Orioles Newsletter
October, 2023

May Newsletter
As part of the Osseo Area Schools operational plan and strategic direction, the district's communication team is working together with schools to help create improved communications between the district and its families and community members. Our new e-newsletters are more accessible and translatable, and they can be shared more easily in a variety of formats. We hope you enjoy catching up with the latest Osseo Middle School news in this new format.
No Backpacks
To ensure the safest environment for our Osseo Middle School community on the last day of school, students may only bring a writing utensil and their yearbook to school. No backpacks will be allowed, and all bags with be checked as students enter the building. Thank you for your understanding and support.
End of School Year Information
Thursday, June 6th is the last day of school, and we are having our annual school-wide celebration that day. There will be a modified class schedule, and students will be released to the celebration by grade levels starting at 12:00 PM (after 6th period). There will be no advisory. Bagged lunches will be available through the cafeteria. There will be a variety of indoor and outdoor activities for students. Food trucks will be onsite, and the Oriole Bucks Shop will be open. Food trucks will be accepting cash and credit card payments. All other food and activity options that require payment will be cash or Oriole Bucks only (no credit cards).
Because students will be spread out during the celebration (both inside and outside the building), it will be difficult to locate students leaving early that day. If your student needs to leave early, please pick them up prior to 11:30 AM or have them report to the main office (if they’re leaving during the celebration).
Students will be released at 2:40PM, and families can pick up students in front of the building, as usual. Because the celebration is taking place in the back of the building, no vehicles will be allowed into the back parking lot except for busses and families picking up Special Education students.
The health office will contact families directly regarding medication pick-up.
We look forward to celebrating an amazing school year together and appreciate the continued support from our Osseo Middle School families.
Congratulations to our 8th grade students and best of luck in high school. We will miss you!
We wish all a safe summer filled with fun and memorable times with family and friends!
Congratulations to our Orioles of the Month!
March Orioles of the Month
April Orioles of the Month
Upcoming Events and Important Dates
Thursday, May 16: Choir Concert for Grades 6-8 at 7:00 PM at Osseo Senior High
Wednesday, May 22: Orchestra Concert at 7:00 PM at Osseo Senior High
Thursday, May 23: Grade Eight Dance from 5:00-6:30 PM
Monday, May 27: No School: Memorial Day
Thursday, June 6: Last Day of School for Students
phone: 763-391-8801