HHS Round Robin
Wednesday, February 5, 2025

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Wednesday, February 12 ~ District 1/2 Day
(HHS Dismissal at 10:30am)
Monday, February 17 ~ Friday, February 21 ~
February Vacation (No School)
Wednesday, March 12 ~ Full Day Professional Development (No School)
Thursday, March 20 ~ HHS Parent/Teacher Spring Conferences
(window to book appoints will open on Thursday, March 13)
Our Counseling Team is hard at work preparing students for selecting courses for the 2025-26 school year. Class meetings are happening during ARC, which will be followed by individual meetings with School Counselors in the very near future. The team is also heading over to Quinn Middle School to give information to our rising 8th graders. Below, you will find copies of next year's Program of Studies. Students should have already connected with their classroom teachers to discuss recommendations for next year's course of study.
Our Counseling team also has a number of career oriented field trips coming up. Please look at the list provided in this newsletter, which includes a trip to Reliant Medical, the Annual Career Expo hosted by the Marlborough Chamber of Commerce, and an opportunity to apply for the Junior Rangers Program (a paid internship program sponsored by our partners at MetroWest Mass Hire). Please reach out to Career Counselor Kerry Bartlett for more information.
Finally, with a winter storm on the horizon, I want to note that IF school is cancelled, Friday will be a Day 5 schedule and Monday will be a Day 7.
The School Committee approved the 2025-2026 Program of Studies on January 21, 2025. Please see the links below.
Thank you to all the students who entered their work in our January 2025 contest with The Scribbler. We look forward to publishing all the entries in our spring 2025 print edition. Please join us in congratulating this month’s winners.
Poetry (a 3-way tie!):
“Old Me and the Older Me” by Brooklyn Harding, 9th grade
“Looking Back, Looking Forward” by Charlie Felice, 9th grade
“Firestorm” by Julian Ehlke, 11th grade
“The Lone Ronin” by Jackson Deveney, 11th grade
Visual Art:
“Reflection” by Lyla Carlton, 9th grade
February Contest
Send us your poems, stories, personal essays, visual art, photos, your creative responses to our theme Break Our Hearts!
All entries should be emailed to Ms. Hobbs at chobbs@student.hudson.k12.ma.us and include the category you are entering, your full name and pronouns, and your current grade level.
Send your work by Friday, February 28, 2025.
See our posters throughout the school, or stop by Ms. Hobbs’s room, F104, for further information.
(Reminder: this is the last of the monthly contests for the school year as we are getting ready for our Big Yearly Contest.)
Thank you to ALL who supported Home & School with your recent order from our Little Caesars Pizza fundraiser. Your pizza kits should be arriving at your home soon! Enjoy the big game!
Reminder that the first row of the parking lot is reserved for mobility impaired pick up and drop off. Even though the temperatures are dropping, that row of traffic needs to be left open for students and/or staff needing to access the handicap accessible parking spaces in that row.
Reliant Medical Field Trip- March 4th
Considering a future career in the health profession? Want to know the inside workings of a medical clinic? Sign up to attend a field trip to the Reliant Medical office in Shrewsbury on Tuesday, March 4th. Students will learn about four different departments of Reliant Medical, increase awareness on training and advancement opportunities, and take a tour of the facility. This opportunity is open to all grades, but has a capacity of 20 students. If interested, please complete the interest form and return a completed permission slip form to Ms. Bartlett in the counseling office by Monday, February 24th. A reminder that HHS has a maximum of twenty (20) available seats for this event. Requests to attend this event will be treated on a first come, first served basis.
2025 Greater Marlborough Career Expo- March 6th
Junior and senior families - In partnership with the Marlborough Regional Chamber of Commerce, Hudson High School will join several other area high schools in attending the third annual Career Expo.
This event will provide students with access to prospective employers and internship sites from industries that are seeking young and talented individuals to join the workforce. Representatives from the following industries will be in attendance:
· Life Sciences
· Manufacturing
· Healthcare
· Technology
· Municipality/Government
· Hospitality
· Finance
The Career Expo field trip will take place on Thursday, March 6th, from 8:30am - 12:30pm at the Solomon Pond Mall in Marlborough. Students must travel on an HHS-provided bus to attend this event. The bus will depart at 8:15am. This trip has no cost. Lunch will be provided but students can of course bring their own lunch if they wish.
HHS has been allocated a maximum of forty (40) seats at this event. This opportunity is considered a must for any student who plans to live in the area after graduation.
Please access and fill out the interest form in order to register and return a completed signed permission slip to Ms. Bartlett by Friday, February 14th. A reminder that HHS has a maximum of forty (40) available seats for this event. Requests to attend this event will be treated on a first come, first served basis.
Professional Development Program/Junior Rangers
The Junior Rangers Program is for 14-15 year old students that are looking to gain/practice skills that are used in the workforce. This is a 6 - 8 week program where students will work on a community-based project together using the skills they have learned to work as a collaborative team. This program starts the week of February Break on that Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (February 18,19, and 20) . After that week all meetings will be on Tuesdays after school at 2:30-4:30pm in Hudson or Marlborough the location has not been confirmed. Use the QR code in the attached flyer to apply or see Ms. Sierra in the counseling office by Tuesday, February 11th.
HHS Athletic Schedules
Come support the student-athletes of Hawk Nation. Schedules are available on the link below.
Message from Superintendent Dr. Reagan regarding inclement weather:
With winter upon us, I want to remind families how weather-related cancellations and delays are communicated. When possible, I will notify families and staff about a cancellation or delay the night before the weather event, but I may need to make a decision in the early hours of the morning depending on the forecast. If the decision is made in the morning, communication will be sent between 5:30am and 6:00am. Regardless of the timing of the communication, notification will come to families through a recorded phone message and text message. We will also publish cancellations and delays on our website (www.hudson.k12.ma.us) and through local television stations.
A Hud-TV student-produced news show featuring HHS highlights.
Important Note Regarding: Health Office Dismissals (being dismissed from the Nurses’ Office)
There have been a large number of students that present to the Health Office telling the nurses that a parent/guardian is on the way to pick them up. The Health Office will no longer be excusing student’s dismissals if the student has not been evaluated by one of the nurses. *In order to be dismissed from the Health Office, a student must be evaluated by one of the nurses. If a student communicates with a parent/guardian for dismissal, this dismissal should be done through the Main Office. Please call the Health Office directly if you have any questions.