All Souls Catholic School
Newsletter - November 2nd, 2017
For all our departed brothers and sisters
Merciful Father,
hear our prayer
and console us.
As we renew
our faith in Your Son,
whom You raised from the dead,
strengthen our hope
that all our departed brothers and sisters
will share in His resurrection,
who lives and reigns
with You and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen
Dear Parents/Guardians,
This week we have celebrated All Saints Day and All Souls Day. In our Catholic tradition we celebrate by attending Mass. I wish to thank Mr. Nicolas and Mr. Ceja for preparing the students. As usual they were well prepared and read so well. The student participation at Mass has improved significantly with the student responses.
We have our School Family Mass this Sunday at 9am which has been prepared by our third graders. We hope to see you there.
Santa Rosa Fire Appeal
Thanks to everyone for supporting the Santa Rosa Fire Appeal. Our school community raised $900 for the victims of those fires. We will be distributing the money to the Santa Rosa Diocese to support families who lost everything.
Parent Teacher Conferences
By now all parents should have signed up through SchoolSpeak for their Parent Teacher Conferences. Please be on time and adhere to the minutes associated with the conference. The conference is a great time to learn about how your child is working at school in all areas of school life.
Riordian Quiz Bowl
On Saturday we have 12 students from the 7th and 8th grade participating in the Riordan Quiz Bowl. I wish to thank Mrs. Gatmen for her preparation of the students for this event. The event will be held at St. Gabriel School form 9.30am to 2pm on Saturday.
Veteran's Day - Holiday
On Friday, November 10th the school will be closed In observance of the Veteran's Day holiday on Saturday.
Principal's Awards Ceremony
The Principal's Awards Ceremony will be held on Monday, November 13th at 9am in the Church. All are welcome. Awardees and their families are invited to a morning tea in the cafeteria following the ceremony.
Athletic Board Spaghetti Feed
I would encourage everyone to sign up for the Athletic Board's Spaghetti Feed on Friday, November 17th in the Cafeteria. Please see the attached flyer. All proceeds go towards the Athletic Program.
God Bless,
Vincent Riener
Ms. J's Journal
November 2 - the Commemoration of All of the Faithful Departed
Today, on All Souls Day, we remember those who have died – family members and friends who have touched our hearts and lives as well as people around the world who we will never meet – particularly those who have died in the last year. We pray for victims of war, hunger, and disease. We pray for victims of tragedies – both natural and man-made. We pray that through God’s mercy they will rest in peace.
I hope that you have established a tradition of prayer with your children, whether it is around the dining table, at the bedside, or elsewhere. When a family prays together not only is each individual’s relationship with God strengthened but so too are the relationships between family members. Prayer is the heartbeat of a truly Christian family, and children need to see faith in action at home not just at school or at church.
So, on All Souls Day and everyday, let us not forget to pray. Let us remember our family and friends who have gone before us. Let us thank God for his grace in our lives. Let us pray for strength and healing for when needed. Let us pray for peace and harmony in the world.
Blessings to you and your family as your remember your dearly departed. May their souls rest in peace.
All the best,
Miss J
5 - School Family Mass - 9am
6 - Early Dismissal - 2:30pm - Faculty Meeting
7-8-9 - 12:20pm Dismissal - Parent-Teacher Conferences
8 - Athletic Board Meeting - 6:30pm
10 - Veteran's Day Observance - Holiday
11 - Veteran's Day
13 - Principal's Awards Ceremony - 9am
17 - Athletic Board Spaghetti Feed
20 - Staff Dev. Mtg. - 12:20 Dismissal - Athl. Board Hot Dog Sale
22 - 12:20 Dismissal - No Extended Care after school
22 - Thanksgiving Prayer Service - 11:30am (Full School Uniform)
22 - School Raffle begins
23-24 - Thanksgiving Holiday
28 - School Board Mtg. - 6:30pm - Annex Meeting Room
2 - Baseball/Volleyball Awards Night - Church Hall - 6:30pm
3 - School Family Mass & Rite of Enrollment for Communion - 9am
4 - Early Dismissal - 2:30pm - Faculty Meeting
8 - Feast of the Immaculate Conception - 9am Mass (Full School Uniform)
13 - Athletic Board Meeting - 6:30pm
13 - Christmas Program - 7:00pm - Church - Grades K - 8
15 - 12:20pm Dismissal - No Extended Care after school
12/18 - 1/1 - Christmas Vacation
25 - Christmas Day
Athletic Board
Six grade Outdoor Ed fundraiser!
All souls women's club
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Contact us
Location: 479 Miller Ave, South San Francisco, CA, United States
Phone: (650) 583 3562