Charger Chatter
Week of 10/13/24: Clear Springs High School
Good evening, Charger Families,
My name is Valerie Strickland and I am the alpha counselor for students with last names beginning with Dd-Hj. This week we are embarking on the second nine weeks of school. It is our hope your student has had a successful first nine weeks and has found a way to become connected and involved on campus. If your student needs support, please reach out to your student’s counselor.
There are some important deadlines and activities happening this week! More in-depth information can be found throughout the Charger Chatter regarding the below mentioned items.
- Unity Day - Wednesday, October 16
- CCISD College & Career Fair - Wednesday, October 16
- PSAT - Wednesday, October 16
- Course Level Change requests due by Thursday, October 17 at 3 pm
- The Dangers of Vaping presented by The Alliance - Friday, October 18
As a reminder, there is no school tomorrow, Monday, October 14.
Have a great week!
Valerie Strickland
CSHS Students truly make a positive impact in our community
CSHS students had the opportunity to meet with League City Council to discuss important topics impacting youth and our community. You can view some of it here.
Fall Semester Exam Schedule
3rd period Attendance is mandatory for the Final Exam week to maintain exemption status.
· No exam will be administered early. See your assistant principal if you have any questions or concerns.
· Buses will run @ 2:35 PM on December 17th – 19th.
· Students who choose to remain on campus for study review sessions in the afternoon MUST report to a classroom and remain there for the entire period. Students MAY NOT ROAM HALLWAYS.
· Students MAY NOT leave campus for any reason and come back for a tutorial session or to ride the bus home.
· Lunch served on December 17th – 19th. No lunch served on December 20th.
· Early Release – December 20th – buses will run at 11:30 AM.
· Fall Semester Exam Exemptions – please see page 29 of the CCISD Grading Guidelines for details.
Parking Lot Update
CSHS will begin utilizing the yellow parking lot gates in order to help regulate the flow of traffic on our campus throughout the school day.
Starting at 7:30am each morning, access to the parking lot will be limited to certain gates. Staff and Students who utilize the Lightning Lot will be able to access the parking lot by following the road between CSHS and Creekside Intermediate.
Please review the attachment on this message for detailed information regarding how this adjustment could impact you.
Please send all questions and concerns to cshsparking@ccisd.net
Lunch & Learn during Lightning Lunch
Important Dates
October 11-14: Fall Break
October 16: PSAT Day; Unity Day
October 16: CCISD College & Career Fair, 6-8PM @ Clear Falls HS
October 23: CIIC Meeting; Club Food Fair during LL
October 25: Football Teacher Appreciation Night; PINK OUT Game
October 28: Red Ribbon Week; 50th Day of School
What’s Next for our Seniors & Parents?
As we approach the holiday season, we have some fantastic opportunities to raise funds for Project Grad, Earn Points, and spread some cheer! Here’s how you can get involved:
Upcoming Fundraising Events
1. Buttermilk Sky Pies – October 21 through November 3
· In-Store: Location - Inside Baybrook Mall
· Details: Anyone who mentions Project Grad will have 20% of their sales donated to CSHS Project Grad 25!
· ONLINE: Online ordering – use promo code CSHSGrad
· Details: CSHS will receive 20% of all sales online when using this code.
· Great News: you can preorder Thanksgiving and Christmas pies NOW! Use the promo code and set a date to pick up or have it delivered in November or December and we still earn 20%. (This is our favorite part)
2. Butter Braid Frozen Pastry Dough – October 21 through November 4
· ONLINE: Online ordering – https://store.myfundraisingplace.com/RegisterSeller/0cde577e-db11-4b4a-8e4e-9e57e8043ffe
· Details: CSHS will receive 40% of all sales!
· Delivery: Delivery of items will be the week of November 17th! Just in time for the Thanksgiving Holidays!
Class of 2026
Putting it all Together: Making the Most of Your Senior Year
During Senior Conferences, Counselors are presenting, Putting it all Together: Making the Most of Your Senior Year. This presentation guides students through the Naviance and college application process. It's loaded with great information for Seniors. You are encouraged to watch it, as many times as you want!
Class of 2027
Class of 2028
Course Level Changes - 9 Week Grading Period
The 1st nine-week grading period ends on October 10th. Course level changes will be considered at the end of the first nine-week grading period of the semester for each course that offers a different level of the same course. To be considered for a transfer from an Honors or AP course, the student must have made a sincere effort to succeed by attending tutorials, completing his/her work, and by conferencing with his/her teacher. The parent must conference with the teacher before a course level change will be considered. If these conditions are met and the student is earning less than a grade of 75 at the end of the first nine-week grading period, that student will be considered for a change. Space availability in the receiving course will be a consideration for a course level change.
Any student in an Honors or AP course wishing to be considered for a level down can access the level change request form HERE, from the Counseling Corner in Canvas, from student's alpha-counselor, or from the Counseling Center (Room 1007).
Forms can be submitted to the Counseling Center or emailed to bcorrao@ccisd.net. They are due by 3PM on Thursday, October 17th for consideration.
CCISD College & Career Fair
To offer an opportunity for students and families learn more about different career paths and college options, CCISD hosts the College & Career Fair. This annual, in-person event attracts state and national college admission representatives, armed forces representatives as well as a variety of local businesses. It's an excellent way to ask questions, discuss your personal journey, and find the best fit for your future.
October 16, 2024
6:00 PM-8:00PM
Clear Falls High School
October 15 - Shane Deel
October 20 - Adam Douglas
CSHS List of Clubs
If a student is wanting to start a new club, he/she can pick up club forms in the 1100/1200 from Ms. Huerta, the pod secretary. The link provided shows all active clubs on campus and its sponsor. More information about meeting times is forthcoming with lightning lunch scheduling being finalized.
Mental Health & Wellness Presentations
The Alliance will be offering presentations for our students on topics of vaping, stress management, and mental health. The presentations will be in October, November, and December during Lightning Lunch in the Library. Students can sign up for the presentations through RTI Scheduler.
Presentations include:
Helping Your Student Use Lightning Lunch Productively
During Lightning Lunch each student gets 30 minutes of lunch and 30 minutes of tutorials. In order for everyone to have a safe and meaningful lunch time it is imperative that all students sign up for at minimum 3 sessions per week using the RTI scheduler app. The only exception is seniors who have 6 and 7th period off.
You can help your student make good choices by ensuring they have registered for the tutorials. While there are not many grades yet, they will be coming in very soon and it is always good to be prepared. Clubs will also be starting soon!
Please sit with your Charger and have him/her show you where he/she is going. See the steps below:
1. Log on to the student SSO portal.
2. Click the RTI Scheduler app (shown in the upper right)
3. Navigate to the week of August 19th on calendar view.
4. You should see 3 sessions selected, if you do not there will be a blue "choose a session" button to click. A list of your students available teachers will populate.
--> See the picture below for an example of what it will look like. In this example a student has one tutorial selected (Silent reading study hall) and can select another 4 using the blue "Choose a Session" button.
Extra tips:
- Have your charger check skyward grades to make the best choices for tutorials.
- Check the Lightning Lunch section in the CSHS website for tutorial schedules and lots of helpful information.
PTSA Information
The PTSA would love to have parents join! You can join at www.joinpta.org
Sports Schedules
Water Polo
Cross Country
AP Exam Sales/Registration
AP Exam sales will be October 15-31, 2024. Students, please sure you have entered the join code for your respective AP courses so that we can order an exam for you if you purchase one. If you have not entered your join code yet, please ask your AP teacher for the join code. Join codes are class and period specific so please be sure you are getting the correct code from your teacher.
Clear Springs Assessment
Important Testing Information & Dates
Senior only SAT – October 10th, 2024 - Registration CLOSED!
Sophomore/Junior PSAT – October 16th, 2024
- All 10th & 11th graders are registered automatically.
ASVAB Interest Survey - Click HERE
2024 STAAR EOC Make-ups/Retest – December 2nd through 6th
STAAR 2024 EOC Dates:
· English I – April 10th
· English II – April 15th
· Biology – April 17th
· US History – April 22nd
· Algebra I – April 24th
Dual Credit & SAT/PSAT Dates
The PSAT will be given to ALL Sophomores & Juniors on October 16, 2024. Testing begins at 7:20AM.
If you are a Dual Credit student and are taking either the SAT or the PSAT, you will report to CSHS on your respective testing day by 7:20AM. Late testing sessions will not be available if you arrive after 7:20AM.
College of the Mainland has been made aware of these testing dates and times. Please be sure to notify your professor before the exam as a reminder.
Helpful Links
- Clear Creek ISD Student Handbook The student handbook encompasses all schools and any information you may need. Be sure to use the table of contents to navigate efficiently.
- Clear Creek ISD Dress Code This link takes you straight to the dress code.
- Clear Creek ISD Bus Information At this link you can find your bus number and pick up time, as well as other transportation information.
- Clear Creek ISD Technology This link has all the information you will need about student devices and purchasing insurance. Families are highly encouraged to purchase the $20 insurance coverage to protect against accidental damage, theft, fire, electrical or other damages.
- Clear Creek ISD Student Code of Conduct The student code of conduct outlines the expectations of CCISD students and contains the information for contacting the Office of Parent Assistance.
- Clear Creek ISD Volunteer and Mentor Are you looking for a way to make an impact in CCISD? Visit this link for more information on volunteering and mentoring at CCISD.
CSHS School Profile - The School Profile provides information about our campus, including our grading scale, GPA point scale, and performance data.
CSHS Guidance & Counseling Comprehensive Counseling Program Disclosure - This link takes you to an overview of our campus comprehensive school counseling program.
Clear Springs High School
Website: https://clearsprings.ccisd.net/
Location: 501 Palomino Lane, League City, TX, USA
Phone: 281-284-1300
Twitter: @ClearSpringsHS
Who's my Counselor?
Our counselors for the 2024-2025 school year are:
- Vanessa Ward (A-Dc) vdiggs@ccisd.net
- Valerie Strickland (Dd-Hj) vstrickland@ccisd.net
- Amanda Schmidt (Hk-Mk) aschmidt@ccisd.net
- Kristi Gann (Ml-Sc) krgann@ccisd.net
- Ashley De Luna (Sd-Z) ADCorbett@ccisd.net
- Casey DeGroot (Student Support Counselor) cdegroot@ccisd.net
- Heather Valadez (Student Support Counselor) hvaladez@ccisd.net
- Denise Cottenoir (Lead Counselor) dcottenoir@ccisd.net
Click HERE for an overview of our campus comprehensive school counseling program.
We look forward to seeing you on campus and assisting you with your counseling needs!
Upcoming Events
We want our community to have a strong presence at all CSHS events. Below are some upcoming games, performances, and events that you can take advantage of to show support for the Chargers. BOLT UP!
- Sept. 4: Tennis vs. Brazoswood, 4:00pm @ CSHS
- Sept. 5-7: Volleyball CCISD Tournament
- Sept. 6: Water Polo vs Clear Falls, 5:30pm @ CSHS
- Sept. 6: Football vs Heights, 7:00pm @ CCISD Veterans
People. Purpose. Promise.
Clear Creek ISD is dedicated to focusing on the people that make this district great and their purpose to achieve, contribute, and lead with integrity. Visit this link to explore more about Clear Creek's promise to the community.