Millry High School
Back to School Newsletter
Welcome Back!
A Message from Your Principal
Hello there. For those new parents and students that may not know me, I’m Curtis Kirkland, Principal at Millry High School. I would like to welcome all of our students back for this upcoming school year. This has certainly been a long time coming. Students, we have missed you, and we are super excited to see you up here again. I would like to take a moment and tell you what your school day is going to look like. Click the video below or read through the information in this newsletter. Don't hesitate to contact the school if you have any questions or concerns.
Transportation / Carpool
Carpool will be one way. You will enter at the new gym, and exit on Wildcat Drive. All carpool riders in grades 7-12 will be dropped off in front of the new gym. If you have a child that is in Pre-k-6th grade, you will drop off at our K-2 building as usual. Any carpool rider in grades 3-12 that would like to eat breakfast here at the school will have to be at the cafeteria no later than 7:25. Breakfast will be picked up in the cafeteria and taken back to the classroom. All students in pre-k-2nd grade will have their breakfasts delivered to their classrooms. The first bell will ring and 7:32 and the tardy bell to start school will ring at 7:35 this year. We are starting just a few minutes earlier than last year to give our students time to eat their breakfasts in the classroom, and our teachers a little extra time to get our morning paperwork finished.
Our buses will unload between 7:15 and 7:20 in the mornings. All bus riders in grades 3-12 will circle through the cafeteria before going to their classrooms. Pre-K through 2nd grade will report directly to their classrooms.
Check-Ins /Dismissal
- Our check in and check out procedures have changed a little. If a student comes in late, they will go straight to their classroom instead of the office. Their classroom teacher will check the students in as they arrive on campus. The front door of the school will be locked for safety purposes. If you need to check a students out, you will need to call the office upon your arrival and someone in the office will assist you.
- Elementary Carpool Students will be taken to carpool where they will wait in socially distanced sections.
- Be sure to click the link below for free and reduced lunch application, as well as the PAYPAMS portal to pay for student lunches.
- Students will not be allowed to receive food brought in from outside the school.
- For sanitary reasons, students will not be allowed to heat food using school microwaves
- Break will be on a staggered schedule for all students. Students in 7-12 will order their snacks in HR using a Google Form.
Coke Products
Bottled Water
Beef Sticks
Dress Code
- Everyone’s shirts must still completely cover you. No chest, stomach or sides showing
- Shorts must be past the extended fingers when your hands are held by your side.
- Shoes must have to have a closed toes and heal.
Click here for the full amended dress code policy. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UujhL4knq6hJiL5ZGxpZdlk51vaOJROYoQJbU4nPaEE/edit?usp=sharing
** Students ARE allowed to bring backpacks this year since 7-12 will not be using lockers initially.
- $10 7-12 Lockers (To be used soon!)
- $20 - Parking Pass for any student who drives on campus - need proof on insurance and valid Driver's License.
Covid-19 Protocol
Millry High School
Email: curtis.kirkland@wcbek12.org
Website: https://sites.google.com/wcbek12.org/millryhighschool/home?authuser=1
Location: 1 Wildcat Drive, Millry, Al 36558
Phone: 251-8462987
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/223939414291977