Panui o te Kura School:News
St Joseph's School, Levin - July 2021
Mai i to Tumuaki - from your Principal
Kia ora e te whānau o te kura. We're back in the news; well the Hato Hohepa news that is! With our newly developed website, we have an online newsletter and a NEW school app - all inclusive and a one-stop-information-shop for our whānau.
Watch this space for updates and next steps.
This year, Deputy Principal Bronwen Walters, achieved a Graduate Certificate in Teaching English as an Additional Language through Massey University. Principal, Maria Lyne completed a Graduate Certificate in Leadership & Catholic Culture through ACU (Australian Catholic University) and TCI (The Catholic Institute, NZ). The knowledge, skills and applied practice in these areas is a tremendous asset to our richly, multicultural school and staff. 'To God, be glory forever. Alleluia, Amen.'
Other examples of life-long-learning at te kura have been:
- our Teacher Aides (TAs) completed Digital Skills for Learning earlier this year
- four kaiako, currently completing an Religious Education qualification
- two TAs completing a TA Masterclass and one TA completing a certificate through HLC
One way that whānau can encourage life-long learning at home, is to actively learn alongside their child through the Home-School, S.E.R.V.E. Mission booklet. This should be completed weekly to enhance whānau connection, social learning, work ethic, hauora-wellbeing, study habits, time-management and excellence-personal best.
If you are already doing your part for the Home-School S.E.R.V.E. Mission - congratulations; and if not; plan to make a start in Term 3. It really will make a difference to your child's learning and their participation will be incentivized in-class and school-wide.
Thank you for all that you provide from home to support your child's learning at school.
Kotahi tātou - we are one!
Term 2 GEM's
- 'Think Pink' School Disco
- Pentecost School Mass
- He Vakamoana visit
- Samoan Language Week
- Venerable Suzanne Aubert's birthday celebration
- Caritas Challenge - Move it; Stop it; Live it; Social action
- Kiribati Language Week
- Wānanga Wednesdays
- Winter Sports
- Matariki breakfast and BBQ
- End of Term 2 Thanksgiving Mass
- Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation
'With our hearts on fire with the love of Jesus'
Sacramental Celebration - Confirmation
Cardinal John spoke of St Joseph as a faith-filled leader and role model. He reminded us to have a loving and caring heart like St Joseph; open and welcome to God's wisdom. He spoke of Joseph as the patron Saint of the Universal church and therefore a patron Saint for us all. Joseph received God's messages in his dreams and we too, even in our day-dreams can be open to God, and especially if we turn those dreamtimes into prayer.
The celebration concluded with a veritable feast in the Parish center. Gratitude and thanks to all who helped in the preparation for this special occasion.
Key Dates
- Term 3 begins - Monday 26 July @ 8.55am
- Wānanga Wednesdays (Y6-8 extension) - Weeks 1-8
- COVID Info' for Pacific Peoples - Wednesday 28 July @ 6pm
- School Mass 'Grandparents theme' - Friday 30 July @ 12.10pm
- Social Justice Week & KNZB Week - 13-19 September
- Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori - 13-19 September
- Catholic Character Review - 14-16 September
- Pet Blessing Liturgy - Friday 1 October @ 2.00pm
- Term 3 ends - Friday 1 October @ 2.55pm
Planning for WellBEing
Heading into Term 3, help your child to 'BE'
- ON-TIME, at school by 8.45am - tamariki love to arrive at school, with a little time to spare
- HYDRATED - with a filled water bottle - we are a WATER ONLY school
- ENERGIZED - early to bed = rested, happy and switched-on for the day ahead
- FUELED-UP = breakfast on board and HEALTHY SNACKS for Kai Iti
- UNIFORM-SMART - warm, clean and tidy with hair just right
- MINDFUL - Pray; Practice 'Pause - Breathe - Smile'; encourage a Growth Mindset
- HEALTHY & WELL - Keep your child safely 'snuggled up' at home if they are unwell
Contact Us
Email: admin@stjoeslevin.school.nz
Website: https://www.stjoeslevin.school.nz/
Location: 48 Weraroa Rd, Levin 5510, New Zealand
Phone: 06 368 8017
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stjoeslevin.school.nz/