinner will be served 5:00 - 5:30 with a session to follow until approximately 6:45pm. We will have two student and two parent giveaways each event. The topic of our first is Self Awareness: I am me. I have feelings, likes and dislikes. Come meet other families, engage in activities to help your child with self-awareness and take some materials to use at home.
School Report Card
Use this link to take you to the Kentucky Department of Education's website to see our school report card. The Kentucky School Report Card is intended to share information about the state鈥檚 public schools. It encompasses a variety of indicators that contribute to school performance.
Special Area Report
Counselor's Corner
This month, the School Counselor will continue to visit classrooms for whole group counseling lessons. In December, students completed Lesson 3: Identifying and Managing Emotions and Lesson 4: Effective Communication/Listening Skills. In January, students will work through Lesson 5.
Lesson 5: Bonding and Relationships.
Students learn healthy friendship qualities and the benefits of bonding with pro-social others. Students also demonstrate assertive communication using I-messages.
Be on the lookout for the Too Good Home Workout for adults and kids to do together.
Family Resource Center
Molly Wesley
Newport Primary School Family Resource Center Coordinator
1102 York Street
Newport, KY 41071
Office Hours: 6:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (or by appointment)
Notes from Nurse Bova
Healthy Resolutions for Children in the New Year
Children ages 4 to 12 years old
路 I will drink water or milk on most days and will keep soda and fruit drinks only for special
路 I will try to eat at least two servings of fruit and two servings of vegetables every day.
路 I will wash my hands after using the restroom and before meals.
路 I will brush my teeth twice a day.
路 I will practice good handwashing and cover my cough when I have a cold.
路 I will wear my seat belt every time I get in a car.
路 I will try to find a physical activity or a sport I enjoy doing such as playing basketball or soccer, jumping rope, playing tag, dancing, or riding my bike at least three times a week.
路 I will always wear a helmet when riding a bike, scooter, or skateboard.
路 I will dress warm in the winter and wear sunscreen in the summer when playing outside.
路 I'll try to be friendly to kids who may have a hard time making friends by talking with them and inviting them to join activities.
路 I will try to talk with my parent or a trusted adult when I have a problem or feel stressed.
路 I will read for 20 minutes each day (with a family member if the child is unable to read independently).
100th Day of School Challenge
Students arriving to school on time will receive a cookie in car line from Busken Bakery. Let's get 100% attendance today.
Each month the class with the highest attendance rate receives a pizza dance party. Ms. Goines class has won for the month of January.
Each month students who had perfect attendance the month prior are recognized at our morning meeting. The receive a sticker to wear so everyone knows of they didn't miss a day of learning in that month.