Welcome to the Boutwell School!
2024-2025 School Year
A Message from Mrs. Walsh
Dear Boutwell Families,
It is with great pride that I welcome all our students and families to the Boutwell School! I am excited to have our students bring their enthusiasm, excitement, and laughter into our classrooms! Throughout the past twenty-three years, I have had the privilege of working with students, parents, and colleagues in the Wilmington Public Schools. I have educational experience spanning grades K-2 with a specific concentration in early childhood literacy, curriculum, and instruction. Along with the dedicated staff, I will work diligently to support the growth of your child and maintain personal connections to families.
At the Boutwell School, we provide a positive and productive learning environment for all our students, many of whom are experiencing public school for the first time. We create a balance between each child’s academic, social, and emotional development while at the same time being cognizant of curriculum and instruction. With the support and involvement of our families, we strive to make each child’s school experience an enriching one that will lay the foundation for years to come.
I invite you to become an active member of our school community by volunteering, joining the Boutwell Parent Advisory Council (PAC), School Advisory Council (SAC), and attending school activities and events whenever possible. The Boutwell Parent Advisory Council continues to be a strong and involved presence within our school. The PAC funds many enrichment programs that enhance our curriculum and supports our school values: Be Kind, Be Safe, and Try Even When It’s Hard. Their contributions to the students and families at our school are instrumental in developing a strong sense of community. The School Advisory Council is another opportunity for families to become involved. This council includes representatives of families, teachers, and administrators from both the Boutwell and Wildwood Schools. Their charge is to develop a school improvement plan that supports the four priorities identified in the current district strategic plan.
I believe effective communication is instrumental in ensuring students have a positive educational experience. Throughout the year, I will provide families with general information, frequent updates, newsletters, and important information using a variety of means such as written communication in your child’s backpack, email, and the district/school website. Please be sure to follow the Boutwell School on Twitter @Boutwell36 and visit the district website at www.wpsk12.com. You can easily view the Boutwell website by clicking on the Our Schools tab and selecting Boutwell Early Childhood Center. Additionally, feel free to contact me at 978-694-6070 or by email at Kristen.walsh@wpsk12.com.
Lastly, I kindly ask our preschool families to secure Wednesday, August 28, 2024, and our kindergarten families to secure Thursday, August 29, 2024 in their calendars for our Preschool and Kindergarten Orientation. All incoming students and families are invited to visit the school. Parents/guardians will join me in the café and students will meet their teachers in their assigned classrooms. Also, our Open House for parents/guardians will be held on the evening of Wednesday, September 11, 2024. Preschool parents/guardians are invited to attend at 6:00 pm and kindergarten parents/guardians will attend at 6:30 pm.
I look forward to meeting you and having a successful school year!
Kristen Walsh
Preschool and Kindergarten Orientation - Save the Dates!
Preschool Orientation - Wednesday, August 28th
All incoming preschool students and families are invited to attend our preschool orientation from 12:00 - 1:00 pm. Students and families will begin in the cafe and meet with me to hear important information then visit their classrooms and meet their new teachers.
Kindergarten Orientation - Thursday, August 29th
All incoming kindergarten students and families are invited to attend the kindergarten orientation at the times below according to your child's classroom placement. Parents/guardians will begin in the café and meet with me while their children join the teachers in their assigned classrooms. I kindly ask that you arrive at your scheduled time to avoid overcrowding in the hallways and parking lot.
Rooms 6, 7 & 8 - 12:00 - 1:00 pm
Rooms 2, 3 & 4 - 1:30 - 2:30 pm
With the addition of the Wildwood School on the Carter Lane campus, our traffic pattern has changed and parking is very limited. If at all possible, I ask that there be one vehicle per family. In order to accommodate the number of vehicles attending orientation, all vehicles must enter the driveway at the back of the school from Carter Lane. Vehicles will be directed to park in the front parking lot, along the driveway, and behind the parked vehicles along the field on Carter Lane. Please be advised that due to the congestion of parked cars, you will not be able to move your vehicle until the conclusion of your scheduled orientation session.
Supply Lists
* Backpack (large enough to hold standard-size folder)
* 1 box of tissues
* 1 container of baby wipes (fragrance free)
* Set of clothing (in the event of accidents)
* Backpack (large enough to hold standard-size folder)
* 1 box of Crayola crayons (24 pack)
* 1 box of Crayola markers (8 ct. classic colors)
* 2 packages of thin dry-erase markers (low odor & non-toxic)
* 1 package of glue sticks (4 ct.)
* 1 large pick eraser
* 1 box of sharpened #2 pencils (12 ct.)
* 1 box of tissues
* 1 container of baby wipes (fragrance free)
First Day of School
Helpful Information
School Phone: 978-694-6070
School Fax Number: 978-694-6009
Office Personnel
Mrs. Kristen Walsh - Principal
Mrs. Sarah Atwater - Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Nicole McCabe - School Nurse
School Hours:
Kindergarten 8:35 am - 2:05 pm (Monday - Friday)
* Drop off begins at 8:20 am
Preschool (Monday - Thursday)
Morning Session - 8:35 am - 11:05 am
Afternoon Session - 11:45 am - 2:15 pm
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Our front parking lot (Lot G) is one-way. To enter the front parking lot, all vehicles must use the driveway at the rear of the building next to the dumpster. Vehicles will be permitted to enter the driveway during arrival and dismissal times. Vehicles will exit the front parking lot using the driveway next to the clothing donation bins. Do not park your vehicle in the driveway along the field.
Van riders will be dropped off at the front door of the building. Upon arrival, a staff member will greet and escort students into the building.
Car riders will enter the front door beginning at 8:20 am. Parents will park in Lot G (front parking lot) in an open parking space and walk their child to the front door. Students will be greeted at the front door by a staff member and walked to their classrooms.
Walkers can be brought to the front door beginning at 8:20 am. Upon arrival, students will be greeted by a staff member.
Bus riders will be greeted by a staff member at the rear door and escorted into the building.
AM Preschool students will enter the front door beginning at 8:30 am. Parents/guardians will walk their child to the front door and will be greeted by a staff member.
PM Preschool students will enter the front door beginning at 11:40 am. Parents/guardians will walk their child to the front door and will be greeted by a staff member.
Students arriving after 8:35 am and PM preschool students arriving after 11:45 am are considered tardy and must be signed in by an adult at the front door.
Parents/guardians are not allowed to walk their children to their classrooms.
Van riders will exit the front door of the building and be escorted onto their bus or van by a staff member.
Car riders will exit the front door. Parents/guardians will walk to the front door to pick up their child. Please bring the parking placard with you if your child is a car rider.
Walkers will exit the front door accompanied by a staff member. An authorized adult will meet the staff member and student at the front door. Please bring proper identification at pickup.
Bus riders will be escorted out the rear door and loaded onto the bus.
AM Preschool students will exit the front door at 11:05 am. Parents/guardians will walk to the front door to pick up their child. Please bring the parking placard with you.
PM Preschool students will exit the front door at 2:15 pm. Parents/guardians will walk to the front door to pick up their child. Please bring the parking placard with you.
CARES students will be escorted to the cafeteria by a staff member. CARES staff will dismiss students to an authorized adult at their predetermined pick-up time.
All authorized adults allowed to pick up your child MUST be listed in Aspen and have photo identification with them when picking up a student.
Any change in transportation needs to be sent to the classroom teacher in writing. Please do not send an email in the event the classroom teacher is absent.
Change in bus transportation for playdates will not be permitted.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding bus transportation, please contact Lisa Faretra, WPS Transportation Coordinator at lisa.faretra@wpsk12.com
Please enter and exit the parking lot safely to maintain a consistent and safe flow of traffic.
It is unlawful to pass a school bus/van as it is loading or unloading students.
Parking in marked handicapped spots is reserved strictly for handicapped visitors and vans ONLY. Only park in these spots with proper identification.
Safety and Visitor Information
* All doors are locked during the school day. Entrance/exit is only permitted at the front door.
* All visitors and volunteers must present a photo ID and be signed in at the front office.
* All visitors and volunteers must wear a visitor pass at all times.
School Overview
The Boutwell Early Childhood Center is dedicated to the education of young children. It is an inclusive, student-centered educational facility offering a strong student-centered curriculum and promotes a positive school climate. Our school is home to eight classrooms serving students with and without disabilities. Our kindergarten and preschool programs build strong foundational academic skills and support the social/emotional development of our young students. In addition, Boutwell offers an extended-day kindergarten program (CARES).
Kindergarten Curriculum Overview
The kindergarten curriculum includes various evidence-based curricula to support student learning. In literacy, we utilize Houghton-Mifflin Into Reading and Heggerty to provide explicit and systematic core instruction to support the development of foundational literacy skills instruction based on the Science of Reading. Curriculum in other content areas include Envision Math, IMPACT Social Studies, and Elevate Science. The Responsive Classroom approach to teaching is implemented in all classrooms.
The Responsive Classroom approach and the MARC anti-bullying program are implemented in our classrooms. The Responsive Classroom approach fosters social skill development along with academic engagement, supports a positive classroom and school climate, increases student involvement, and enhances community building. Additionally, students participate in Physical Education, Music, Art, and Library.
Special education services are available for those students who qualify and require assistance in the areas of speech and language, occupational therapy, and physical therapy. In addition, a reading specialist is available and provides services to students focusing on reading support and enrichment. Our general tutor is also able to support students identified as requiring support in mathematics.
The DIBELS 8th Edition is administered to each kindergarten student throughout the year and used as a universal screening, benchmark assessment, and progress monitoring tool. This research-based tool is utilized to assess the acquisition of literacy skills. Results will assist teachers in differentiating instruction to meet student’s individual needs and to ensure students are making progress.
Boutwell utilizes the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support approach to provide students with necessary interventions to refine or enrich specific skills. During this intervention time, students work in small groups with various staff members. The goal is to give each student what they need at a particular point in time. Data meetings are held to review data collected from our literacy and math assessments. This data is analyzed and used to implement changes in instruction.
Preschool Curriculum Overview
The preschool curriculum includes the OWL literacy program and Fundations. Our preschool students participate in whole-group and small-group activities during our science and social studies lessons. Many lessons include hands-on activities and are integrated into our literacy program. The Responsive Classroom approach to teaching is implemented in all classrooms. The Responsive Classroom approach fosters social skill development along with academic engagement, supports a positive classroom and school climate, increases student involvement, and enhances community building. Special education services are available for those students who qualify and require assistance in the areas of speech and language, occupational therapy, academic support, and physical therapy.
PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Support)
PBIS is a research-based systems approach that aims to establish a positive school culture in which students will learn appropriate strategies for behavior from one another, which will create school environments that are safe, consistent, and socially predictable. The Boutwell PBIS team developed three core values and a set of “school-wide expectations” that have been successfully implemented in our school. These expectations are taught using student-centered lessons with all our students at the beginning of the school year and revisited mid-year for consistency. The lessons focus on active listening, problem-solving, respect, emotional regulation, responsible decision-making, and empathy.
Our 3 Core Values:
Be Kind
Be Safe
Try Even When It’s Hard
2024-2025 Boutwell School Handbook
Upcoming Dates
- August 28th- Preschool Orientation 12-1 pm
- August 29th - Kindergarten Orientation (See times above)
- September 4th - First Day of School for ALL Boutwell students!
- September 11th - Open House - Preschool @ 6:00 pm and Kindergarten @ 6:30 pm
Boutwell Early Childhood Center
Email: kristen.walsh@wpsk12.com
Website: www.wpsk12.com
Location: 17 Boutwell Street, Wilmington, MA, USA
Phone: 978-694-6070
Twitter: @Boutwell36