Weekly Update
August 28-September 1

Week of June 3
Upcoming Dates to Remember:
Come cheer on your fellow Raiders!!
Click here for the LHS SMAC Schedule
Click here to buy tickets for athletic events
Click here for LHS Fine Arts Performance Schedule
Congratulations, Class of 2024!
MP4 Recovery & Summer School
St. Mary’s County Public Schools is providing a summer school recovery program during the summer of 2024. The purpose of this program is to provide students the ability to recover high school course credit required for graduation. The grade earned will replace the F and count towards their overall GPA and extracurricular eligibility. Transcripts will always reflect prior course attempts and grades. Students may recover the entire course, or Marking Period 4 only, using Edgenuity. Please complete this form to sign up for the HS summer recovery program for your student.
MP4 Recovery: Edgenuity Marking Period 4 recovery provides an opportunity for students to recover their 4th marking period grade that is self-paced and asynchronous. Students must complete the designated Edgenuity recovery course with a minimum relative grade of 60% to receive a replacement grade of 60% for the failed quarter.
Full Course Recovery: Edgenuity full course recovery provides the opportunity for students to recover a course credit that is self-paced and asynchronous. Students work through modules and complete assignments online. Students can earn a full grade recovery. Please note that it is a full course (MP1-4)
Start and Finish Dates: Students may enroll in MP4 quarter recovery (or full course recovery) starting on Monday, June 10, 2024. Students must finish by Friday, July 26 at 4PM. They will not be permitted to continue working on MP4 quarter recovery after July 26.
If you have questions about which courses you should be recovering, please contact your grade level administrator or your guidance counselor.
9th Grade: Ms. Bridges (kjbridges@smcps.org)
10th Grade: Mrs. Morris (smmorris@smcps.org)
11th Grade: Mrs. Kiehlmeier (klkiehlmeier@smcps.org)
12th Grade: Mr. Readyhough (ecreadyhough@smcps.org)
Counselors (by student last name):
A-Da: Mrs. Hensel (jahensel@smcps.org)
De-Ha/GIS: Mr. Wolcott (rrwolcott@smcps.org)
He-Mc: Mrs. Neitz (lkneitz@smcps.org)
Me-Se: Mrs. Guidry (lcguidry@smcps.org)
Sh-Z: Mr. Sawyer (wnsawyer@smcps.org)
Health 2 for Original Credit
Asynchronous 80/20 Course Enrollment
Format: 80% of class time is asynchronous using MSDE’s Canvas platform and 20% of
class time is synchronous via Google Meet
Credit: 0.5
Cost: $125
No refunds will be given if the student exits the course after the session has started.
Who: 11th & 12th graders only; Seniors have priority upon registration.
Dates & Location:
Fall Semester (August 26, 2024 - January 17, 2025)
Spring Semester (January 27, 2025 - June 6, 2025)
Google Meet class times are selected in the registration form:
Mondays 7:30 pm - 8:15 pm;
Mondays 8:30 pm - 9:15 pm;
Tuesdays 8:00 pm - 8:45 pm; or
Wednesdays 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm.
Health II: (Students must have passed Health I) Students will use the introductory instruction from Health Education I to expand on the development of skills, attitudes, and behaviors that will enable them to make decisions that promote healthful behaviors. Students engage in inquiry and problem-solving approaches utilizing a developmentally appropriate progression of content related to health education concepts.
Course Prerequisites:
11th or 12th graders who have passed Health I.
Orientation information will be sent to the student's SMCPS email address at least one week before the start of the course.
Students must be aware that this course requires about 30 hours asynchronously and must be completed during the semester registered. No Extensions.
Registration will open for both the Fall and Spring sessions on April 24, 2024, at 1:00 PM.
Registration Link - Will become live on April 24, 2024 at 1:00 PM
You will receive an email that your registration form has been submitted, once you register. Your registration is not confirmed until you receive an additional email with information on paying for the class and stating your registration is confirmed.
If you have any additional questions about this course, please contact
Dr. Wendy Zimmerman at wlzimmerman@smcps.org.
AP Summer Enrichment Assignments
"Are you taking an Honors, PreAP or AP class in the upcoming school year? If so, make sure you check the school website for your class' summer enrichment assignments. These activities will help you get a jump start on your course, reducing the stress of starting a new challenging class in the Fall. Contact your current or future teachers for more information or if you have any questions."
We appreciate our hardworking Raiders who can balance school and work responsibilities. We know that sometimes employers of our students can make it challenging for our students because of the work schedules they are assigned. We don't want your work schedule to get in the way of you attending and being a successful student. If you or your parents are concerned, please review youth employment laws at the Maryland Department of Labor (https://labor.maryland.gov/labor/wages/empm.shtml).
Nursing Update
2024-2025 Emergency Action Plans are ready!
Please let us know if you want your copy to take to summer appointments. Please check your e-mails from the school or contact the nurse if you haven't received one that you are expecting.
June 7, 20204 - LAST DAY to pick up student medications/supplies
Please watch you e-mail for reminders. All orders must be renewed each school year.
School nurse contacts:
Nurse Collins: drcollins@smcps.org
Nurse Cromwell: recromwell@smcps.org
Student Parking For The 24-25 School Year
Applications for school year 24-25 student parking will be emailed to students during the first week of July. Students should be prepared to upload a photo of their Maryland provisional driver’s license, auto insurance information and vehicle registration. They will also need to list the vehicle make, model, color, year and license plate number.
Students must be a current junior or senior with a minimum 2.0 weighted GPA from the second semester of SY 23-24 in order to apply.
Applicants may not have a history of excessive unlawful absenteeism or discipline referrals from the 23-34 school year. Administration will determine whether a student’s attendance or discipline record will prevent their parking application from being considered.
Students must resolve all outstanding debt, including current parking tickets, in order to apply. Questions about debt should be directed to Ms. Mushrush.
The cost of the parking permit is $60.00.
During the months of August and September 2024, permits will be offered to seniors who meet all criteria. Permits will be offered on a first come, first served basis. Beginning on October 1, 2024, permits will be offered to qualified juniors and seniors on a first come, first served basis. Students who receive a permit must attend a mandatory informational meeting. There will be several meeting dates/times available.
LHS administration is investigating the possibility of offering additional student parking areas. If you are a senior who has requested an early release schedule for next year, please fill out this SURVEY. That data will be used to determine whether additional parking is feasible.
Dual Enrollment, SAT, AP, and PSAT information for school year 2024-2025
As required by the Blueprint for Maryland, beginning next school year (2024-2025), blueprint funding will support costs for those students who are designated as College and Career Ready (CCR) or are economically disadvantaged (e.g., students receiving Free or Reduced Meals [FARMs]). This includes costs incurred for college courses taken on campus or online, Advanced Placement (AP) tests, or Career and Technical Education (CTE) certifications.
The newly adopted CCR Standard is determined at the end of the 10th-grade year. The following opportunities are included as part of the Blueprint under the College and Career Readiness pillar. Therefore, SMCPS supports student participation in pathways based on their CCR designation, with the following stipulations and supports:
Dual Enrollment:
SMCPS will pay for up to 4 approved Dual courses per year for any 11th and 12th graders who meet the CCR criteria or for any FARMS student.
SMCPS will not pay for any repeat courses, summer courses, or winter Dual courses regardless of status.
Dual courses on the College of Southern Maryland (CSM) campus are weighted. Those dual courses in our school houses follow the directive for those courses in the Program of Studies (POS).
AP and Industry Certifications:
SMCPS will pay for AP exams and CTE certifications for those 11th and 12th graders who meet the CCR criteria or for any FARMS student enrolled in the corresponding AP/CTE courses that school year and taking the exams for the first time.
Students must sign up for the exams prior to the exams in the registration windows that will be established.
All 10th graders will take the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT). All PSAT exams are paid for by SMCPS.
The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) will only be given to those students who sign up for the exam prior to the exam in the registration window that will be established. Those students who sign up will have their SAT exam paid for by SMCPS.
If you have any questions, please contact your school counselor.
With the end of the year fast approaching, it is a good time to look around for your books, technology and other resources.
What happens if I lose my charger? Do I have to return my workbook (consumable)? How can I pay for a lost textbook? This below link will give you all the answers, but feel free to also email Mrs. Hager bahager@smcps.org with any specific questions.
Here is an overview to help.
Driver's Ed Interest Survey
Working with our community partners at the College of Southern Maryland, St. Mary's County Public Schools is gathering information about student interest, availability, and affordability of Driver's Education programs in St. Mary's County. Please take a moment to provide your input and response to help our partners plan for programming. Please complete this brief survey regarding Driver’s Education.
LHS Football Parent Meeting---June 6th-5:30-6:30 in the Auditorium
Leonardtown Football will hold a parent meeting for all families that intend to tryout for Football in the Fall. The meeting will be held in the auditorium from 5:30-6:30pm on Thursday June 6th.
School Year 2024-2025
Anyone wishing to compete for a place on a team is expected to be at all tryouts.
First Day of Fall Sports Tryouts - August 14, 2024
First Day of Winter Sports Tryouts - November 15, 2024
First Day of Spring Sports Tryouts - March 1, 2025
All interested athletes are expected to be present from day one and have all required documentation fully completed if they wish to compete for a place on the team. For online registration go to www.familyid.com and use "Find a program" to select your high school. Failure to submit all required electronic data entry/forms/cards by the deadline set by the high school will necessitate the exclusion of the student.
Preparticipation Physical Evaluation
Sports physicals are valid for 12 months. It is recommended you attain your sports physical during the months of June or July annually.
History Form - To be filled out prior to examination by the patient or parent/guardian and provided to the Physician.
Physical Examination Form - To be completed by the Physician and kept in their office in the patient’s medical file.
Medical Eligibility Form - This is the ONLY form that should be submitted to the school.
Corollary Sports Program
The Corollary Sports program is offered as an alternative program to the mainstream high school athletics program, with team rosters composed of both students with or without disabilities. For more information please visit the Corollary Sports Page.
Fall Season - Cycling
Winter Season - Bowling
Spring Season - Bocce
Assistance and Contacts
Please contact your child’s school or the appropriate individual on this list if you have questions or concerns.
At LHS, we are RAIDER S.T.R.O.N.G! Do you know what that means? Each letter stands for a special word that describes our school-wide expectations. Ask your student about it! These letters are the foundation of our Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) and Tier 1 supports. As we wrap up this school year, we are excited to share that our discipline data shows positive changes, and we are using our MTSS with high fidelity throughout the school building. This is something to celebrate! We look forward to continuing the growth of MTSS in our school community!
Parents/Guardians can earn your students STRONG bucks!
MTSS stands for Multi-tiered Systems of Support which promotes school improvement through engaging, research based academic and behavioral strategies/practices. LHS is a Tier I and II school. We are focused on positive behavior and community engagement. Our acronym to teach and exhibit positive behaviors is STRONG.
Please fill out the parent survey below help us improve MTSS at LHS. Make sure to include your child's name and ID # so they can receive STRONG Bucks.
Yearbook Updates!
The 2024 yearbooks have arrived and will be distributed on Wednesday, June 5 in the aux gym. Seniors or someone they designate may pick up the yearbooks in the aux gym starting at 10:30. Seniors, if someone else is picking up your yearbook, please either give them the receipt that was on your chair at graduation practice or email yearbook adviser Heather Page at hmpage@smcps.org. Students in grades 9-11 will pick up yearbooks during lunch.
Class of 2025, it is time for senior portraits!
Legacy Studios will be here over the summer for senior portraits in the auditorium.
June 17 & 18
July 22, 23, & 24
Seniors MUST sign up for an appointment by clicking HERE. Information about different portrait sessions available can be found on the Legacy site. Please note that Legacy does provide the tux, drape, and cap and gown for portraits. Seniors, if you wish to be included in the senior section of the yearbook, you must have your picture taken by Legacy in a tux or drape with a blue background and no props. Portraits that do not meet this requirement will not be included in the senior section of the yearbook.
If you have any questions regarding portraits or sittings, please contact Legacy at 716-512-6336 or customercare@legacystudios.com or yearbook adviser Heather Page at hmpage@smcps.org.
Please note that appointments for future sessions will not open up until the appointments for the current session are booked OR until after the session takes place. For example, July dates will not open until June dates are booked or until after the June portrait sessions have taken place.
We are aware that prices are high for senior portraits, but Legacy’s prices are comparable to other companies in the area that can handle the size of our school. Please consider the cost of portraits when considering which senior portrait sitting to book. Legacy’s price list is linked here.
Counseling Corner
Counselors are continuing to work on scheduling. Please do not worry if your student missed their initial meeting. Counselors will be sending passes and meeting with students throughout April.
Seniors please be diligent, check your grades and make sure all of your work is turned in . We are in the home stretch to graduation.
Dual Enrollment Courses will now be offered in our building next year. If you plan to take any dual enrollment in the LHS building please complete a course request change form along with teacher signature. All other courses that were previously offered for Dual Enrollment will continue to be offered.
If you would like a parent teacher conference with one teacher please contact the teacher directly through email to arrange. If you require all teachers for a conference please contact your students counselor.
Attention parents: Want to view your students course requests for the upcoming year please follow the directions below.
Accessing Course Requests from Home Access Center
1. Once on the STUDENTS & FAMILIES tab of the St. Mary’s County Public
Schools website, click the Home Access Center (HAC) link listed under
2. Click on the blue Home Access Center button OR scroll down to click “Sign In”
under the HAC Login block.
3. You may also download the HAC Mobile App - “eSchool PLUS Family”. The
HAC Manual and Mobile App User Guide link is on the right-hand side of the
page if you need assistance with either of those methods. The directions in this
document are for the web-based version only.
4. Enter your account User Name and Password.
5. If you have not logged in recently and cannot remember your User Name or
Password, click the “Forgot My User Name or Password” link.
6. When you click the link, an email including a link to reset your password will be
sent to the email address you provided to the school district. You will be
prompted to answer your challenge questions when you click the link in the
email. If you need further assistance, please contact your student’s school.
7. Once logged on to Home Access Center, click the Classes icon.
8. Click the Schedule tab to view the course year’s schedule and next year’s course
Make sure to know your counselor!
Hensel: A-Da - jahensel@smcps.org
Wolcott: De-Ha & GIS - rrwolcott@smcps.org
Neitz: He-Mc - lkneitz@smcps.org
Guidry: Me-Se- lcguidry@smcps.org
Sawyer: Sh-Z -- wnsawyer@smcps.org
Students should go to their scheduled classes each period, each day they are at school. If a student is not feeling well, they should report to the nurse’s office. If a student needs to see their school counselor or administrator, they should request a pass from their teacher and go directly to the office.
Evening Counseling
Evening Counseling: SMCPS is once again offering School-Based Counseling Support in the evening for SMCPS students. Counseling support focuses on the following areas: Healthy Relationships, Social Skills, Self-Esteem, Stress Management, Worry, Sadness, and Emotional Regulation. Services will be located at Margaret Brent Middle School and Greenview Knolls Elementary School on Tuesday evenings from 4-7:30 p.m. Please complete the Parent Contact Form for Evening Counseling to request services.
Attention Freshmen Mentors!
Freshman Mentors! It’s already time to start planning for next year! Do you think you have what it takes to inspire, encourage and propel our newest Raiders next year? Fill out this application for a chance to make a difference as a freshman mentor for the 2024-2025 school year.
Click Here to Apply! Applications are Due June 1st!
Career Center Updates
New Scholarship Added to Naviance
Donald and Margie Watson Referee Scholarship, Deadline June 1, 2024
To view all scholarships, login to Naviance via Clever. Click Colleges >> Scholarship Search.
Requesting Final Transcripts
Please make sure to request your final transcript for the school you will be attending in Naviance. Transcripts will be sent in June. Counselors will send them once the county has updated your transcripts to show your graduation date. Instructions are listed in the senior packet.
Changing your email in Naviance
Make sure to update your Naviance account with a personal email so you will still have access to Naviance once you graduate. Steps are provided in your Senior packet.
CSM Transcripts
Seniors, once you complete your classes at CSM, make sure to request your CSM transcript to be sent to the college you are attending to receive those college credits. Please make sure your grade is showing in your myCSMD account under "unofficial transcript" before ordering your transcript. There is a fee of $5 per transcript request. Information LinkLiteracy Corner
Summer is a great time for a good book! Check out the St. Mary’s Library’s resources for reading recommendations: https://www.stmalib.org/teens/teens-at-the-library/recommended-reading-for-teens/
To prepare for next school year, I'd love to hear your thoughts about your student’s literacy skills and ways LHS could support them. Please complete this survey: https://forms.gle/ra7ozc1AapMBmVr79
What’s up in Wellness?
Healthy St. Mary's Partnership (HSMP) has some important updates including a community garden opening and Pathways Stronger Parenting is hosting a "Parenting Cafe" and a Community Mental Health 5k. Please see this pdf for the updates.
Summer Sports Academies
Summer Sports Academies: SMCPS and SMC R&P have partnered to offer the new Summer Sports Academies. Campers will be instructed by area high school coaches. Camps are held Monday -Thursday. Click below for more information. Registration begins March 1st. Don't miss this opportunity.
No Food/Drink Deliveries
Due to safety concerns and the demands on the main office, we do not accept food deliveries of any kind. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Athletic Reminders
The 2023-2024 Spring Athletic Season is underway and we just want to remind everyone of the SMAC athletic policies in place.
- All tickets are on-line through GoFan . NO Cash sales. Free admission for children 8 and under.
- NO outside food or drinks allowed including water bottles.
- NO bags or purses allowed. Only small handheld purses allowed.
- Our concessions will accept cash and cards during most events.
- Lastly, be mindful of comments as fans of the game and spectators to the student athletes.
Need help finding out where to go for lunch? Click the button above to see open classrooms and club offerings for each day of the week.
Click here for the one-lunch information presentation that was present to all 9th graders last week. You can find club information and much for!
Use this document to plan where you will go for lunch each day!
Reminder for Parents/Guardians - Student Drop Off
Parents who are dropping students off at school in the morning should use the parking lot lane closest to the building. Please do not park in in a space and wait to drop your student off. Unfortunately, parking is very limited for both students and staff. Utilizing extra parking spaces for this purpose can create an issue where there is nowhere for staff or student drivers to park. Additionally, please do not drive down the middle parking lot lane in order to drop a student at school. We appreciate your help!
Reminder: Students, make sure your laptop is charged each day!
Students, please make sure your laptop is charged each day. Bring your charger to school in case your battery runs out.
Need to purchase a laptop charger?
You can do one of two things:
- Go the the Media Center in your School. They can assess you a fine so that you can pay using My School Bucks.
- Go directly to the DELL store. You can purchase directly from their website and have it shipped to your home.
Ensure one of these links are being used:
www.dell.com/mpp/smcps (click Shop Recommended Solutions to get to the discounted power cords)
www.dell.com/mpp/smcps-chargers (leads directly to the purchasing portal)
More helpful links for technology can be found at the bottom of the newsletter!
Need Raider Gear?
Spirit items are available on MySchoolBucks. Please make sure that your student is added into your profile and click on the School Store link. You will want to Browse all Items.
Items can be purchased and then picked up in the School Bank or during Open House. Items will also be available for purchase, in person, during open house.
Check out www.MySchoolBucks.com Go to "My School Store" and hit "Browse".
Learn how to create a MySchoolBucks account: click here.
Helpful Links!
Bus Information
Bus passes should only be requested when students have a change in physical address or when there is an emergency situation and a student needs to ride a different bus or get off at a different stop. Bus passes will not be granted for students simply wanting to go visit with a friend.
Need to obtain a bus pass?
Visit this site to submit a request electronically, or parents can write a note or send an email to Ms. Revis at btrevis@smcps.org. All relevant information must be included in the written request.
Bus Information includes: Student name, address, parent phone number, existing bus stop to be used, bus #, date, medical concerns, destination address, destination phone # and reason for the pass.
SMCPS Mental Health Website
Teen Mental Health & Wellness
Parent/Guardian Mental Health & Wellnesses
SMCPS Help Desk Ticket
LHS Tech Help
SMCPS Resources & Accountability
Leonardtown High School
Website: https://schools.smcps.org/lhs/
Location: 23995 Point Lookout Rd, Leonardtown, MD 20650, USA
Phone: 301-475-0200
Twitter: @LHS_SMCPS