Week of 11/3/24

Message from Principal and Assistant Principal
Dear Keystone Families and Staff,
We had a fantastic and fun last week of October! The month ended with a fantastic costume parade and a wonderful performance by our district's very own Drummers with Attitude!
On October 31st, the students from Truman's DWA program performed at two assemblies for our learners. One for our K-2 students and another performance for our 3rd-5th grade students. In addition some of our staff members, as well as awesome students were selected from the audience to perform with DWA.
A huge shoutout to Armstrong's teacher Mr. Marlow for helping us create our very own Keystone News Network YouTube page, where we were able to live stream both of our parades. This is the very first time Keystone was able to live stream an event for our families. We hope to bring additional opportunities in the future to live stream events and upload videos from school-wide events. Please make sure to subscribe to the channel.
Many thanks to the two awesome Armstrong News Network students who came to Keystone on October 31st to assist with the costume parade by running the live stream and for taking photos through the parades and DWA assemblies. A shout out to Mr. Pierce for keeping the music going during the parade!
In honor of daylight savings time, students are permitted to wear their pajamas to school on Monday, November 4th. We kindly ask for a dollar donation to be made to our SWPBIS program, to help support school-wide positive initiatives.
This Tuesday, there will not be school for students, due to Election Day and there will be an early dismissal on Friday, November 8th (1:15pm dismissal).
School fundraiser will take place at Texas Road House on Tuesday, November 5th.
November 15th is picture retake day. Please see further down in the newsletter for some information from Barksdale. We have not been given a date yet, as to when we expect photos to arrive...but...if you have access to your parent portal account, you should be able to see your child's photo from picture day on there.
Have a fantastic start to your November!
Mrs. Smith-Herman & Mr. Wilicki
Assistant Principal & Principal
Important Dates
Every Tuesday
Smencils will be sold.
Every Friday
Wear Keystone Paw Shirt
⏰Daylight Savings Time⏰
November 3rd
Pajama Day
Monday, November 4th
Please consider donating a dollar to support SWPBIS.
Professional Development Day- No School for Students
Election Day
Tuesday, November 5th
🥩Texas Road House Fundraising Night for SWPBIS🥗
November 5th from 4:00-10:00pm
Title 1/ESL Family Engagement Event
November 7th
Professional Development Day- Early Dismissal- 1:15pm
Friday, November 8th
No School- Veterans Day
Monday, November 11th
📷Picture Retakes📸
November 15th
Early Dismissal- 1:15pm
November 27th
🦃No School- Thanksgiving/Fall Break🦃
November 28th & 29th
Looking Ahead
🎵Winter Chorus and Band Concert🎵
December 11th at 7 pm
1st Trimester Conferences- 1:15pm Dismissal
December 12th-18th
Evening conferences- Thursday, December 12th
Title 1 Family Engagement Night
March 6th
(More information to come later in the year)
2nd Trimester Conferences- 1:15pm Dismissal
March 24-28th
Evening Conferences- Monday, March 24th
Autism Awareness Schoolwide Assembly
April 1st
PSSA Testing Window (3rd, 4th, 5th Grade)
April 21-25 ELA
April 28-May 2- Math, Science, Make-ups
5th Grade Spirit Day
Wednesday, May 14th, with a rain date of Thursday, May 15th.
🎵Spring Chorus and Band Concert 🎵
May 14th at 7 pm
November 2024
District Calendar- 2024-2025
Spirit Wear Order
Multilingual Signs
Pumpkin Decorating Contest Winners- Congratulations!
Title 1/ELL Family Engagement Night
Keystone News Network
Please consider joining the Keystone News Network for awesome videos of school wide events!
Texas Road House Fundraising Night for SWPBIS- November 5th
Drummers with Attitude
5th Grade - Breast Cancer Awareness
Keystone Breast Cancer Drone Video- 5th Grade
Staff Costumes
Costume Parade
Kindergarten- Rausch
Ms. Gulick's Class
Students in Ms. Gulick's class enjoyed fun fall activities this week! They enjoyed painting and decorating pumpkins, sampling pumpkin purée, and counting pumpkin seeds!
Picture Retakes- November 15th
From Barksdale
What to Expect on Picture Day
Here is an overall review of what to expect;
- Any student wishing to have a retake should bring their original picture package to exchange for the retake image.
- When an order is placed online, the parent/guardian will receive a camera pass via email. This can either be printed or texted to the student and brought to picture day. The photographer will photograph the printed camera pass along with the student.
- If a student is not able to print their camera pass, that is not a problem. We will match up the student to their order manually in the production process.
- A parent may order from the flyer up until 24 hours after picture day. After 24 hours, the online ordering access may close. This will allow our imaging team to "Pull" all orders submitted and match them with the students photographed.
- 5. When pictures are returned to school, all students that purchased pictures will receive their prepaid package. Any student that was photographed but did not order a package, will receive a "Proof" (PX) of their picture that was taken on picture day.
Access School Picture Day Flyer and Web Banner
Access the site by clicking here: www.pictureportal.org or copy and paste this into your Chrome browser. Be sure to bookmark this for easy use in the future. Google Chrome is the required browser to run this site, when logging in if you do not have Chrome you can safely download it from the link on the login page.
Then click on Photo Events on the left menu. Find the event for your upcoming picture day (school pictures, class groups, etc.). Click the View (first icon) to download the Flyer or to resend the email for your web banner link.
If you do not have your login information, on the login screen you can click Forgot Password to have your password reset and emailed to you.
Feel free to contact our data department by emailing schoollist@barksdalephoto.com or your Sales Representative with any questions that you may have about picture day.
Pink Out Day
Screenagers Postponed
Due to low enrollment, screenagers is postponed.
Please save the dates of January 23, 2024 and February 4 (as a snow date).
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Calendar
Character Strong- Success Skills Program
This month we are talking about Responsibility. One way to define Responsibility is “taking action and understanding the impact of our choices.” Taking action can mean doing the right thing or completing the tasks you have been assigned. Understanding the impact of our choices means that our actions matter. Positive and responsible actions can help people and irresponsible actions can hurt others. Responsibility is 1 of 3 traits we will focus on throughout the year that helps students Be Strong. Throughout the school, students will be developing skills like focusing, organizing, and goal-setting.
We have all demonstrated Responsibility in our lives. Many of us have seen people practice Responsibility in ways that have inspired us. Stories are powerful tools for connecting as a family. Protect time this week to share stories about Responsibility with each other. At the end of the conversation, think of 1 way you can practice Responsibility this week.
Review Responsibility as a family! Responsibility is taking action and understanding how our choices affect others. Choose 1 household chore (or more!) that requires multiple steps. Then have each member of the family select 1 step to complete to help get the job done! Maybe it is washing the dishes, doing laundry, cleaning the living room, or unloading the groceries - whatever it is, see who can be the quickest or most effective at their task!
As a family, think of ways in which you might make someone’s life a little easier by helping a neighbor or family friend with 1 of their Responsibilities. Could you bring the garbage to the chute or out to the curb? Could you carry things in from the grocery store? Could you invite someone over for a meal or a show?
Have some fun connecting as a family this month while practicing Responsibility.
Understanding the MTSS Process: Supporting Our Students Together
As we continue our journey through this academic year, we wanted to take a moment to share some valuable information about our Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) process. This approach is at the heart of our commitment to ensuring that every child in our community has the support they need to thrive. The MTSS process is designed to use a preponderance of data to assess and understand each student’s unique strengths and areas for growth. Here’s how it works and how it benefits your child:
1. **Comprehensive Data Collection**: We gather information from various sources, including assessments, classroom performance, and observations. This helps us get a complete picture of your child's academic progress and behavior.
2. **Informed Decision-Making**: Our dedicated team of educators analyzes this data to identify trends and patterns. By understanding where each student excels and where they may need additional support, we can make informed decisions that cater to their specific needs.
3. **Tailored Support and Enrichment**: Whether your child requires extra help in certain subjects or is ready for more advanced challenges, the MTSS process allows us to implement targeted interventions and enrichment opportunities. Our goal is to ensure that every student is engaged and making progress.
4. **Ongoing Monitoring and Adjustment**: We believe in the importance of continuous assessment. We regularly check in on each student’s progress and adjust our strategies as needed, ensuring that we are always meeting their evolving needs.
We are excited about the positive impact this process has on our students and are committed to partnering with you in this journey. Your involvement is crucial, and we encourage you to reach out with any questions or concerns regarding your child's educational experience.
Thank you for being an integral part of our Bristol Township community. Together, we can create a nurturing environment where every child can flourish!
Title 1 Family Engagement Policy- 2024-2025
Parent Right to Know Information
October Educational Videos
National Family Literacy Month
Fall 5 Senses
Turkey Paper Plate Craft
Success Skills Tip of the Week
Success Skills Story
Meal Account Information- School Cafe
All enrolled students of Bristol Township School District are eligible to receive a nutritious breakfast and lunch each school day at NO CHARGE to your household. A La Carte items will still be available to purchase.
Keystone Family Spotlight
Keystone Families,
We invite you to have a chance to be featured in our weekly newsletters, yearbook, and possibly on our school and district's social media pages! We would love to showcase your family or child(ren) participating in any outside-of-school events or activities.
Please submit a photo along with a brief summary that captures the essence of the event or activity. Whether it's a memorable vacation, a thrilling sporting event, or a cherished hobby, we want to celebrate these moments with our school community.
Please make sure to include your child(ren)'s names and grade level.
Please send all submissions to KeystoneNewsletter@bristoltwpsd.org for a chance to be selected for our Keystone Family Spotlight!
Attendance Policy
- Reminder, when your child is absent a written excuse note is required.
- For the first 10 absences the note may be from the parent.
- It can be in an email to the school secretary who handles attendance, at heather.saeger@bristoltwpsd.org
- If your child misses more than 10 days of school, then we only accept a medical note.
- Please email or send in the note within 10 days of their return to school, this is a PA State Law.
Outside Food Snack Policy
Outside Food Snack Policy- Per the district's Wellness Policy, " No outside foods may be brought in by students for classroom parties. Shared snacks are not permitted in District schools." If you would like to send something in to celebrate their child's birthday or a classroom party, you may send in non food items such as stickers, pencils, play dough etc.
Dismissal Changes Communication
In order to maintain the safety of all our learners, we are asking that families alert teachers, in writing, (written note) for any transportation/dismissal plan changes prior to 9:00am each morning.
We do understand that emergencies may arise throughout the day that requires a change to a child's dismissal plan for that particular day. For those situations, please make sure you are alerting the office staff as soon as possible, so they can communicate the change to the teachers as soon as possible.
We thank you for your support in helping us ensure the safety and wellbeing of each of our learners.
Bullying Policies and Procedures
Bullying Prevention
Bristol Township School District is committed to providing a physically safe and emotionally secure environment for all students and staff. Local school policies assist school personnel in identifying bullying, intimidation, and harassment, and provide a framework for an appropriate response that reinforces positive conduct. The district defines positive behaviors as those which evoke non-violence, cooperation, teamwork, understanding, and acceptance toward all students and staff in the learning and teaching environment. It takes a community to prevent bullying of children--stopping bullying behavior needs a team of school people, students, and families. Together we can intervene to stop bullying behaviors.
In September 2023, Bristol Township School Board of Directors approved three new elementary Anti-Bullying/School Climate Specialists. These staff members focus on putting practices and approaches in place that prevent bullying and build positive relationships for the district’s youngest students.
The main role of the Anti-Bullying/School Culture Specialists is to lead the investigation of incidents of harassment, intimidation, and bullying in each school; and to act as the primary school staff member responsible for preventing, identifying, and addressing incidents of harassment, intimidation, and bullying in the school.
They are also responsible for coordinating and strengthening the school’s policies to prevent, identify, and address harassment, intimidation, and bullying of students, and help establish a positive school culture.
Reporting Procedures
Anyone who is the victim of or has witnessed bullying please submit the incident form to the Anti-Bullying/School Climate Specialist, Steve Pierce, (steve.pierce@bristoltwpsd.org ) and building administration. Students can also report bullying to guidance counselors, teachers, or any other adult in the building.
To access the bullying form please click on the attached form below.
Kid Time- Before and After School Child Care
Title 1
Title 1 Teachers at Keystone
Mrs. Stacy Cooke
Mrs. Aimee Ramos
What is Title I?
Title I is a project funded by the federal government under the Every Child Succeeds Act. The purpose of this Act is to provide all children with fair and equitable opportunity to succeed and close achievement gaps. Money is allocated by the federal government and distributed by the Pennsylvania Department of Education to the Bristol Township School. District.
Title I funding is based on a complex formula. These funds are allocated to the states who in turn allocate a portion of that money to the individual school districts within each state. The school district’s share is based on the economic need within a school area, that is, by the number of low income families living there. In our district the number of free and reduced lunch students is used to determine the economic need of a particular school.
For more information please visit; https://www.bristoltwpsd.org/administration/state_and_federal_programs_/title_i .
School Counselors and Social Worker
Social Worker
Mrs. Jody Como
Mrs. Tammy Surdo
Grades- K, 2, 4
Mr. Brian Gianfrancesco
Grades- 1, 3, 5
Anti-Bullying/Climate Specialist
Health Office
Michele Gentilcore
Certified School Nurse 267-599-2473 or 2490
Jessica Williamson
Staff Nurse 267-599-2496
Nurses' fax number is 215-788-1516.
Office Staff
940 Tulip Ave.
Croydon, Pennsylvania 19021
School phone: 267-599-2470
School fax: 215-788-1041
School Principal: Mr. Mark Wilicki
Email: mark.wilicki@bristoltwpsd.org
Principal's Secretary: Mrs. Marianne Mensinger
Email: marianne.mensinger@bristoltwpsd.org
Assistant Principal: Mrs. Crystal Smith-Herman
Email: crystal.smith-herman@bristoltwpsd.org
Assistant Principal's Secretary: Heather Saeger
Email: heather.saeger@bristoltwpsd.org
Special Education Supervisor: Jessica Kelch
Additional Information Links
For additional information please click on the buttons below.
October Breakfast Menu
October Lunch Menu
November Breakfast Menu
November Lunch Menu
Daylight Savings Time- Sunday, November 3rd
This year, daylight saving time ends Sunday, Nov. 3, with clocks rolling back one hour at 2 a.m. In honor of daylight savings time.