Plano ISD Dyslexia Newsletter
October 2021
PISD Dyslexia Celebrates Dyslexia Awareness Month!
It’s Dyslexia Awareness Month. You CAN support children and adults with dyslexia.
What is Dyslexia?
Characteristics of Dyslexia
The problems displayed by individuals with dyslexia involve difficulties in acquiring and using written language. It is a myth that individuals with dyslexia “read backwards,” although spelling can look quite jumbled at times because students have trouble remembering letter symbols for sounds and forming memories for words. Other problems experienced by people with dyslexia include the following:
- Learning to speak
- Learning letters and their sounds
- Organizing written and spoken language
- Memorizing number facts
- Reading quickly enough to comprehend
- Persisting with and comprehending longer reading assignments
- Spelling
- Learning a foreign language
- Correctly doing math operations
Not all students who have difficulties with these skills have dyslexia. Formal testing of reading, language, and writing skills is the only way to confirm a diagnosis of suspected dyslexia.
How widespread is dyslexia?
About 13–14% of the school population nationwide has a handicapping condition that qualifies them for special education. Current studies indicate that one half of all the students who qualify for special education are classified as having a learning disability (LD) (6–7%). About 85% of those students have a primary learning disability in reading and language processing. Nevertheless, many more people—perhaps as many as 15–20% of the population as a whole—have some of the symptoms of dyslexia, including slow or inaccurate reading, poor spelling, poor writing, or mixing up similar words. Not all of these will qualify for special education, but they are likely to struggle with many aspects of academic learning and are likely to benefit from systematic, explicit, instruction in reading, writing, and language.
Dyslexia occurs in people of all backgrounds and intellectual levels. People with dyslexia can be very bright. They are often capable or even gifted in areas such as art, computer science, design, drama, electronics, math, mechanics, music, physics, sales, and sports.
In addition, dyslexia runs in families; parents with dyslexia are very likely to have children with dyslexia. For some people, their dyslexia is identified early in their lives, but for others, their dyslexia goes unidentified until they get older.
Do you want more information? Join in person or online!
Dyslexia Parent Connection (Spanish)
Topic: Dyslexia Parent Night (Spanish)
Time: Oct 7, 2021 06:00 PM
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
Password: Dyslexia
Thursday, Oct 7, 2021, 06:00 PM
400 East Spring Valley Road, Richardson, TX, USA
Dyslexia Parent Connection! Region 10 Series
Topic: Region 10 Dyslexia Parent Night
Time: Oct 19, 2021 06:00 PM
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
Password: Dyslexia
Tuesday, Oct 19, 2021, 06:00 PM
400 East Spring Valley Road, Richardson, TX, USA
Plano ISD Dyslexia Services ~ K-12
Location: 2700 West 15th Street, Plano, TX, USA
Phone: 469-752-8921