BRMS August Family Newsletter
August 14th, 2024

BRMS August Family Newsletter - August 14, 2024
A Word from the Principal Team
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Badger Ridge Families,
As summer winds down, and maybe too soon for some, we are filled with excitement to welcome our students back for another fantastic year of learning and growth. It has been a busy few months of planning and preparing our teachers and building to ensure everything is ready for the return of our students.
This year, the spirit of the Olympic Games inspires us! We are committed to excellence in every aspect of our school community and as such we are embracing the theme: "Going for Great - Every person, every resource, every minute in service of students!"
To help actualize this goal and our dedication to providing high-quality instruction, we are thrilled to introduce two new curricula that will support grade-level, standards-aligned teaching and learning in language arts and social studies. In addition, we have extended our instructional blocks, allowing for a focused skills time within the school day to ensure every student has the opportunity to advance in their learning journey.
We have also listened to our students' requests for more meaningful social-emotional learning (SEL) experiences. As a result, we have revised our advisory period to create an intentional and dedicated time for SEL, using the 7 Mindsets curricular resource to guide us. You can read more about this in the PBIS section below.
This issue of our monthly newsletter is filled with helpful information. So kick back and take it all in.
We can't wait to see our hallways filled with energy and enthusiasm as we all "Go for Great" this school year!
Here's to an incredible year ahead!
Badger Ridge Principal Team
Important Dates to Remember 📅
August 28th - Back to School Night (5pm - 7pm)
September 2nd - No School
September 3rd - First Day of School (6th grade ONLY)
September 4th - All Students Attend School (6th, 7th, and 8th grade)
September 11th - BRMS Picture Day
September 15th - First Day of Hispanic Heritage Month
September 30th - No School
School Announcements 🎉
Back to School Night Information
Back to School Night is August 28th from 5pm - 7pm. For families that do not require special accommodations, we kindly ask that you do not arrive to Back to School Night until 5pm. Our staff have a full day of professional learning before the night begins and will need adequate time to set up so that each family has a smooth and enjoyable experience. You can expect several activities to engage with at Back to School Night this year:
- Visit extracurricular and athletic tables
- Pick up and walk through student schedule
- Visit with administration, student services, and teaching staff
- Scavenger Hunt with prizes
Student Schedule Information
- Our school will operate on an A and B day schedule where Tuesdays and Thursdays are A Days and Wednesdays and Fridays are B Days. Mondays will rotate A and B days by week. You can view the A and B day schedule here. You may also find the general bell schedule here.
- Please review this communication that was sent out earlier this month about student schedule information. Again, schedules will be available for pick up at Back to School Night and they will not be available online prior to that. Student schedules will be available online for viewing starting at 5pm on August 28th.
Picture Day
Start and End Times
Badger Ridge will begin each school day Tuesday through Friday at 8:15 and end at 3:32. Late Start Mondays begin at 10:00 and end at 3:32.
Student Services Announcements 🤝
Welcome our New School Psychologist!
- Joel Porter is excited to join Badger Ridge as our new school psychologist. Joel is coming from West High School and formerly Toki Middle School in MMSD. He is originally from the Madison area and has family that lives in the Verona community. Joel loves to spend time outdoors with his wife Alex and daughter Freya. He graduated in 2011 with a Masters and Education Specialist Degree in School Psychology from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. He focuses on building strong relationships with students, staff and families and is thrilled to be coming back to the middle school level.
Familiar Face, New Role!
- We want to send a warm congratulations to Olivia Berch-Radloff for her new role as the PBIS Coach at Badger Ridge! While Ms. Berch is no longer the school psych, she will still serve in the capacity of deeply supporting our students in addition to developing systems that create a safe and inclusive environment for each and every student.
Attendance Information
Attendance Line: 608-845-4403
Attendance email brms-attendance@verona.k12.wi.us
Please provide a doctor's note when absences are due to an appointment (Dentist, Orthodontist, Doctor, Therapy etc.)
Parents/Guardians are allowed to excuse up to 10 full days per school year
New Student Orientation
- All seventh and eighth-grade students new to Badger Ridge are invited to attend a student welcome session from 8:15 – 10:30 a.m. on September 3, 2024. Students will meet their teachers, tour the building, meet other students, have a snack, and leave feeling prepared to handle their first day of school. If you have questions, please feel free to contact a school counselor; Amie Pittman (845-4431) or Elvis Ajong (845-4425). We look forward to seeing you. WELCOME TO BADGER RIDGE! If you have questions, please feel free to contact a school counselor; Amie Pittman (845-4431) or Elvis Ajong (845-4425). See this link here for additional information. We look forward to seeing you.
Case Managers for Students w/ IEPs
6th Grade Case Managers: Raina Atwell at atwellr@verona.k12.wi.us and Lorissa Murphy at murphyl@verona.k12.wi.us
7th Grade Case Manager: Chris Burton at burtonc@verona.k12.wi.us
8th Grade Case Managers: Rebecca Benson at bensonr@verona.k12.wi.us and Patti Diederich at diederip@verona.k12.wi.us
Families will receive an email to let them know who will be the Case Manager for their student. Case Managers for Students with IEPs will contact you in the upcoming days to connect with you and your student. Special Education Teachers/Case Managers are currently under summer hours, so if they do not contact you and have not responded to an email, please be patient. Staff is expected to be back for professional development starting on August 26th and then periodically until the school year starts (Sept. 3rd). If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact
Melissa Wegner, Program Support Teacher at wegnerm@verona.k12.wi.us.
Dr. Larry Love, Principal, at lovel@verona.k12.wi.us,
Bus and Transportation Information 🚌
You can find your student’s bus stop by visiting the Infofinder website and entering your home address.
If your child is utilizing specialized transportation per the IEP, you will be notified of their bus route via email. This email will be generated approximately at the same time that students riding the yellow bus will be notified of their routes.
For Badger Ridge students, the pick up and drop off area of parents in the morning and afternoon is the upper parking lot loop near the main entrance. A map to show this area is with the BLUE line below. Core Knowledge family drop off and pick up area is indicated in GREEN. There should be no drop off and pick up in the specialized transportation area for students who have special needs. There should also be no drop offs in the crosswalks for students in the morning. Please use the upper parking lot loop for picking up and dropping off students.
Please note that the drop off system after school implemented in the 2nd half of the year last year will be the drop off system we will use this year. Please familiarize/re-familiarize yourself about this system with this communication. Thank you!
To keep traffic flowing effectively and efficiently during the morning, it is okay to drop students off at the bottom of the line and allow students to walk up the hill to the main entrance. If you need more time for students to gather their belongings in the car, we kindly ask that you park in the parking lot before getting into the drop off line to avoid traffic jams. Please do not sit idle in the drop off line. Thank you for your cooperation with this to create a smoothly running drop off and pick up for our community.
Bus drop off and pick up will remain in the back of New Century and VAIS Elementary School, marked in yellow on the map.
Athletics 🏐
Hello BRMS Families, If your child is interested in participating in athletics here is the link to register. For fall we offer Boys/Girls Cross Country (6th, 7th, and 8th) and Girls Volleyball (7th and 8th only). Please make sure that all physicals are completed and uploaded. Physicals that are prior to April 1st 2023 are not valid, therefore student/ will not be allowed to participate in practices/games until a valid physical is uploaded..
If you have any questions about the registration process, please contact us.
Athletic Director Curtrel Robinson- Robinsoc@verona.k12.wi.us
Athletics Secretary Brenda Covarrubias- covarrub@verona.k12.wi.us.
***Due to bus shortage Students and Families are responsible for transportation to and from away games****
Extracurricular Activities 👥
Any questions about extracurricular activities, please contact Associate Principal Shayla Glass-Thompson at glassths@verona.k12.wi.us.
PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports)
7 Mindsets Curriculum
We are excited to announce we will be implementing a universal social-emotional curriculum at Badger Ridge. The curriculum, called 7 Mindsets, engages students in understanding and exploring different beliefs and attitudes contributing to self-awareness, self-efficacy, and perseverance. The mindsets students will engage with are connected to our school community values of kindness, effort, honesty, and leadership. Additionally, students can receive the information in both English and Spanish. For more information on the 7 Mindsets curriculum, visit their website at: https://7mindsets.com/7-mindsets/.
School Safety and Culture Updates 🦺
Our Badger Ridge community values a strong culture accounting for safety and security. As part of this emphasis, we are pleased to announce that we will begin using SmartPass - a digital hall pass system. SmartPass will replace traditional hall passes such as sign-out sheets, wooden blocks, passbooks, and lanyards.
The use of SmartPass will allow us to increase instructional time for staff and students by not needing to manage physical passes and papers. Support staff will also be able to check students out of class or schedule appointments for medical reasons, counseling, or other needs.
A key benefit of SmartPass is real-time insights on student movement based on approved passes, which is essential to student safety during emergencies. (SmartPass does not utilize or support GPS tracking; there is no ability to pinpoint a student location.)
AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination)
AVID, Advancement Via Individual Determination, is a schoolwide college and career readiness system that is designed to increase the number of students who enroll and succeed in higher education and in their lives beyond high school. AVID instructional practices are current research-based college and career readiness practices, and when implemented well, ensure schools meet AVID’s mission “to close the opportunity gap by preparing all students for college and career readiness and success in a global society.”
In the spring, BRMS went through the intensive yearly process of AVID Certification. This process allows us to reflect on how well we are implementing AVID, and we are so excited to share that we achieved AVID Schoolwide status which means we have “A strong AVID system that transforms the Instruction, Systems, Leadership, and Culture of a school, ensuring college and career readiness for all AVID Elective students and improved academic performance for all students based on increased opportunities.” We will continue to support your student(s) through AVID systems and strategies this year. Look for more information in future newsletters.
Tech News and Updates 💻
6th grade students will receive their chromebooks and passwords on September 3rd during their advisory class. 7th and 8th grade students will receive their chromebooks and passwords September 4th during their advisory class.
Student coursework can be found in Canvas, our learning management system.
Families can become observers of their students’ Canvas courses by following these directions.
If you have questions regarding Canvas or your student devices, please contact Sarah Urben (urbens@verona.k12.wi.us or 608-845-4413)
Hiring and Volunteering
Breakast, Lunch, and Meal Information 🍕
Breakfast is available daily 8:00-8:15 or 9:45-10:00 (late starts)
Lunch is provided daily. Here is access school menus.
For other updates related to meal costs, free and reduced lunch information, opening and adding money to your meal account, menus, and to apply for meal plans please visit the child nutrition site by clicking here or contact the child nutrition program at 608-653-1098 or child.nutrition@verona.k12.wi.us if you have any questions.
No Fast Food Delivery in Greeter's Station: Students may not order UberEats or DoorDash to deliver food to school. If a student forgets their cold lunch, please feel free to drop it off at the greeter station.
Parent Resource of the Month
Our school is participating in Wisconsin Harvest of the Month! Harvest of the Month is a statewide campaign that encourages students to eat more fruits and vegetables. Each month, our school will feature one Wisconsin-grown fruit or vegetable that is seasonally available. We will encourage students to taste, explore, and learn about the importance of eating fruits and vegetables in the classroom and cafeteria. Watch the school menu, for more information about the Harvest of the Month fruits and vegetables. We will feature fruits and veggies from the foods listed in the picture. Ask your child about Harvest of the Month foods and prepare these foods at home. Providing many opportunities for your child to try new foods is important for building healthy eating habits and adventurous eaters. We hope you join us in this opportunity to promote eating fruits and vegetables!