Shadowlawn Scoop
January 2025
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Note From the Principal
We hope all of our families had a wonderful holiday season and were able to spend some quality family time with your children when they were home on winter break. We have officially started our third quarter of the school year, it's hard to believe it is already half way over!
Report cards will be coming home on January 23rd. Please review this with your child and reach out to your child's teacher with any questions.
Please mark your calendar for the evening of February 4th and plan to stop by Shadowlawn with your child for our annual Student Led Conferences. Please keep an eye out for more information coming home in Thursday folders in the coming weeks.
Amber Eliason
Important Dates
January 10: End of Quarter 2
January 13: Teacher Plan Day - No School for Students
January 14-16: Mid-Year State Assessments for Reading K-5
January 17: 1st Grade Field Trip to Naples Zoo
January 20: School Closed for MLK Jr. Day - No School for Students
January 21-23: Mid-Year State Assessments for Math K-5
January 23: Report Cards Go Home
January 23 & 24: 4th Grade Field Trip to FGCU
January 30: Student of the Month Celebration
January 31: 2nd Grade Field Trip to FGCU
February 3-7: National School Counseling Week - Thank you Mr. C!
February 4: Student Led Conference Night - 5:00-6:30
February 10: Early Release Day - Dismissal at 12:05
February 11: SAC Meeting 7:40 AM (date change)
February 11: SLE PTO Chick-fil-a Night 5-9PM
February 14: Field Day
February 17: School Closed for President's Day - No School for Students
February 21: Spring Picture Day
Click HERE to access the CCPS academic calendar.
Student Led Conferences
Please mark your calendars for the evening of Tuesday February 4th for our annual Student Led Conferences. Drop in with your child anytime between 5:00 and 6:30 to visit your child's classroom. Students will be prepared to share their mid-year progress, goals, and work they are proud of with their parents.
Read-A-Thon - Thank You!
Many thanks to all of our students and families who participated in our annual Read-A-Thon! We well surpassed last year's fundraising efforts and raised over $6,000 for our school! Teachers are already making plans for fun lessons, activities, and events that will be funded by the Read-a-Thon.
Students and classes that raised the most money celebrated this week with a Pizza Party!
Character Trait of the Month: Self-Control
Our character trait for the month of January is self-control. We define self-control as being in control of your thoughts, emotions, and actions. At Shadowlawn, we are continually encouraging this invaluable trait in our students, and we will be awarding students displaying it during our January 31st Student of the Month celebration!
Communication Corner
Suggestions for Parents: Speech and Language Development
January Activity Calendar
Activity calendar for the month of December. These are short speech and language exercises to do with your child every day!
ELL Department: ACCESS for ELLs Assessment Parent Letters
If your child is considered an English Language Learner, please see the letter below with information about the upcoming ACCESS for ELLs test.
Around the School
Kindergarten has been buzzing with excitement and creativity! Our students showed their creativity by making scarecrows as part of our fall activities, and they had a blast participating in the ABC Fashion Show during our Read-a-Thon. We also took our first field trip to the Golisano Children’s Museum, where the kids explored, learned, and made amazing memories together.
1st Grade
First grade has been having fun practicing subtraction using part-part-whole and sight words using hands-up, pair-up to holiday music.
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
Third graders have been working hard at mastering their multiplication tables. They are learning different strategies on how to multiply. Once they complete all their multiplication tables they earn an ice cream cone.
4th Grade
Ms. Ames Scientists conducting an experiment! By putting chalk in a jar, they were able to experience weathering and erosion happening in front of their very eyes!!
5th Grade
Fifth-grade math students are practicing dividing decimals through task cards designed to challenge and enhance their skills. They are moving around the room, solving problems, and seeking support when needed. This active approach helps them build confidence in their mathematical abilities.
Contact Us
2161 Shadowlawn Drive
Naples, FL 34112
Office: 239-377-8400
School Board Policies 2266, 3362, and 5517 – Prohibits discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex (including sexual orientation and/or gender identity), disability, or age in the provision of educational opportunities or employment opportunities and benefits. The District School Board does not discriminate on the basis of sex or disability in the education programs and activities that it operates, pursuant to the requirements of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.
For additional information or to report Title IX or any other discrimination/harassment concerns, contact Ms. Valerie Wenrich, Chief Human Resources Officer/ Title IX Coordinator, at (239) 377-0351, or at 5775 Osceola Trail, Naples, Florida 34109.