IHS Shark News
July 28, 2024
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!
Dear New and Returning Islands High School Families,
I want to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year! It is an honor and privilege to serve the IHS community as principal. I'm excited to work collaboratively with the incredible faculty and staff of Islands High School to create an educational environment that is focused on academic achievement and overall student success while we partner with parents/guardians, business, and community stakeholders.
Student engagement will be important to having a successful school year. Therefore, beginning with the first weeks of school, please make sure you review the SCCPSS Code of Conduct, IHS Student Handbook, and the various course syllabi with your child. Please review and reinforce the uniform policy, cell phone policy, behavior expectations, safety procedures and the academic expectations that will further enhance the educational experience for your child.
First Day of School
Thursday, August 1, 2024
Campus Open: 7:05 am
Bell Time: 7:25 am-2:30 pm
Note: August 1st and August 2nd will be "C"Day bell schedule.
Regular Weekly Bell Schedule will begin the week of August 5th
Thank you for your partnership.
Dr. Jimmie Cave
Upcoming Events
July 30th-Open House 4:00 pm-6:15 pm
August 1st-First Day of School
Open House Information
Open House is scheduled for Tuesday, July 30, 2024. Islands High School families will be able to meet teachers, visit classrooms, and get information about athletics and PTSA prior to the beginning of the school year.
To assist with managing large crowds and to support families who may have children at another school on the islands, there are specific times for open house based on the student's last name.
Please honor these timeframes. Doing so will allow everyone to have a wonderful experience.
First time 9th graders and 10th-12th grade students new to IHS will enter the building via the auditorium. There will be a brief orientation in the auditorium for first time 9th graders and students new to IHS beginning at: 4:05 pm (P-Z), 4:50 pm (A-G), and 5:35 pm (H-O). Families will be able to visit classrooms and meet teachers after their brief orientation session.
Returning students who attended IHS last school year will enter the building via the outside doors located between the auditorium and the gym. Families will visit classrooms and meet teachers.
There will be no building access via the front entrance of the school
Student Schedules
Student schedules will be available via PowerSchool Parent Access in the coming days. Since most of our returning students have already had the opportunity to visit with a counselor and/or advisor regarding their SY24-25 schedules, we ask that if your child does have a schedule change request, concern, or question that you complete the online schedule change request/concern form. IHS Schedule Change Request Form
However, please note, submission of schedule change requests does not guarantee approval. Additionally, schedule changes will not be entertained for any reason other than the following: 1) the student needs a particular class this year to meet graduation requirements or 2) the student has already taken and passed a class that is on their schedule. Schedule changes/requests will not occur during Open House.
Important announcement for students not returning to Islands High School for SY24-25
if your student will not be attending Islands HS this year, please contact Mrs. Tisinger in the counseling office via email at julie.tisinger@sccpss.com with the name and location of the school your student will be attending.
Thank you
Bell Schedule for Week of 7/28/2024
Important Read: Dress Code
All students are required to adhere to dress code expectations every day. As a reminder, students are not to wear leggings as uniform pant bottoms. Slippers, crocs, and slides are not allowed at anytime. Shorts and skirts cannot be shorter than three inches above the knee. Hats, caps, and hoods are not to be worn on the head while in the building. Bookbags must be clear or mesh.
Tops must be solid white, teal, or black. Tops may be polo-style shirts, collared blouses or turtlenecks.
Bottoms must be solid black or khaki shorts, skirts, skorts, jumpers, capri pants or pants/slacks
Last First Day of School Senior Walk
We are excited to welcome seniors to campus for their Last First Day of School Senior Walk on the morning of Thursday, August 1st. Parents of seniors will be allowed to celebrate their child’s last first day of school with the traditional IHS senior walk onto campus. Parents will be permitted to park on the front lawn and line the walkway leading to campus as they cheer and celebrate our students. Students will line up for the senior walk beginning at 7:05AM and the event will begin at 7:10AM.
Parking Permits-160 spaces available
Seniors and Juniors: parking permit applications are now available in the front office. Note: all spaces will be reserved and you must already have your drivers license.
Please see days and times below for application pick up beginning the week of July 22, 2024
Seniors: Monday and Tuesday- 8 am-2:30 pm
Juniors: Wednesday and Thursday- 8 am-2:30 pm
Seniors or Juniors: Friday- 9 am-2 pm
Every parent/guardian should monitor his/her child's grades at least once a week. Parents can have direct access to each teacher's gradebook. Grades will begin posting after the 10th day of school and will be updated at least once per week. Student report cards will be viewable online at the end of each quarter via Power School Parent Access.
If you had access last year at any SCCPSS school, your login information and access code remain the same. If you have never had access before, please use this link for accessing the Request for a PowerSchool Parent Access account: https://www.sccpss.com/district/data-and-accountability/sis
Students should have access so they may monitor their own grades as well.
IHS School Counseling Department
Mrs. Vesna Avramovski-Lead Counselor: serving students with last names (P-Z)
Mrs. Lauren Shuman-School Counselor: serving students with last names (H-O)
Ms. Taylor Higginbotham-School Counselor: serving students with last names (A-G)
Mrs. Tisinger-Counselor Clerk
To visit our page, either click on the “IHS Counseling Page” school resource on the bottom of the IHS homepage or use the following link: IHS School Counseling Department Webpage
We hope you had a relaxing and re-energizing summer!
1. All dual enrollment students are required to attend school for the first two days. This included full-time dual enrollment students.
2. Full-time dual enrollment students (at least four courses at the chosen college) will attend the
advisement only. Your advisement will be with Ms. Farmer, in room 110.
3. If you have only dual enrollment and work-based learning classes, you will also be placed in
Advisement 6 with Ms. Farmer, but you will have to stay in school the whole day or until Ms. Gross
clears you to leave. She needs to check if your work-based learning paperwork is completed.
4. Part-time dual enrollment students will attend their regular advisement and classes they are
scheduled in. Please keep in mind that schedules have not been adjusted yet. We will use the first two days to meet with you and change your schedules based on the classes you take at college.
5. All dual enrollment students are responsible for staying connected with their counselor and
advisor. Students also need to read all school communication, including parent/student newsletters, to stay up to date with senior-related stuff.
Sports Physicals
Second Volleyball Tryouts
Second Volleyball Tryouts will be on Monday, Aug 5, from 245-430. Anyone trying out must have a current physical. Please contact Coach Decker at Jessica.decker@sccpss.com with any questions.
Check out our IHS Facebook Page for the latest on IHS Athletics
Join Islands High School PTSA
Visit us online at
School website http://islands.sccpss.com.
Follow us on Facebook: Islands High School Sharks
Principal at Islands High School Savannah, GA